This web page aims to provide a list of Geology journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 Geology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Petroleum Exploration and Development | 18763804 | Elsevier | 1.435 |
2 | Petroleum Science | 16725107, 19958226 | China University of Petroleum Beijing | 1.005 |
3 | Journal of Mining Institute | 25419404, 24113336 | Saint-Petersburg Mining University | 0.782 |
4 | China Geology | 20965192 | KeAi Communications Co. | 0.728 |
5 | Geoloski Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva | 3500608 | 0.249 | |
6 | International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering | 23456949, 23456930 | University of Tehran | 0.148 |
7 | Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development | 10000747 | Science Press | 2.565 |
8 | China Petroleum Exploration | 16727703 | Petroleum Industry Press | 2.523 |
9 | Engineering Geology | 137952 | Elsevier | 2.342 |
10 | Economic Geology | 3610128 | Society of Economic Geologists, Inc | 2.146 |
11 | Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering | 7232632 | Springer-Verlag Wien | 1.849 |
12 | International Journal of Coal Geology | 1665162 | Elsevier | 1.644 |
13 | Earth Systems and Environment | 25099426, 25099434 | Springer International Publishing AG | 1.516 |
14 | Marine and Petroleum Geology | 02648172, 18734073 | Elsevier BV | 1.513 |
15 | Georisk | 17499518, 17499526 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.207 |
16 | Ore Geology Reviews | 1691368 | Elsevier BV | 1.172 |
17 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction | 22124209 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.132 |
18 | Elementa | 23251026 | University of California Press | 1.037 |
19 | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 14359537, 14359529 | Springer Verlag | 1.02 |
20 | Geothermal Energy | 21959706 | Springer Science + Business Media | 0.971 |
21 | Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review | 08827508, 15477401 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.915 |
22 | Geothermics | 3756505 | Elsevier Ltd. | 0.912 |
23 | Petroleum Geoscience | 13540793 | Geological Society of London | 0.868 |
24 | Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources | 23638427, 23638419 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.867 |
25 | Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology | 10001964 | China University of Mining and Technology | 0.747 |
26 | Petroleum | 24055816, 24056561 | KeAi Communications Co. | 0.708 |
27 | Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering | 10006915 | Academia Sinica | 0.684 |
28 | Eurasian Mining | 20720823 | Ore & Metals Publishing House | 0.65 |
29 | Solid Earth Sciences | 2451912X | Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry | 0.599 |
30 | Minerals | 2075163X | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | 0.53 |
31 | Mining Science and Technology(Russian Federation) | 25000632 | National University of Science and Technology MISIS | 0.52 |
32 | Natural Gas Industry B | 23528559, 23528540 | Elsevier BV | 0.516 |
33 | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 09603182, 15731529 | Springer Netherlands | 0.512 |
34 | Journal of Sustainable Mining | 23003960, 25434950 | Central Mining Institute | 0.502 |
35 | International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment | 17480949, 17480930 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.479 |
36 | Earthquake Science | 18678777, 16744519 | Elsevier BV | 0.448 |
37 | Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae | 2089068 | Geological Society of Poland | 0.444 |
38 | Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin | 2361493 | Publishing house Mining book"" | 0.42 |
39 | Shiyou Diqiu Wuli Kantan/Oil Geophysical Prospecting | 10007210 | Science Press | 0.419 |
40 | Xinan Shiyou Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Southwestern Petroleum Institute | 16745086, 10002634 | Southwestern Petroleum Institute | 0.418 |
41 | Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy | 25726668, 25726676 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.408 |
42 | Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition) | 16715888 | Jilin University Press | 0.396 |
43 | Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology | 14709236 | Geological Society of London | 0.355 |
44 | Acta Montanistica Slovaca | 13351788 | Technical University of Kosice | 0.342 |
45 | Lithologic Reservoirs | 16738926 | China National Petroleum Corporation and PetroChina Company Limited | 0.337 |
46 | Meitiandizhi Yu Kantan/Coal Geology and Exploration | 10011986 | China Coal Research Institute | 0.337 |
