This web page aims to provide a list of Sociology journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 Sociology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Administrative Science Quarterly | 00018392, 19303815 | Johnson School at Cornell University | 16.555 |
2 | Annual Review of Political Science | 10942939, 15451577 | Annual Reviews Inc. | 8.346 |
3 | American Political Science Review | 15375943, 00030554 | Cambridge University Press | 7.734 |
4 | American Sociological Review | 00031224, 19398271 | American Sociological Association | 7.412 |
5 | Journal of Service Research | 10946705, 15527379 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 4.981 |
6 | American Journal of Political Science | 00925853, 15405907 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 4.963 |
7 | Political Analysis | 10471987, 14764989 | Cambridge University Press | 4.815 |
8 | International Organization | 15315088, 00208183 | Cambridge University Press | 4.798 |
9 | Leadership Quarterly | 10489843 | Elsevier Inc. | 4.331 |
10 | Annual Review of Sociology | 03600572, 15452115 | Annual Reviews Inc. | 4.196 |
11 | British Journal of Political Science | 00071234, 14692112 | Cambridge University Press | 3.893 |
12 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 10991379, 08943796 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 3.804 |
13 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 223514 | American Psychological Association | 3.799 |
14 | Comparative Political Studies | 15523829, 00104140 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 3.766 |
15 | European Journal of Political Research | 03044130, 14756765 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 3.59 |
16 | Political Behavior | 01909320, 15736687 | Springer New York | 3.456 |
17 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | 14779803, 10531858 | Oxford University Press | 3.337 |
18 | Public Administration Review | 00333352, 15406210 | Wiley-Blackwell | 3.311 |
19 | Political Communication | 10584609, 10917675 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 3.061 |
20 | Journal of Politics | 14682508, 00223816 | University of Chicago Press | 3.048 |
21 | Structural Equation Modeling | 15328007, 10705511 | Psychology Press Ltd | 3.014 |
22 | American Journal of Sociology | 00029602, 15375390 | University of Chicago | 2.884 |
23 | Research and Politics | 20531680 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2.704 |
24 | International Security | 15314804, 01622889 | MIT Press Journals | 2.694 |
25 | World Politics | 00438871, 10863338 | Cambridge University Press | 2.67 |
26 | Sociological Theory | 07352751, 14679558 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2.651 |
27 | Political Psychology | 0162895X, 14679221 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.61 |
28 | Political Science Research and Methods | 20498470, 20498489 | Cambridge University Press | 2.589 |
29 | World Development | 0305750X, 18735991 | Elsevier BV | 2.504 |
30 | Journal of Peace Research | 223433 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2.444 |
31 | International Journal of Press/Politics | 19401612, 19401620 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.412 |
32 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | 3613682 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.411 |
33 | Policy and Society | 14494035 | Oxford University Press | 2.37 |
34 | Quarterly Journal of Political Science | 15540634, 15540626 | Now Publishers Inc | 2.364 |
35 | Socio-Economic Review | 14751461 | Oxford University Press | 2.346 |
36 | Sociology of Education | 00380407, 19398573 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.335 |
37 | Review of International Political Economy | 09692290, 14664526 | Routledge | 2.331 |
38 | Journal of Democracy | 10455736, 10863214 | Johns Hopkins University Press | 2.322 |
39 | Government Information Quarterly | 0740624X | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.321 |
40 | Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 10795014, 17585368 | Gerontological Society of America | 2.311 |
41 | Sociological Methods and Research | 00491241, 15528294 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.252 |
42 | Social Issues and Policy Review | 17512409, 17512395 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.245 |
43 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | 220027 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 2.164 |
44 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | 03091317, 14682427 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2.149 |
45 | Journal of Experimental Political Science | 20522630, 20522649 | Cambridge University Press | 2.143 |
46 | Social Forces | 15347605, 00377732 | Oxford University Press | 2.132 |
47 | Public Opinion Quarterly | 0033362X, 15375331 | Oxford University Press | 2.129 |
48 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | 02768739, 15206688 | Wiley-Liss Inc. | 2.111 |
49 | New Media and Society | 14614448, 14617315 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 2.084 |
50 | Sociological Methodology | 14679531, 00811750 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.996 |
51 | Work, Employment and Society | 14698722, 09500170 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.988 |
52 | Policy Studies Journal | 0190292X, 15410072 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.97 |
53 | Social Problems | 15338533, 00377791 | Oxford University Press | 1.932 |
54 | Party Politics | 13540688, 14603683 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.93 |
55 | Journal of European Public Policy | 14664429, 13501763 | Routledge | 1.922 |
56 | Food Policy | 3069192 | Elsevier BV | 1.896 |
57 | Science Communication | 15528545, 10755470 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.886 |
58 | Resources Policy | 3014207 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.869 |
59 | Gender and Society | 08912432, 15523977 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.866 |
60 | Environmental Politics | 9644016 | Routledge | 1.851 |
61 | Political Research Quarterly | 1938274X, 10659129 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.792 |
62 | European Political Science Review | 17557739, 17557747 | Cambridge University Press | 1.776 |
63 | International Studies Quarterly | 14682478, 00208833 | Oxford University Press | 1.768 |
64 | European Sociological Review | 02667215, 14682672 | Oxford University Press | 1.758 |
65 | American Review of Public Administration | 15523357, 02750740 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.745 |
66 | Cities | 2642751 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.718 |
67 | Work, Aging and Retirement | 20544650 | Oxford University Press | 1.699 |
68 | Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | 15386341 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.698 |
69 | Theory and Society | 15737853, 03042421 | Springer Netherlands | 1.673 |
70 | Research in Social Stratification and Mobility | 2765624 | JAI Press | 1.666 |
71 | Internet Research | 10662243 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 1.65 |
72 | Media, Culture and Society | 01634437, 14603675 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.641 |
73 | European Journal of International Relations | 13540661 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.639 |
74 | Group Processes and Intergroup Relations | 14617188, 13684302 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.631 |
75 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | 8852006 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.63 |
76 | Canadian Journal of Political Science | 17449324, 00084239 | Cambridge University Press | 1.621 |
77 | Journal of Economic Psychology | 1674870 | Elsevier | 1.601 |
78 | Journal of Experimental Social Psychology | 00221031, 10960465 | Academic Press Inc. | 1.596 |
79 | Journal of Criminal Justice | 472352 | Elsevier BV | 1.573 |
80 | Political Studies | 00323217, 14679248 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.566 |
81 | African Affairs | 00019909, 14682621 | Oxford University Press | 1.565 |
82 | Public Administration | 14679299, 00333298 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.561 |
83 | Theory and Research in Social Education | 00933104, 21631654 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.561 |
84 | Sustainability Science | 18624065, 18624057 | Springer Japan | 1.535 |
85 | Technology in Society | 0160791X | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.491 |
86 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 10452354, 10959955 | Academic Press Inc. | 1.483 |
87 | Sociology | 00380385, 14698684 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.482 |
88 | International Affairs | 14682346, 00205850 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.46 |
89 | Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities | 21968837 | Springer Nature | 1.453 |
90 | Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics | 20566085 | Cambridge University Press | 1.452 |
91 | Regulation and Governance | 17485983, 17485991 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.449 |
92 | Health and Place | 13538292 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.448 |
93 | Journal of Migration and Health | 26666235 | Elsevier BV | 1.445 |
94 | Legislative Studies Quarterly | 03629805, 19399162 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.43 |
95 | Government and Opposition | 0017257X, 14777053 | Cambridge University Press | 1.41 |
96 | Men and Masculinities | 1097184X | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.397 |
97 | Work and Occupations | 07308884, 15528464 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.388 |
98 | Politics and Gender | 1743923X, 17439248 | Cambridge University Press | 1.359 |
99 | Political Geography | 9626298 | Elsevier BV | 1.354 |
100 | Geoforum | 167185 | Elsevier BV | 1.351 |
101 | Comparative Migration Studies | 2214594X | SpringerOpen | 1.34 |
102 | American Politics Research | 15523373, 1532673X | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.334 |
103 | Journal of Rural Studies | 7430167 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.316 |
104 | Governance | 09521895, 14680491 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.305 |
105 | Policy and Politics | 03055736, 14708442 | Policy Press | 1.295 |
106 | Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology | 10999809, 19390106 | American Psychological Association | 1.293 |
107 | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | 2784254 | Elsevier Inc. | 1.26 |
108 | Policy Sciences | 00322687, 15730891 | Springer Netherlands | 1.256 |
109 | Journal of Sex Research | 00224499, 15598519 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.25 |
110 | Housing, Theory and Society | 16512278, 14036096 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.249 |
111 | Administration and Society | 00953997, 15523039 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.238 |
112 | British Journal of Sociology | 00071315, 14684446 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.231 |
113 | Race and Social Problems | 18671748, 18671756 | Springer Verlag | 1.218 |
114 | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | 17521386, 17521378 | Oxford University Press | 1.216 |
115 | Journal of European Integration | 07036337, 14772280 | Routledge | 1.209 |
116 | Social Networks | 3788733 | Elsevier BV | 1.203 |
117 | Social Movement Studies | 14742837 | Routledge | 1.195 |
118 | Theory, Culture and Society | 02632764, 14603616 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.193 |
119 | Poetics | 0304422X | Elsevier | 1.173 |
120 | Science Technology and Human Values | 01622439, 15528251 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.17 |
121 | Population and Development Review | 17284457, 00987921 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.169 |
122 | Social Science Research | 10960317, 0049089X | Academic Press Inc. | 1.156 |
123 | Political Studies Review | 14789299, 14789302 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.154 |
124 | Comparative Politics | 00104159, 21516227 | City University of New York | 1.146 |
125 | Studies in Comparative International Development | 00393606, 19366167 | Springer New York | 1.14 |
126 | China Journal | 18358535, 13249347 | University of Chicago Press | 1.136 |
127 | Urban Affairs Review | 10780874 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.128 |
128 | Forest Policy and Economics | 13899341 | Elsevier | 1.124 |
129 | Mobilities | 17450101, 1745011X | Routledge | 1.124 |
130 | Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis | 19383703, 00218855 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.123 |
131 | Security Dialogue | 9670106 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.123 |
132 | Journal of Aging and Health | 15526887, 08982643 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.119 |
133 | Annual Review of Law and Social Science | 15503585 | Annual Reviews Inc. | 1.117 |
134 | Chinese Sociological Review | 21620555, 21620563 | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 1.117 |
135 | Administrative Theory and Praxis | 19490461, 10841806 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.112 |
136 | Sociological Review | 1467954X, 00380261 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.112 |
137 | Journal of Economic Inequality | 15691721, 15738701 | Springer Netherlands | 1.109 |
138 | Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights | 26669579 | Elsevier BV | 1.096 |
139 | Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies | 19397089, 15480518 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.096 |
140 | Journal of Social and Personal Relationships | 2654075 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 1.091 |