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List of Energy Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of Energy journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.

140 Energy journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

List of Energy journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherSJR
1Energy Conversion and Management1968904Elsevier Ltd.2.514
2Energy Research and Social Science22146296Elsevier Ltd.2.171
3Materials Today Energy24686069Elsevier Ltd.2.046
4Smart Energy26669552Elsevier Ltd.1.741
5Energy Conversion and Management: X25901745Elsevier Ltd.1.365
6International Journal of Energy Research1099114X, 0363907XJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd0.807
7Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy15567249Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.775
8Energies19961073Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)0.632
9Energy and Environment0958305X, 20484070SAGE Publications Inc.0.598
10Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE7339402American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)0.527
11Energy Exploration and Exploitation1445987SAGE Publications Inc.0.499
12Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects15567230, 15567036Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.471
13International Journal of Renewable Energy Development22524940Diponegoro university Indonesia - Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy (CBIORE)0.411
14Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations24140341, 10297448Belarusian National Technical University0.278
15International Journal on Energy Conversion22815295, 25332910Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l0.27
16International Journal of Global Energy Issues17415128, 09547118Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.0.211
17Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy9168753Japan Institute Of Energy0.133
18Problems of the Regional Energetics18570070Institute of Power Engineering0.129
19Power Generation Technology20964528Editorial Board of Power Generation Technology
20Nature Energy20587546Springer Nature19.588
21Energy and Environmental Science17545692, 17545706Royal Society of Chemistry12.306
22ACS Energy Letters23808195American Chemical Society7.855
23Energy Storage Materials24058297Elsevier BV5.179
24Carbon Energy26379368John Wiley & Sons Inc.4.571
25Energy and Environmental Materials25750348, 25750356John Wiley & Sons Inc.4.338
26Biofuel Research Journal22928782Green Wave Publishing of Canada3.313
27Applied Energy3062619Elsevier BV2.907
28Journal of Energy Chemistry20954956Elsevier BV2.754
29Energy18736785, 03605442Elsevier Ltd.1.989
30Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy21965420, 21965625State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing Branch1.912
31Journal of Power Sources3787753Elsevier1.854
32AAPG Bulletin1491423American Association of Petroleum Geologists1.623
33Wind Energy Science23667451, 23667443Copernicus GmbH1.587
34Journal of Energy Storage2352152XElsevier BV1.456
35Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments22131388Elsevier Ltd.1.375
36International Journal of Hydrogen Energy3603199Elsevier Ltd.1.318
37Matter and Radiation at Extremes24682047, 2468080XAmerican Institute of Physics1.273
38Sustainable Energy and Fuels23984902Royal Society of Chemistry1.257
39Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks23524677Elsevier Ltd.1.225
40Nuclear Materials and Energy23521791Elsevier Ltd.1.184
41SPE Journal1086055XSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)1.144
42Journal of the Energy Institute17460220, 17439671Elsevier BV1.138
43Biotechnology for Biofuels17546834BioMed Central Ltd.1.022
44Fuel Cells Bulletin14642859Elsevier BV1.014
45High Power Laser Science and Engineering20954719, 20523289Cambridge University Press1.014
46Journal of Nuclear Materials223115Elsevier1.002
47Energy, Sustainability and Society21920567Springer Science + Business Media0.981
48MRS Energy and Sustainability23292237, 23292229Cambridge University Press0.921
49Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow26618877, 26618869Tsinghua University Press0.871
50ChemNanoMat2199692XWiley-VCH Verlag0.865
51Nuclear Engineering and Design295493Elsevier BV0.853
52SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering19300212, 10946470Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)0.851
53Journal of Fusion Energy15729591, 01640313Springer New York0.8
54IET Energy Systems Integration25168401John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.799
55Energy Geoscience26667592KeAi Communications Co.0.773
56Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli10018042Springer Singapore0.749
57Progress in Nuclear Energy1491970Elsevier Ltd.0.701
58International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management22462929Aalborg University Press0.685
59Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME15288994, 01950738The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)0.677
60Clean Energy25154230, 2515396XOxford University Press0.671
61Nuclear Technology295450Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.665
62Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME15288986, 01996231The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)0.641
63World Patent Information1722190Elsevier Ltd.0.637
64Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports21963010Springer Nature Switzerland AG0.629
65Frontiers in Energy Research2296598XFrontiers Media S.A.0.605
66IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science15581578, 00189499Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.0.603
67Carbon Letters22334998, 197642510.576
68Bioenergy Research19391242, 19391234Springer New York0.568
69International Journal of Sustainable Energy1478646X, 14786451Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.566
70Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology18811248, 00223131Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.532
