List of Journals

It's always advisable to publish in reputable research journals. Unfortunately, there are numerous predatory journals that deceive researchers and demand hefty fees. Therefore, it's crucial to choose a legitimate journal. This website aims to offer a comprehensive list of academic journals. Researchers can select research journals based on subject category, publisher, country of publication, etc.

This website recommends only legitimate journals. The journals listed on our website are indexed in:

Subject Categories

Country Wise Journals

  • United States
  • China
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • France
  • India
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Spain
  • South Korea
  • Brazil
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Poland
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Iran
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • List of Journals

    RankJournal TitlePublisherSJR
    1Ca-A Cancer Journal for CliniciansWiley-Blackwell86.091
    2Quarterly Journal of EconomicsOxford University Press36.73
    3Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyNature Publishing Group34.201
    4CellCell Press26.494
    5New England Journal of MedicineMassachussetts Medical Society26.015
    6Nature MedicineNature Publishing Group24.687
    7MMWR Recommendations and ReportsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)23.962
    8Nature BiotechnologyNature Publishing Group22.781
    9Nature Reviews MaterialsNature Publishing Group21.927
    10American Economic ReviewAmerican Economic Association21.833
    11Nature Reviews CancerNature Publishing Group20.977
    12NatureNature Publishing Group20.957
    13Journal of Political EconomyUniversity of Chicago20.643
    14Reviews of Modern PhysicsAmerican Physical Society20.343
    15Nature EnergySpringer Nature19.588
    16Nature Reviews GeneticsNature Publishing Group19.454
    17Nature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNature Publishing Group19.423
    18Chemical ReviewsAmerican Chemical Society18.911
    19Nature Reviews ImmunologyNature Publishing Group18.141
    20Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportDepartment of Health and Human Services16.786
    21Nature GeneticsNature Publishing Group16.732
    22Administrative Science QuarterlyJohnson School at Cornell University16.555
    23National Vital Statistics ReportsPublic Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services16.495
    24Academy of Management AnnalsAcademy of Management15.633
    25Journal of FinanceWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15.515
    26Annual Review of ImmunologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15.262
    27MMWR Surveillance SummariesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)15.178
    28Chemical Society ReviewsRoyal Society of Chemistry15.109
    29Nature Reviews Clinical OncologyNature Publishing Group14.809
    30ImmunityCell Press14.795
    31Lancet, TheElsevier Ltd.14.607
    32Annual Review of Astronomy and AstrophysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.14.486
    33Review of Economic StudiesOxford University Press14.432
    34Nature MethodsNature Publishing Group14.358
    35World PsychiatryWiley-Blackwell14.306
    36IEEE Communications Surveys and TutorialsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.14.248
    37Nature MaterialsNature Publishing Group13.874
    38Foundations and Trends in Machine LearningNow Publishers Inc13.775
    39Physiological ReviewsAmerican Physiological Society13.693
    40MMWR supplementsEpidemiology Program Office13.467
    41ScienceAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science13.328
    42Nature CatalysisNature Publishing Group13.187
    43Nature NanotechnologyNature Publishing Group13.141
    44EconometricaWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd12.979
    45Journal of Economic LiteratureAmerican Economic Association12.966
    46American Economic Journal: Applied EconomicsAmerican Economic Association12.694
    47Cancer CellCell Press12.578
    48Energy and Environmental ScienceRoyal Society of Chemistry12.306
    49JouleCell Press12.282
    50Lancet Oncology, TheElsevier Ltd.12.27
    51Review of Financial StudiesOxford University Press12.239
    52Nature NeuroscienceNature Publishing Group12.124
    53Advances in PhysicsTaylor and Francis Ltd.12.034
    54Annals of OncologyElsevier Ltd.11.945
    55Nature PhotonicsNature Publishing Group11.774
    56Living Reviews in RelativitySpringer International Publishing AG11.561
    57Nature Reviews Disease PrimersNature Publishing Group11.388
    58Lancet Respiratory Medicine,TheElsevier Ltd.11.204
    59Science immunologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science11.191
    60Annual Review of BiochemistryAnnual Reviews Inc.11.154
    61Nature Reviews ChemistryNature Publishing Group10.967
    62Nature ElectronicsNature Publishing Group10.927
    63Nature ImmunologyNature Publishing Group10.921
    64Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management10.91
    65American Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsAmerican Economic Association10.871
    66Journal of MarketingAmerican Marketing Association10.802
    67Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management10.687
    68Annual Review of Condensed Matter PhysicsAnnual Reviews Inc.10.644
    69Journal of Financial EconomicsElsevier10.601
    70Lancet Public Health, TheElsevier Ltd.10.591
    71Current Protocols in BioinformaticsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.10.408
    72Nature Reviews MicrobiologyNature Publishing Group10.396
    73Annual Review of EconomicsAnnual Reviews Inc.10.247
    74Cell Host and MicrobeCell Press10.227
    75Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and HepatologyNature Publishing Group10.178
    76Journal of Clinical OncologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.10.163
    77Cell MetabolismCell Press10.037
    78Annual Review of Public HealthAnnual Reviews Inc.9.963
    79Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewSpringer Verlag9.937
    80Lancet Neurology, TheElsevier Ltd.9.819
    81Nature Cancer9.817
    82Nature Cell BiologyNature Publishing Group9.568
    83Molecular CellCell Press9.541
    84Advanced MaterialsWiley-Blackwell9.538
    85Nature Reviews Methods PrimersSpringer Nature9.476
    86Lancet Microbe, TheElsevier Ltd.9.419
    87Nature Reviews PhysicsSpringer Nature Switzerland AG9.34
    88Advances in ComputersAcademic Press Inc.9.308
    89Genome BiologyBioMed Central Ltd.9.249
    90Annual Review of PsychologyAnnual Reviews Inc.9.226
    91Nature MicrobiologyNature Publishing Group9.187
    92Cell Stem CellCell Press9.156
    93Reviews of GeophysicsWiley-Blackwell9.061
    94Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley-VCH Verlag9.044
    95Electrochemical Energy ReviewsSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.8.905
    96Molecular CancerBioMed Central Ltd.8.703
    97Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of DiseaseAnnual Reviews Inc.8.628
    98Journal of Economic PerspectivesAmerican Economic Association8.59
    99GutBMJ Publishing Group8.588
    100Progress in Materials ScienceElsevier Ltd.8.515
    101Strategic Management JournalJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd8.497
    102Annual Review of NeuroscienceAnnual Reviews Inc.8.389
    103Review of Economics and StatisticsMIT Press Journals8.371
    104Annual Review of Political ScienceAnnual Reviews Inc.8.346
    105Journal of the American College of CardiologyElsevier USA8.343
    106Advances in Optics and PhotonicsOptica Publishing Group8.332
    107Nucleic Acids ResearchOxford University Press8.234
    108Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,TheElsevier Ltd.8.217
    109American Economic Journal: Economic PolicyAmerican Economic Association8.175
    110Lancet Psychiatry,TheElsevier Ltd.8.167
    111Lancet Infectious Diseases, TheLancet Publishing Group8.14
    112Nature ChemistryNature Publishing Group8.14
    113Annual Review of Plant BiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.8.131
    114Nature Reviews EndocrinologyNature Publishing Group8.124
    115JAMA OncologyAmerican Medical Association8.103
    116Cell ResearchNature Publishing Group8.06
    117Nature PhysicsNature Publishing Group7.955
    118ACS Energy LettersAmerican Chemical Society7.855
    119CirculationLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.7.8
    120NeuronCell Press7.736
    121American Political Science ReviewCambridge University Press7.734
    122IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.7.656
    123GastroenterologyW.B. Saunders Ltd7.645
    124Psychological BulletinAmerican Psychological Association7.635
    125Marketing ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences7.593
    126Clinical Microbiology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology7.584
    127Nature Structural and Molecular BiologyNature Publishing Group7.549
    128Journal of Marketing ResearchAmerican Marketing Association7.415
    129American Sociological ReviewAmerican Sociological Association7.412
    130Journal of HepatologyElsevier7.398