47 | Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik | 03534529, 18490409 | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering | 0.328 |
48 | Gornaya Promyshlennost | 16099192, 25879138 | 0.315 | |
49 | Economic and Environmental Geology | 22887962, 12257281 | The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology | 0.305 |
50 | Geological Field Trips and Maps | 26116189 | Societa Geologica Italiana | 0.294 |
51 | Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing | 01371282, 16431049 | Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawsjiej | 0.271 |
52 | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | 2518170X, 22245278 | National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan | 0.265 |
53 | Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering | 24131830, 25001019 | Tomsk Polytechnic University | 0.264 |
54 | Geodynamics and Tectonophysics | 2078502X | Institute of the Earth's Crust | 0.263 |
55 | Geologiya i Geofizika Yuga Rossii | 22213198, 26867486 | Geophysical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences | 0.261 |
56 | Geology of Ore Deposits | 10757015, 15556476 | Pleiades Publishing | 0.251 |
57 | Journal of Mining Science | 10627391, 15738736 | Pleiades Publishing | 0.232 |
58 | Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia | 12149705 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | 0.226 |
59 | Mineralia Slovaca | 3692086 | State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur (Bratislava) | 0.208 |
60 | Soviet Mining Science | 385581 | Consultants Bureau | 0.205 |
61 | Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration | 264563 | Mineral Research & Exploration General Directorate | 0.2 |
62 | Rocks and Minerals | 19401191, 00357529 | Routledge | 0.198 |
63 | Acta Geologica Slovaca | 13380044, 13385674 | Comenius University in Bratislava | 0.196 |
64 | Revista Escola de Minas | 3704467 | Escola de minas | 0.191 |
65 | Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias | 19823908, 01019759 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ | 0.184 |
66 | Acta Geotechnica Slovenica | 18540171 | University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering | 0.18 |
67 | World Earthquake Engineering | 10076069 | Science and Technology Periodical Press | 0.18 |
68 | Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva | 8696055 | Russian Academy of Sciences | 0.17 |
69 | Serie Correlacion Geologica | 15144186, 16669479 | Instituto Superior de Correlacion Geologica | 0.152 |
70 | Aguas Subterraneas | 21799784, 01017004 | Associacao Brasileira de Aguas Subterraneas (ABAS) | 0.137 |
71 | Mercian Geologist | 0025990X | East Midlands Geological Society | 0.136 |
72 | International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM | 13142704 | International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference | 0.123 |
73 | Mining History | 13662511 | Peak District Mines Historical Society | 0.104 |
74 | Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie (discontinued) | 25707337, 25707345 | National Museum/Narodni muzeum | |
75 | Remote Sensing of Environment | 344257 | Elsevier Inc. | 4.057 |
76 | Geology | 00917613, 19432682 | Geological Society of America | 2.397 |
77 | Gondwana Research | 1342937X | Elsevier Inc. | 2.283 |
78 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of America | 00167606, 19432674 | Geological Society of America | 2.17 |
79 | Geochemical Perspectives Letters | 2410339X, 24103403 | European Association of Geochemistry | 2.152 |
80 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | 8867798 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.125 |
81 | Geochronology | 26283735 | Copernicus GmbH | 2.107 |
82 | Acta Geotechnica | 18611125, 18611133 | Springer Verlag | 2.067 |
83 | Geotechnique | 17517656, 00168505 | ICE Publishing | 2.042 |
84 | Mineralium Deposita | 00264598, 14321866 | Springer Verlag | 2.039 |
85 | International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 20952686 | Elsevier | 1.991 |
86 | Journal of Metamorphic Geology | 15251314, 02634929 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.983 |
87 | International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences | 13651609 | Elsevier BV | 1.965 |
88 | Landslides | 16125118, 1612510X | Springer Verlag | 1.928 |
89 | Geotextiles and Geomembranes | 2661144 | Elsevier BV | 1.864 |
90 | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE | 19435606, 10900241 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1.861 |
91 | Computers and Geotechnics | 0266352X, 18737633 | Elsevier BV | 1.787 |
