Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Philosophy journals.
200 Scopus indexed Philosophy journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | 00318205, 19331592 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
2 | British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | 14643537, 00070882 | University of Chicago Press | Q1 |
3 | Philosophy and Technology | 22105433, 22105441 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
4 | Philosophy of Science | 1539767X, 00318248 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
5 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | 13606441, 14679841 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
6 | Biology and Philosophy | 15728404, 01693867 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
7 | Phronesis | 00318868, 15685284 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q1 |
8 | European Journal for Philosophy of Science | 18794920, 18794912 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
9 | Apeiron | 21567093, 00036390 | de Gruyter | Q1 |
10 | Journal for General Philosophy of Science | 09254560, 15728587 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
11 | European Journal of Analytic Philosophy | 18490514, 18458475 | University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Q1 |
12 | NanoEthics | 18714765, 18714757 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
13 | Moral Philosophy and Politics | 21945616, 21945624 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
14 | Epistemology and Philosophy of Science | 1811833X, 23117133 | RAS Institute of Philosophy | Q1 |
15 | Constructivist Foundations | 1782348X | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Q2 |
16 | Theoria (Spain) | 4954548 | UPV/EHU Press | Q2 |
17 | Voprosy Filosofii | 428744 | Izdatel'stvo Nauka | Q1 |
18 | Philosophies | 24099287 | MDPI AG | Q2 |
19 | Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia | 19882564, 02112337 | Facultad De Filosofia, Universidad Complutense De Madrid | Q2 |
20 | Humana Mente | 19721293 | Humana Mente | Q2 |
21 | KronoScope | 1567715X, 15685241 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
22 | Filosofskii Zhurnal | 20720726, 26584883 | Russian Academy of Sciences | Q2 |
23 | Cuadernos de Ilustracion y Romanticismo | 11328304, 21730687 | Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Cadiz | Q1 |
24 | Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology | 1617249 | Philosophy Documentation Center | Q2 |
25 | Filozofia Nauki | 12306894 | Warsaw University | Q2 |
26 | Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki | 25878719 | National Research University, Higher School of Econoimics | Q2 |
27 | Principia | 14144247, 18081711 | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | Q2 |
28 | Arabic Sciences and Philosophy | 09574239, 14740524 | Cambridge University Press | Q2 |
29 | Rhizomata | 21965110, 21965102 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q3 |
30 | Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities | 18757243, 03038157 | Editions Rodopi B.V. | Q3 |
31 | Noctua | 22841180 | Q3 | |
32 | Radix | 1654322 | ForumC | Q3 |
33 | Prometeica | 18529488 | CONICET - Emiliano Aldegani | Q3 |
34 | Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce | 24510602, 08678286 | Copernicus Center Press | Q3 |
35 | Studia Leibnitiana | 393185 | Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH | Q4 |
36 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science(Netherlands) | 22151958, 18717381 | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | Q4 |
37 | Argumenta Philosophica | 24624993, 24625906 | Herder Editorial | Q4 |
38 | Orbis Idearum | 23533900 | History of Ideas Research Centre, Jagiellonian University Krakow | Q4 |
39 | Renaissance and Reformation | 0034429X | Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies | Q4 |
40 | Science | 10959203, 00368075 | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Q1 |
41 | Psychological Bulletin | 00332909, 19391455 | American Psychological Association | Q1 |
42 | Journal of Econometrics | 3044076 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
43 | Psychological Methods | 1082989X, 19391463 | American Psychological Association | Q1 |
44 | Philosophical Review, The | 318108 | Duke University Press | Q1 |
45 | Psychological Review | 19391471, 0033295X | American Psychological Association | Q1 |
46 | Nous | 14680068, 00294624 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
47 | Political Psychology | 0162895X, 14679221 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
48 | Mind | 00264423, 14602113 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
49 | Public Opinion Quarterly | 0033362X, 15375331 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
50 | Science Education | 00368326, 1098237X | Wiley-Liss Inc. | Q1 |
51 | Social Science and Medicine | 18735347, 02779536 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
52 | Business Ethics Quarterly | 1052150X | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
53 | European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 10188827, 1435165X | D. Steinkopff-Verlag | Q1 |
54 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 17496632, 00778923 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
55 | Journal of Philosophy | 0022362X, 19398549 | Journal of Philosophy, Inc. | Q1 |
56 | Qualitative Research | 14687941 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
57 | Natural Language Semantics | 0925854X | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
58 | Journal of Sex Research | 00224499, 15598519 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
59 | Philosophical Studies | 318116 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
60 | Minds and Machines | 09246495, 15728641 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
61 | Australasian Journal of Philosophy | 14716828, 00048402 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
62 | Philosophers Imprint | 1533628X | University of Michigan Press | Q1 |
63 | International Journal of Social Robotics | 18754805, 18754791 | Springer Verlag | Q1 |
64 | Mind and Language | 14680017, 02681064 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
65 | Science Technology and Human Values | 01622439, 15528251 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
66 | Journal of Linguistics | 14697742, 00222267 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
67 | International Theory | 17529727, 17529719 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
68 | Thinking and Reasoning | 14640708, 13546783 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
