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List of Pollution Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of Pollution journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.

140 Pollution journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

List of Pollution journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherSJR
1Energy and Environmental Science17545692, 17545706Royal Society of Chemistry12.306
2Nature Reviews Earth and Environment2662138XSpringer Nature Switzerland AG6.193
3Water Research00431354, 18792448Elsevier Ltd.3.338
4Environmental Science and Technology Letters23288930American Chemical Society2.909
5Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology15476537, 10643389Taylor and Francis Ltd.2.899
6Journal of Hazardous Materials3043894Elsevier2.57
7Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology15691705, 15729826Springer Netherlands2.41
8Resources, Environment and Sustainability26669161Elsevier BV2.306
9Environmental Pollution02697491, 18736424Elsevier Ltd.2.11
10Water Research X25899147Elsevier Ltd.2.056
11Biochar25247867Springer Science and Business Media B.V.1.966
12Green Chemistry14639262, 14639270Royal Society of Chemistry1.959
13Science of the Total Environment00489697, 18791026Elsevier1.946
14npj Clean Water20597037Springer Nature1.888
15Chemosphere456535Elsevier Ltd.1.727
16Current Pollution Reports21986592Springer International Publishing AG1.619
17Marine Pollution Bulletin0025326X, 18793363Elsevier Inc.1.49
18Exposure and Health24519766, 24519685Springer Netherlands1.467
19Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology1559064X, 15590631Nature Publishing Group1.415
20Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters26669110Elsevier BV1.35
21Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety01476513, 10902414Academic Press Inc.1.348
22Environmental Sciences Europe21904707, 21904715Springer Verlag1.227
23GeoHealth24711403John Wiley & Sons Inc.1.227
24Issues in Ecology10928987Ecological Society of America1.213
25Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering22133437Elsevier BV1.198
26Journal of Transport and Health22141405Elsevier BV1.05
27Aerosol Science and Technology15217388, 02786826Taylor and Francis Ltd.1.014
28International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control17505836Elsevier0.989
29Environmental Evidence20472382BioMed Central Ltd.0.967
30Journal of Aerosol Science18791964, 00218502Elsevier Ltd.0.966
31Atmospheric Pollution Research13091042Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research (TUNCAP)0.958
32Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management22151532Elsevier BV0.958
33Environmental Science and Pollution Research09441344, 16147499Springer Science + Business Media0.944
34Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)10807039, 15497860Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.925
35Soil Use and Management14752743, 02660032Wiley-Blackwell0.918
36Environmental Epidemiology24747882Wolters Kluwer Health0.906
37Reviews on Environmental Health00487554, 21910308Walter de Gruyter GmbH0.897
38Environmental Technology Reviews21622523, 21622515Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.893
39Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology14320703, 00904341Springer New York0.886
40Environmental Conservation03768929, 14694387Cambridge University Press0.878
41Applied Geochemistry8832927Elsevier Ltd.0.871
42Waste Management and Research0734242X, 10963669SAGE Publications Ltd0.866
43Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health18739326, 18739318Springer Netherlands0.865
44Marine Environmental Research18790291, 01411136Elsevier BV0.865
45Sustainable Environment Research24682039Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (CIEnvE)0.865
46Environmental Management0364152X, 14321009Springer New York0.862
47International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16617827, 16604601Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)0.828
48Aerosol and Air Quality Research20711409, 16808584AAGR Aerosol and Air Quality Research0.821
49Journal of Environmental Quality00472425, 15372537John Wiley & Sons Inc.0.803
50Environmental Processes21987505, 21987491Springer Science + Business Media0.801
51Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy23525541Elsevier BV0.773
52Environmental Science: Atmospheres26343606Royal Society of Chemistry0.76
53Frontiers in Climate26249553Frontiers Media S.A.0.759
54Environmental Challenges26670100Elsevier BV0.749
55Advances in Science and Research19920636, 19920628Copernicus GmbH0.703
56Journal of Environmental Radioactivity18791700, 0265931XElsevier Ltd.0.693
57Biodegradation09239820, 15729729Springer Netherlands0.677
58Water Environment Research10614303, 15547531Water Environment Federation0.668
59Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association10962247, 21622906Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.66
60Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2052336XSpringer International Publishing AG0.641
61Environmental Monitoring and Assessment01676369, 15732959Springer Netherlands0.626
62Environmental Earth Sciences18666299, 18666280Springer Verlag0.599
63Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology02682575, 10974660John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.599
64Advances in Meteorology16879317, 16879309Hindawi Limited0.598
65International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment2150363X, 21503621Begell House Inc.0.597
66International Journal of Phytoremediation15497879, 15226514Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.597
67Advances in Airline Economics22121609Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.0.586
68Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology00074861, 14320800Springer New York0.572
69International Journal of Environmental Health Research09603123, 13691619Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.561
70Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management23833866, 23833572GJESM Publication0.555
71Water, Air, and Soil Pollution00496979, 15732932Springer Netherlands0.545
72Water Resources Protection10046933Hohai University0.54
73Soil and Sediment Contamination15497887, 15320383Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.524
74Emission Control Science and Technology21993629, 21993637Springer International Publishing AG0.515
75Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society27098028, 27098036IWA Publishing0.512
76Journal of Sustainable Mining23003960, 25434950Central Mining Institute0.502
77Environmental Health Insights11786302SAGE Publications Inc.0.498
78Water Science23570008, 11104929Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.498
79Journal of Health and Pollution21569614Pure Earth0.491
80Environmental Engineering Science10928758Mary Ann Liebert Inc.0.462
81Water and Environment Journal17476585Wiley-Blackwell0.454
82Remediation10515658, 15206831John Wiley & Sons Inc.0.44
83Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences10035427Science Press0.42
84Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes03601234, 15324109Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.407
85Clean - Soil, Air, Water18630650Wiley-VCH Verlag0.403
86Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development20439083IWA Publishing0.403
87Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry15882780, 02365731Springer Netherlands0.379
88Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection24689270, 24689289Elsevier BV0.372
89Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability25094246, 25094238Springer Nature Switzerland AG0.371
90Boreal Environment Research12396095Finnish Environment Institute0.369
91International Journal of Environmental Studies00207233, 10290400Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.366
92International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry10290397, 03067319Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.353
93Green Materials20491220, 20491239ICE Publishing0.35
94Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry2772248Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.329
95Journal of Water and Environment Technology13482165Japan Society on Water Environment0.32
96Aerosol Science and Engineering2510375X, 25103768Springer Nature Switzerland AG0.301
97Environmental Quality Management15206483, 10881913John Wiley & Sons Inc.0.291
98Environmental and Socio-Economic Studies23540079De Gruyter Open Ltd.0.278
99Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy25247891, 25247980Springer Nature0.274
100Geosystem Engineering21663394, 12269328Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.269
101Desalination and Water Treatment19443994, 19443986Desalination Publications0.267
102Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment15987132, 23835346Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment0.264
103Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics10248560, 20700393Pleiades Publishing0.258
104Gigiena i sanitariia24120650, 00169900F.F. Erisman Federal Research Center for Hygiene0.257
105Clean Air Journal2410972X, 10171703National Association of Clean Air0.254
106Drinking Water Engineering and Science19969465, 19969457Copernicus Publications0.252
107Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology13115065Scibulcom Ltd.0.249
108Environmental Research, Engineering and Management20292139, 13921649Kaunas University of Technology0.248
109SAE Technical Papers26883627, 01487191SAE International0.24
110Environmental Engineering and Management Journal15829596Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi0.237
111SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants19463960, 19463952SAE International0.237
112Journal of Air Pollution and Health24763071Tehran University of Medical Sciences0.235
113Ecology and Industry of Russia24136042, 181603950.229
114Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty13027050Namik Kemal University - Agricultural Faculty0.228
115Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management25022458, 2339076XBrawijaya University0.222
116Sains Tanah14123606, 23561424Sebelas Maret University - Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture0.222
117Journal of Sustainability Science and Management26727226, 18238556Universiti Malaysia Terengganu0.22
118Handbook of Environmental Chemistry1867979XSpringer Science + Business Media0.218
119Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences18145868, 25200860University of Basrah, College of Agriculture0.216
120Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft9498036VDI Fachmedien GmBbH & Co.0.212
121Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology20895690, 24069272Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology0.21
122International Journal of Environment and Pollution09574352, 17415101Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.0.203
123Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution09729860, 18758568IOS Press BV0.202
124Journal of Elementology164422960.2
125Clean Coal Technology10066772China International Book Trading Corp. (Guoji Shudian)0.196
126Terra Latinoamericana23958030, 01875779Mexican Society of Soil Science0.196
127RSC Detection Science20523068, 20523076Royal Society of Chemistry0.195
128Nature Environment and Pollution Technology23953454, 09726268Technoscience Publications0.191
129Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental1884999Centro de Ciencias de la Atmosfera, UNAM0.188
130International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering22779183Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications0.185
131Environment and Ecology Research23316268, 2331625XHorizon Research Publishing0.177
132Progress in Plant Protection14274337, 20844883Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute0.175
133Agrarforschung Schweiz16637909, 16637852Recherche agronomique suisse0.173
134European Journal of Environmental Sciences23361964, 18050174Charles University in Prague0.173
135Advances in Environmental Technology24764779, 24766674Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology0.172
136Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology1006687XScience Press0.172
137Journal of Mining and Environment22518606, 22518592Shahrood University of Technology0.169
138Environmental Chemistry2546108Science Press0.163
139Wasser und Abfall14369095Springer Vieweg0.162
140Ekoloji13001361Cevkor Vakfi0.155

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