UGC CARE approved Philosophy Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE indexed Philosophy journals. The provided journals are reputed.

17 UGC CARE Philosophy journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisher
1Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology1949-0739, 2475-3025Michigan Publishing
2Apeiron- A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science0003-6390, NAWalter de Gruyter
3Comparative PhilosophyNA, 2151-6014Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University
4Environmental Philosophy1718-0198, 2153-8905Philosophy Documentation Center
5Film- PhilosophyNA, 1466-4615Edinburgh University Press
6Gauhati University Journal of Philosophy2456-3285, NADepartment of Philosophy, University of Gauhati
7IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion and PhilosophyNA, 2187-0624International Academic Forum
8Journal of Scottish Philosophy1479-6651, 1755-2001Edinburgh University Press
9Journal of the All Orissa Philosophy Association2395-2784, NAAll Orissa Philosophy Association
10Philosophical Papers: Journal of the Department of Philosophy0976-4496, NADepartment of Philosophy, University of North Bengal
11Philosophy and the Life-World0975-8461, NADepartment of Philosophy, Vidyasagar University
12Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy (print only)0973-0087, NARabindra Bharati University
13Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy (print only)2395-3209, NADepartment of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University
14Tattva: Journal of Philosophy0975-332X, NACHRIST Deemed to be University
15Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication1757-1952, 1757-1960Intellect Publishers
16Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies (Formerly-International Journal of Yoga- Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology)2949-6993, 2949-7000Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana
17Philosophy and the Life-World0975-8461, NADepartment of Philosophy, Vidyasagar University

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