69 | Linguistics and Philosophy | 1650157 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
70 | Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis | 19383703, 00218855 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
71 | Philosophy Compass | 17479991 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
72 | Journal of Philosophical Logic | 00223611, 15730433 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
73 | New Ideas in Psychology | 0732118X | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
74 | Cognition, Technology and Work | 14355558, 14355566 | Springer London | Q1 |
75 | Journal of Political Philosophy | 14679760, 09638016 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
76 | Asian Bioethics Review | 17938759, 17939453 | National University of Singapore, Department of Biological Sciences, Centre for Biomedical Ethics | Q1 |
77 | Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine | 7909667 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
78 | Social Studies of Science | 14603659, 03063127 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
79 | Philosophical Quarterly | 00318094, 14679213 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
80 | Ethics | 1539297X, 00141704 | University of Chicago | Q1 |
81 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | 10884963, 00483915 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
82 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics | 13552198, 18792502 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
83 | Journal of School Health | 00224391, 17461561 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
84 | Philosophia Mathematica | 318019 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
85 | Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility | 26946424, 26946416 | John Wiley and Sons Inc. | Q1 |
86 | Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives | 17582245, 15208583 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
87 | Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Issues | 15336077, 17582237 | Wiley-VCH Verlag | Q1 |
88 | Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences | 15687759 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
89 | Analysis and Metaphysics | 15848574 | Addleton Academic Publishers | Q1 |
90 | Journal of the American Philosophical Association | 20534477, 20534485 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
91 | Synthese | 00397857, 15730964 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
92 | Educational Philosophy and Theory | 14695812, 00131857 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
93 | Episteme | 17423600 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
94 | Global Bioethics | 11287462, 15917398 | Routledge | Q1 |
95 | Monist, The | 269662 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
96 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | 224812 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
97 | Environmental Values | 09632719, 17527015 | White Horse Press | Q1 |
98 | Science and Technology Studies | 22434690 | The Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies | Q1 |
99 | Review of Philosophy and Psychology | 18785166, 18785158 | Springer Verlag | Q1 |
100 | Inquiry (United Kingdom) | 15023923, 0020174X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
101 | Philosophical Psychology | 09515089, 1465394X | Routledge | Q1 |
102 | Journal of Medicine and Philosophy | 03605310, 17445019 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
103 | Review of Contemporary Philosophy | 18415261 | Addleton Academic Publishers | Q1 |
104 | Analysis | 14678284, 00032638 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
105 | Archive for Mathematical Logic | 14320665, 09335846 | Springer New York | Q1 |
106 | AI and Society | 09515666, 14355655 | Springer London | Q1 |
107 | Pacific Philosophical Quarterly | 02790750, 14680114 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
108 | Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine | 17475341 | BioMed Central Ltd. | Q1 |
109 | Democratic Theory | 23328894, 23328908 | Berghahn Journals | Q1 |
110 | Studies in Philosophy and Education | 393746 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
111 | Review of Radical Political Economics | 4866134 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
112 | Human Geography(United Kingdom) | 19427786, 2633674X | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
113 | AJOB Empirical Bioethics | 23294523, 23294515 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
114 | British Journal of Aesthetics | 00070904, 14682842 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
115 | Erkenntnis | 15728420, 01650106 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
116 | Research Ethics | 17470161, 20476094 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
117 | Ancient Philosophy | 07402007, 21544689 | Philosophy Documentation Center | Q1 |
118 | Science as Culture | 9505431 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
119 | Scientia et Fides | 23007648, 23535636 | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Q1 |
120 | Hastings Center Report | 1552146X, 00930334 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
121 | Topoi | 01677411, 15728749 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
122 | Dialectica | 00122017, 17468361 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
123 | European Journal of Philosophy | 9668373 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
124 | Daedalus | 00115266, 15486192 | MIT Press Journals | Q1 |
125 | Pragmatics | 10182101 | International Pragmatics Association | Q1 |
126 | Sport, Ethics and Philosophy | 17511321, 1751133X | Routledge | Q1 |
127 | Journal of Academic Ethics | 15701727 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
128 | Bioethics | 14678519, 02699702 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
129 | Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology | 10863303, 10716076 | Johns Hopkins University Press | Q1 |
130 | Journal of Humanistic Psychology | 1552650X, 00221678 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
131 | Religious Studies | 1469901X, 00344125 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
132 | Journal of Critical Realism | 14767430, 15725138 | Maney Publishing | Q1 |
133 | Proceedings of the Aristotelean Society | 14679264, 00667374 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
134 | Review of Symbolic Logic | 17550211, 17550203 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
135 | Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy | 15728633, 13867423 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
