S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Moral Philosophy and Politics | 21945616, 21945624 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
2 | Constructivist Foundations | 1782348X | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Q2 |
3 | Theoria (Spain) | 4954548 | UPV/EHU Press | Q2 |
4 | Philosophies | 24099287 | MDPI AG | Q2 |
5 | Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia | 19882564, 02112337 | Facultad De Filosofia, Universidad Complutense De Madrid | Q2 |
6 | Humana Mente | 19721293 | Humana Mente | Q2 |
7 | KronoScope | 1567715X, 15685241 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
8 | Filosofskii Zhurnal | 20720726, 26584883 | Russian Academy of Sciences | Q2 |
9 | Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology | 1617249 | Philosophy Documentation Center | Q2 |
10 | Filozofia Nauki | 12306894 | Warsaw University | Q2 |
11 | Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki | 25878719 | National Research University, Higher School of Econoimics | Q2 |
12 | Principia | 14144247, 18081711 | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | Q2 |
13 | Arabic Sciences and Philosophy | 09574239, 14740524 | Cambridge University Press | Q2 |
14 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | 15298795, 00315982 | Johns Hopkins University Press | Q2 |
15 | Philosophy of Management | 20529597, 17403812 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q2 |
16 | Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 14699656, 10538372 | Cambridge University Press | Q2 |
17 | HOPOS | 21525188, 21566240 | University of Chicago Press | Q2 |
18 | Quanta | 13147374 | Quanta | Q2 |
19 | Journal of East Asian Linguistics | 15728560, 09258558 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
20 | Journal of the History of Biology | 15730387, 00225010 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
21 | Medizinhistorisches Journal | 258431 | Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena | Q2 |
22 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | 10586180 | IEEE Computer Society | Q2 |
23 | Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology | 23116986, 22265260 | Saint Petersburg State University | Q2 |
24 | Perspectives on Science | 10636145, 15309274 | MIT Press Journals | Q2 |
25 | Interdisciplinary Science Reviews | 03080188, 17432790 | Maney Publishing | Q2 |
26 | Foundations of Science | 12331821 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
27 | Notes and Records of the Royal Society | 00359149, 17430178 | The Royal Society | Q2 |
28 | Continental Philosophy Review | 13872842 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
29 | Acta Biotheoretica | 00015342, 15728358 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
30 | Open Philosophy | 25438875 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
31 | Grazer Philosophische Studien | 1659227 | Editions Rodopi b.v. | Q2 |
32 | Bulletin of the Section of Logic | 1380680 | Department of Logic, University of Lodz | Q2 |
33 | Philosophia (United States) | 00483893, 15749274 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
34 | Res Publica | 13564765, 15728692 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
35 | Kantian Review | 13694154 | Cambridge University Press | Q2 |
36 | Monash Bioethics Review | 18366716, 13212753 | Springer Publishing Company | Q2 |
37 | Ethics, Policy and Environment | 21550093, 21550085 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
38 | International Journal of Philosophical Studies | 14664542, 09672559 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
39 | Teorema | 2101602 | KRK Ediciones | Q2 |
40 | Law and Philosophy | 15730522, 01675249 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
41 | Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations | 18412394 | Addleton Academic Publishers | Q2 |
42 | Medical Problems of Performing Artists | 19382766, 08851158 | Science and Medicine Inc. | Q2 |
43 | Philosophy Today | 00318256, 23298596 | Philosophy Documentation Center | Q2 |
44 | International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics | 19374585, 19374577 | University of Toronto Press | Q2 |
45 | Engineering Studies | 19378629, 19408374 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
46 | Revus | 18557112, 15817652 | Revus Klub | Q2 |
47 | Logos and Episteme | 20693052, 20690533 | Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch | Q2 |
48 | Filosofiya Nauki i Tehniki | 26587297, 24139084 | Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Science | Q2 |
49 | Journal of Global Ethics | 17449626 | Routledge | Q2 |