92 | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 16747755 | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 1.762 |
93 | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics | 10969845, 00988847 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 1.714 |
94 | Quaternary Science Reviews | 2773791 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.701 |
95 | Precambrian Research | 3019268 | Elsevier | 1.698 |
96 | Lithos | 244937 | Elsevier | 1.653 |
97 | AAPG Bulletin | 1491423 | American Association of Petroleum Geologists | 1.623 |
98 | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 12086010, 00083674 | National Research Council of Canada | 1.607 |
99 | Advances in Geo-Energy Research | 22079963, 2208598X | 1.599 | |
100 | Earthquake Spectra | 87552930 | Earthquake Engineering Research Institute | 1.55 |
101 | Oil and Gas Geology | 2539985 | shi you yu tian ran qi di zhi bian ji bu | 1.529 |
102 | Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas Industry | 10000976 | Natural Gas Industry Journal Agency | 1.465 |
103 | Chemical Geology | 92541 | Elsevier | 1.46 |
104 | International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics | 03639061, 10969853 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 1.429 |
105 | Sedimentology | 00370746, 13653091 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.421 |
106 | Geosphere | 1553040X | Geological Society of America | 1.414 |
107 | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment | 23523808 | Elsevier BV | 1.362 |
108 | Solid Earth | 18699510, 18699529 | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 1.35 |
109 | Basin Research | 0950091X, 13652117 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.329 |
110 | Geosynthetics International | 10726349, 17517613 | ICE Publishing | 1.319 |
111 | Terra Nova | 13653121, 09544879 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.309 |
112 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 1545598X | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | 1.284 |
113 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2677261 | Elsevier BV | 1.251 |
114 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | 1570761X | Springer Netherlands | 1.233 |
115 | Transportation Geotechnics | 22143912 | Elsevier BV | 1.229 |
116 | Soils and Foundations | 380806 | Japanese Geotechnical Society | 1.227 |
117 | Journal of Structural Geology | 1918141 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.225 |
118 | Geoenvironmental Disasters | 21978670 | SpringerOpen | 1.221 |
119 | Progress in Oceanography | 796611 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.198 |
120 | Underground Space (China) | 20962754, 24679674 | Tongji University Press | 1.189 |
121 | Quaternary Geochronology | 18711014 | Elsevier | 1.182 |
122 | Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology | 25278045, 25281410 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 1.176 |
123 | International Journal of Coal Science and Technology | 21987823, 20958293 | Springer International Publishing AG | 1.175 |
124 | International Journal of Geomechanics | 15323641, 19435622 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1.163 |
125 | SPE Journal | 1086055X | Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) | 1.144 |
126 | Cold Regions Science and Technology | 18727441, 0165232X | Elsevier | 1.135 |
127 | Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research | 16394488 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.127 |
128 | Journal of the Geological Society | 2041479X, 00167649 | Geological Society of London | 1.122 |
129 | Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering | 18755100 | Elsevier | 1.116 |
130 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | 9204105 | Elsevier | 1.111 |
131 | Ocean Modelling | 14635003, 14635011 | Elsevier BV | 1.104 |
132 | GSA Today | 10525173 | Geological Society of America | 1.071 |
133 | International Geology Review | 00206814, 19382839 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.067 |
134 | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 17448980, 15732479 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.053 |
135 | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences | 18785786, 13679120 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.034 |
136 | Minerals Engineering | 8926875 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.018 |
137 | Boreas | 03009483, 15023885 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.013 |
138 | Marine Geology | 253227 | Elsevier | 1.006 |
139 | Applied Clay Science | 1691317 | Elsevier BV | 0.985 |
140 | Quaternary Science Advances | 26660334 | Elsevier Ltd. | 0.975 |