136 | Husserl Studies | 1679848 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
137 | Music and Science | 20592043 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
138 | Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality | 2373700X, 23736992 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
139 | Argumentation | 15728374, 0920427X | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
140 | Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics | 16118014 | Inter-Research | Q1 |
141 | Journal of Logic, Language and Information | 9258531 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
142 | Studia Logica | 15728730, 00393215 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
143 | International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences | 20143680 | Hipatia Press | Q1 |
144 | Critical Philosophy of Race | 21658692, 21658684 | Penn State University Press | Q1 |
145 | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 20512201, 13558250 | Imprint Academic | Q1 |
146 | Life Sciences, Society and Policy | 21957819 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q1 |
147 | Thought | 21612234 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Q1 |
148 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences | 15527441, 00483931 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
149 | Logic and Logical Philosophy | 23009802, 14253305 | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Q1 |
150 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 14695936, 09672567 | Routledge | Q1 |
151 | Bulletin of Symbolic Logic | 10798986 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
152 | Public Integrity | 15580989, 10999922 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
153 | Reflective Practice | 14623943, 14701103 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
154 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | 00455091, 19110820 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
155 | Dao | 15697274, 15403009 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
156 | Social Epistemology | 02691728, 14645297 | Routledge | Q1 |
157 | Journal of the History of Philosophy | 00225053, 15384586 | Johns Hopkins University Press | Q1 |
158 | Politics, Philosophy and Economics | 1470594X | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
159 | Centaurus | 16000498, 00088994 | Tech Science Press | Q1 |
160 | Global Constitutionalism | 20453825, 20453817 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
161 | Economics and Philosophy | 02662671, 14740028 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
162 | American Philosophical Quarterly | 30481 | University of Illinois Press | Q1 |
163 | Journal of Somaesthetics | 22468498 | Aalborg University Press | Q1 |
164 | Adaptive Behavior | 17412633, 10597123 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
165 | Journal of Philosophy of Education | 14679752, 03098249 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
166 | Review of Religious Research | 0034673X | Religious Research Association | Q1 |
167 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | 10863249, 10546863 | Johns Hopkins University Press | Q1 |
168 | Oceania | 298077 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
169 | Journal of Ethics | 13824554 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
170 | Journal of Moral Philosophy | 17404681, 17455243 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q1 |
171 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A | 00393681, 18792510 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
172 | Gender and Language | 1747633X, 17476321 | Equinox Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
173 | Archive for the Psychology of Religion | 00846724, 15736121 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q1 |
174 | Philosophical Topics | 02762080, 2154154X | The University of Arkansas Press | Q1 |
175 | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | 17588871, 1477996X | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
176 | Medical Humanities | 14734265, 1468215X | BMJ Publishing Group | Q1 |
177 | Food Ethics | 23646861 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q1 |
178 | Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology | 10688471 | American Psychological Association | Q1 |
179 | Midwest Studies in Philosophy | 03636550, 14754975 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
180 | Ratio | 14679329, 00340006 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
181 | Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy | 13698230, 17438772 | Routledge | Q1 |
182 | Human Studies | 1572851X, 01638548 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
183 | Journal of Futures Studies | 10276084 | Tamkang University | Q1 |
184 | Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | 17445213, 0964704X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
185 | Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | 19585780, 11663081 | Taylor and Francis Inc. | Q1 |
186 | Biological Theory | 15555550, 15555542 | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | Q1 |
187 | Analytic Philosophy | 2153960X, 21539596 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
188 | School Science and Mathematics | 00366803, 19498594 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
189 | Logic Journal of the IGPL | 13689894, 13670751 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
190 | Theory and Psychology | 14617447, 09593543 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
191 | Faith and Philosophy | 07397046, 21533393 | Philosophy Documentation Center | Q1 |
192 | British Journal for the History of Philosophy | 9608788 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
193 | Journal of Applied Philosophy | 2643758 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
194 | International Journal for Philosophy of Religion | 207047 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
195 | Journal of Management History | 17587751, 17511348 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
196 | Studia Linguistica | 393193 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
197 | Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour | 14685914, 00218308 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
198 | Modern Intellectual History | 14792451, 14792443 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
199 | International Journal of Ethics and Systems | 25149369 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
200 | Ethical Theory and Moral Practice | 13862820, 15728447 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |