This web page aims to provide a list of Education journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 Education journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Review of Educational Research | 00346543, 19351046 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 5.804 |
2 | Strategic Organization | 1741315X, 14761270 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 4.284 |
3 | Research Synthesis Methods | 17592879, 17592887 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 3.991 |
4 | Computers and Education | 3601315 | Elsevier Ltd. | 3.682 |
5 | Educational Psychology Review | 1040726X, 1573336X | Springer New York | 3.566 |
6 | Internet and Higher Education | 10967516 | Elsevier BV | 3.327 |
7 | Educational Researcher | 0013189X | SAGE Publications Inc. | 3.304 |
8 | Educational Research Review | 1747938X | Elsevier Ltd. | 3.269 |
9 | Contemporary Educational Psychology | 0361476X, 10902384 | Academic Press Inc. | 3.187 |
10 | Review of Research in Education | 0091732X, 19351038 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.985 |
11 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | 10959084, 00018791 | Academic Press Inc. | 2.926 |
12 | Developmental Review | 02732297, 10902406 | Mosby Inc. | 2.649 |
13 | Journal of Educational Psychology | 19392176, 00220663 | American Psychological Association | 2.511 |
14 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | 15732827, 10964037 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2.466 |
15 | Postdigital Science and Education | 2524485X, 25244868 | Springer International Publishing AG | 2.453 |
16 | Scientific data | 20524463 | Nature Publishing Group | 2.41 |
17 | Survey Research Methods | 18643361 | European Survey Research Association | 2.41 |
18 | Learning and Instruction | 9594752 | Elsevier BV | 2.398 |
19 | Journal of Teacher Education | 00224871, 15527816 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.337 |
20 | Sociology of Education | 00380407, 19398573 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.335 |
21 | Journal of Second Language Writing | 10603743 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.314 |
22 | Journal of the Learning Sciences | 10508406, 15327809 | Routledge | 2.267 |
23 | American Educational Research Journal | 00028312, 19351011 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2.234 |
24 | Language Learning | 14679922, 00238333 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.195 |
25 | Journal of School Psychology | 00224405, 18733506 | Elsevier BV | 2.16 |
26 | International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | 15561607, 15561615 | Springer Publishing Company | 2.158 |
27 | Child Development | 14678624, 00093920 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.135 |
28 | British Journal of Educational Technology | 00071013, 14678535 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.116 |
29 | Science Education | 00368326, 1098237X | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 2.115 |
30 | Higher Education for the Future | 23485779, 23476311 | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd | 2.107 |
31 | Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education | 02602938, 1469297X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 2.079 |
32 | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | 2722631 | Cambridge University Press | 2.077 |
33 | Reading Research Quarterly | 340553 | Wiley-Blackwell | 2.058 |
34 | International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 23659440 | Springer Netherlands | 2.051 |
35 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | 15736601, 00472891 | Springer New York | 2.03 |
36 | System | 0346251X | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.972 |
37 | Higher Education | 00181560, 1573174X | Springer Netherlands | 1.952 |
38 | Educational and Psychological Measurement | 00131644, 15523888 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.949 |
39 | Academy of Management Learning and Education | 1537260X | George Washington University | 1.94 |
40 | European Journal of Teacher Education | 14695928, 02619768 | Routledge | 1.892 |
41 | Educational Administration Quarterly | 0013161X, 15523519 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.886 |
42 | Journal of Research in Science Teaching | 10982736, 00224308 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 1.882 |
43 | Learning, Media and Technology | 17439892, 17439884 | Routledge | 1.879 |
44 | Distance Education | 14750198, 01587919 | Routledge | 1.878 |
45 | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | 13670050 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.873 |
46 | Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | 01623737, 19351062 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.829 |
47 | Journal of Mixed Methods Research | 15586898, 15586901 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.736 |
48 | Cognition and Instruction | 1532690X, 07370008 | Routledge | 1.731 |
49 | Studies in Higher Education | 03075079, 1470174X | Routledge | 1.716 |
50 | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence | 2666920X | Elsevier BV | 1.7 |
51 | Active Learning in Higher Education | 14697874, 17412625 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.686 |
52 | Journal of Educational Computing Research | 15414140, 07356331 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.673 |
53 | International Journal of STEM Education | 21967822 | SpringerOpen | 1.668 |
54 | International Journal of Qualitative Methods, The | 16094069 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.664 |
55 | TESOL Quarterly | 398322 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.655 |
56 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | 15730816, 00131954 | Springer Netherlands | 1.636 |
57 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | 8852006 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.63 |
58 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 13652729, 02664909 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.629 |
59 | Medical Education | 13652923, 03080110 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.629 |
60 | Scientific Studies of Reading | 1532799X, 10888438 | Routledge | 1.619 |
61 | Journal of Professional Capital and Community | 20569548, 20569556 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1.618 |
62 | Teaching and Teacher Education | 0742051X | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.616 |
63 | Journal of Intellectual Capital | 14691930 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1.582 |
64 | Academic Medicine | 10402446, 1938808X | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. | 1.579 |
65 | CBE Life Sciences Education | 19317913 | American Society for Cell Biology | 1.57 |
66 | Urban Education | 00420859, 15528340 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.57 |
67 | Studies in Science Education | 19408412, 03057267 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.568 |
68 | Theory and Research in Social Education | 00933104, 21631654 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.561 |
69 | Journal of Higher Education | 15384640, 00221546 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.55 |
70 | Educational Technology Research and Development | 10421629, 15566501 | Springer Boston | 1.516 |
71 | Critical Studies in Education | 17508495, 17508487 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.513 |
72 | Technology in Society | 0160791X | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.491 |
73 | Journal of Learning Disabilities | 15384780, 00222194 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.476 |
74 | npj Science of Learning | 20567936 | Nature Publishing Group | 1.468 |
75 | Higher Education Research and Development | 14698366, 07294360 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.462 |
76 | Journal of Computers in Education | 21979995, 21979987 | Springer Berlin | 1.442 |
77 | Language Teaching Research | 13621688, 14770954 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.44 |
78 | Equity and Excellence in Education | 10665684 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.43 |
79 | Online Learning Journal | 24725730 | The Online Learning Consortium | 1.417 |
80 | Comunicar | 11343478 | Grupo Communicar Ediciones | 1.412 |
81 | Journal of Education Policy | 02680939, 14645106 | Routledge | 1.41 |
82 | ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education | 18639704, 18639690 | Springer Verlag | 1.403 |
83 | British Journal of Educational Psychology | 00070998, 20448279 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.399 |
84 | Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals | 21651442, 21651434 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.395 |
85 | Race Ethnicity and Education | 1470109X, 13613324 | Routledge | 1.388 |
86 | International Journal of Educational Research Open | 26663740 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.387 |
87 | School Leadership and Management | 13632434, 13642626 | Brill Academic Publishers | 1.379 |
88 | Educational Policy | 08959048, 15523896 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.375 |
89 | Journal of Learning Analytics | 19297750 | UTS ePress | 1.369 |
90 | Learning and Individual Differences | 18733425, 10416080 | Elsevier BV | 1.367 |
91 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 10963480, 15577554 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.357 |
92 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 19450818, 15391523 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.352 |
93 | Journal of Computing in Higher Education | 10421726, 18671233 | Springer US | 1.339 |
94 | Journal of Human Evolution | 00472484, 10958606 | Academic Press Inc. | 1.338 |
95 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | 218251 | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | 1.337 |
96 | International Journal of Stress Management | 10725245, 15733424 | American Psychological Association | 1.336 |
97 | AERA Open | 23328584 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.327 |
98 | Journal of English for Academic Purposes | 14751585 | Elsevier BV | 1.323 |
99 | Journal of Education for Teaching | 13600540, 02607476 | Routledge | 1.315 |
100 | Gender and Education | 13600516, 09540253 | Routledge | 1.312 |
101 | Science and Education | 9267220 | Springer Netherlands | 1.311 |
102 | Language, Culture and Curriculum | 7908318 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.31 |
103 | Journal of Literacy Research | 1086296X, 15548430 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.308 |
104 | Exceptional Children | 00144029, 21635560 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.306 |
105 | Prospects | 331538 | Springer Netherlands | 1.306 |
106 | Second Language Research | 14770326, 02676583 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.29 |
107 | Journal of Science Education and Technology | 10590145, 15731839 | Springer Netherlands | 1.28 |
108 | International Journal of Learner Corpus Research | 22151486, 22151478 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 1.27 |
109 | International Journal of Behavioral Development | 01650254, 14640651 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.268 |
110 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | 10959300, 10715819 | Academic Press Inc. | 1.268 |
111 | Economics of Education Review | 2727757 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.266 |
112 | European Journal of Psychology of Education | 18785174, 02562928 | Springer Netherlands | 1.264 |
113 | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | 17475139, 1475939X | Routledge | 1.261 |
114 | Perspectives on Medical Education | 22122761, 2212277X | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum | 1.259 |
115 | Comparative Education | 13600486, 03050068 | Routledge | 1.254 |
116 | Theory into Practice | 00405841, 15430421 | Routledge | 1.254 |
117 | Education and Information Technologies | 13602357 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1.249 |
118 | Research in Higher Education | 1573188X, 03610365 | Springer Netherlands | 1.246 |
119 | Journal of Research in Reading | 14679817, 01410423 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.24 |
120 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | 15731391, 09241868 | Springer Netherlands | 1.231 |
121 | Educational Psychology | 14695820, 01443410 | Routledge | 1.227 |
122 | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | 19388926 | American Psychological Association | 1.222 |
123 | Education Finance and Policy | 15573079, 15573060 | MIT Press Journals | 1.219 |
124 | Medical Teacher | 0142159X, 1466187X | Informa Healthcare | 1.217 |
125 | Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability | 18748597, 18748600 | Springer Netherlands | 1.211 |
126 | Bilingualism | 14691841, 13667289 | Cambridge University Press | 1.208 |
127 | Advances in Health Sciences Education | 15731677, 13824996 | Springer Netherlands | 1.2 |
128 | Review of Higher Education | 01625748, 10907009 | Johns Hopkins University Press | 1.191 |
129 | Reading and Writing | 09224777, 15730905 | Springer Netherlands | 1.19 |
130 | Learning Environments Research | 15731855, 13871579 | Springer Netherlands | 1.187 |
131 | English for Specific Purposes | 8894906 | Elsevier BV | 1.185 |
132 | Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | 10769986, 19351054 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.185 |
133 | Interactive Technology and Smart Education | 17415659, 17588510 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1.184 |
134 | ELT Journal | 14774526, 09510893 | Oxford University Press | 1.174 |
135 | ReCALL | 9583440 | Cambridge University Press | 1.173 |
136 | Journal of Research in Music Education | 00224294, 19450095 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.171 |
137 | Interactive Learning Environments | 10494820 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.17 |
138 | Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice | 13540602, 14701278 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.167 |
139 | Research in Science Education | 15731898, 0157244X | Springer Netherlands | 1.16 |
140 | Social Science Research | 10960317, 0049089X | Academic Press Inc. | 1.156 |