50 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | 14320657, 00039519 | Springer Verlag | Q2 |
51 | Asian Journal of Business Ethics | 22106731, 22106723 | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | Q2 |
52 | History of Geo- and Space Sciences | 21905010, 21905029 | Copernicus GmbH | Q2 |
53 | Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie | 00039101, 16130650 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
54 | Recerca | 22544135, 11306149 | Universitat Jaume I | Q2 |
55 | Mathematical Intelligencer | 3436993 | Springer New York | Q2 |
56 | Mind and Matter | 16118812, 20513003 | Imprint Academic | Q2 |
57 | XLinguae | 13378384 | Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o | Q2 |
58 | Pragmatics and Cognition | 15699943, 09290907 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Q2 |
59 | Theoria | 405825 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q2 |
60 | Journal of Value Inquiry | 15730492, 00225363 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
61 | Practical Theology | 1756073X, 17560748 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
62 | World Futures | 2604027 | Gordon & Breach | Q2 |
63 | International Journal for the Study of Skepticism | 22105697, 22105700 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
64 | Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie | 21921482, 00121045 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
65 | European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy | 20364091 | Associazone culturale Pragma | Q2 |
66 | Topicos (Mexico) | 1886649 | Universidad panamericana | Q2 |
67 | Utopian studies | 1045991X, 21549648 | Pennsylvania State University Press | Q2 |
68 | Clinical Ethics | 1758101X, 14777509 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q2 |
69 | Sophia(Ecuador) | 13903861, 13908626 | Universidad Politecnica Salesiana | Q2 |
70 | Analyse und Kritik | 1715860 | Walter de Gruyter | Q2 |
71 | Axiomathes | 11221151 | Springer Netherlands | Q2 |
72 | Law, Probability and Risk | 1470840X, 14708396 | Oxford University Press | Q2 |
73 | Critical Horizons | 14409917, 15685160 | Maney Publishing | Q2 |
74 | Danish Yearbook of Philosophy | 00702749, 24689300 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
75 | RUDN Journal of Philosophy | 24088900, 23132302 | RUDN University | Q2 |
76 | Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics | 18769098 | Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam | Q2 |
77 | Meta (Canada) | 260452 | Presses de l'Universite de Montreal | Q2 |
78 | Linacre quarterly, The | 20508549, 00243639 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q2 |
79 | Manuscrito | 01006045, 2317630X | Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, Centro de Logica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia | Q2 |
80 | Intellectual Economics | 18228038, 18228011 | Mykolo Romerio Universitetas | Q2 |
81 | Kant-Studien | 00228877, 16131134 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q2 |
82 | Medicina e Morale | 22825940, 00257834 | PagePress Publications | Q2 |
83 | Medicina Historica | 25322370 | Mattioli1885 | Q2 |
84 | Journal of Human Values | 09730737, 09716858 | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd | Q2 |
85 | Organon F | 13350668 | Slovak Academy of Sciences - Inst of Philosophy | Q2 |
86 | Philosophical Investigations | 14679205, 01900536 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q2 |
87 | Conatus - Journal of Philosophy | 26539373, 24593842 | NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory | Q2 |
88 | Ethik in der Medizin | 9357335 | Springer Verlag | Q2 |
89 | Notizie di Politeia | 11282401 | Politeia | Q2 |
90 | Pensamiento | 314749 | Q2 | |
91 | Studi di Estetica | 05854733, 18258646 | Mimesis Edizioni | Q2 |
92 | Journal of Speculative Philosophy | 0891625X, 15279383 | Penn State University Press | Q2 |
93 | Journal of the History of Ideas | 00225037, 10863222 | University of Pennsylvania Press | Q2 |
94 | BioLaw Journal | 22844503 | University of Trento | Q2 |
95 | Environmental Ethics | 1634275 | Environmental Philosophy Inc | Q2 |
96 | Araucaria | 15756823 | Universidad de Sevilla | Q2 |
97 | South African Journal of Philosophy | 2580136 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
98 | Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum | 22282009, 22282017 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q2 |
99 | Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofia del Derecho | 02148676, 23864702 | Universidad de Alicante | Q2 |
100 | Filosofija, Sociologija | 2357186 | Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers | Q2 |
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