71Global Energy Interconnection25900358, 20965117KeAi Communications Co.0.524
72Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power15288919, 07424795The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)0.516
73Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy21986452, 21986444Springer International Publishing AG0.511
74Fuel Cells16156846, 16156854John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.478
75Fusion Science and Technology15361055Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.472
76Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy21994706Springer Singapore0.455
77Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage23816910, 23816872The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)0.437
78Wind Engineering0309524X, 2048402XSAGE Publications Inc.0.435
79Energy Harvesting and Systems23298774, 23298766Walter de Gruyter GmbH0.432
80Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems18489257International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWES0.424
81Journal of Daylighting23838701Solarlits0.415
82AIMS Energy23338326, 23338334AIMS Press0.399
83CIGRE Science and Engineering24261335CIGRE0.331
84Journal of Neutron Research14772655, 10238166IOS Press BV0.312
85Plasma Research Express25161067IOP Publishing Ltd.0.307
86Radioprotection1769700X, 00338451EDP Sciences0.307
87Dianli Jianshe/Electric Power Construction100072290.304
88Energy Storage25784862John Wiley and Sons Inc.0.302
89Acta Innovations23005599Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia0.301
90Radiation Detection Technology and Methods25099949, 25099930Springer Singapore0.292
91Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika)00406015, 15556301Pleiades Publishing0.282
92SOCAR Proceedings22186867, 22188622OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)"0.279
93International Journal of Renewable Energy Research13090127International Journal of Renewable Energy Research0.277
94Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology22885471, 17381894Korean Radioactive Waste Society0.267
95Thermophysics and Aeromechanics8698643Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing0.257
96Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion2023822National Research Center Kurchatov Institute0.252
97Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica2540096Science Press0.239
98International Journal of Energy Production and Management20563280, 20563272WITPress0.235
99Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment24237469, 24235547Materials and Energy Research Center0.222
100Problems of Atomic Science and Technology16829344National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology0.219
101EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web2032944XEuropean Alliance for Innovation0.218
102International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering02185393, 17936446World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd0.205
103Journal of Energy Systems26022052Erol Kurt0.205
104CTyF - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro23824581, 01225383Ecopetrol S.A.0.201
105Nukleonika15085791, 00295922Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology0.201
106Energetika2357208Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers0.194
107He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques2533219Science Press0.193
108Kerntechnik21958580, 09323902Walter de Gruyter GmbH0.191
109Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science22273123The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science0.188
110Advances in Technology Innovation25182994, 24150436Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation0.177
111Atom Indonesia23565322National Nuclear Energy Agency0.164
112Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers15460118, 01998595Tech Science Press0.155
113Paliva18042058University of Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Environmental Technology0.154
114GMSARN International Journal19059094Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network, Asian Institute of Technology0.152
115Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal2172038X0.148
116Green Energy and Technology18653537, 18653529Springer Science + Business Media0.146
117Improved Oil and Gas Recovery26888246Smart Science and Technology LLC0.146
118Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics2546086Yuan Zi Neng Chuban She0.128
119Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference23791748Begell House Inc.0.128
120Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council1935933Geothermal Resources Council0.117
121Materials and Energy23356596, 2335660XWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd0.116
122DGMK Tagungsbericht143390130.103
123ESARDA Bulletin03923029, 19775296Publications Office of the European Union0.102
124Hart's E and P15274063Hart Publications Incorporated0.1
125Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts27313654BioMed Central Ltd.
126Petroleum Science Bulletin20961693Tsinghua University Press
127Zhongguo Dianli/Electric Power10049649Zhongguo Dianli Bianjibu
128Nature Reviews Materials20588437Nature Publishing Group21.927
129Joule25424351Cell Press12.282
130Advanced Energy Materials16146832, 16146840Wiley-VCH Verlag9.044
131Electrochemical Energy Reviews25208136Springer Science and Business Media B.V.8.905
132Nature Sustainability23989629Nature Publishing Group6.568
133EnergyChem25897780Elsevier BV6.26
134Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science1638998Annual Reviews Inc.5.985
135Progress in Energy and Combustion Science3601285Elsevier BV5.679
136Advances in Applied Energy26667924Elsevier Ltd.5.458
137Nano Energy22112855Elsevier BV5.03
138Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics1466410Elsevier4.855
139IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy19493029Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.3.746
140IEEE Transactions on Power Systems8858950Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.3.726

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