List of Q2 journals in Philosophy

100 Philosophy Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Moral Philosophy and Politics21945616, 21945624Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
2Constructivist Foundations1782348XVrije Universiteit BrusselQ2
3Theoria (Spain)4954548UPV/EHU PressQ2
4Philosophies24099287MDPI AGQ2
5Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia19882564, 02112337Facultad De Filosofia, Universidad Complutense De MadridQ2
6Humana Mente19721293Humana MenteQ2
7KronoScope1567715X, 15685241Brill Academic PublishersQ2
8Filosofskii Zhurnal20720726, 26584883Russian Academy of SciencesQ2
9Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology1617249Philosophy Documentation CenterQ2
10Filozofia Nauki12306894Warsaw UniversityQ2
11Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki25878719National Research University, Higher School of EconoimicsQ2
12Principia14144247, 18081711Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaQ2
13Arabic Sciences and Philosophy09574239, 14740524Cambridge University PressQ2
14Perspectives in Biology and Medicine15298795, 00315982Johns Hopkins University PressQ2
15Philosophy of Management20529597, 17403812Springer International Publishing AGQ2
16Journal of the History of Economic Thought14699656, 10538372Cambridge University PressQ2
17HOPOS21525188, 21566240University of Chicago PressQ2
19Journal of East Asian Linguistics15728560, 09258558Springer NetherlandsQ2
20Journal of the History of Biology15730387, 00225010Springer NetherlandsQ2
21Medizinhistorisches Journal258431Urban und Fischer Verlag JenaQ2
22IEEE Annals of the History of Computing10586180IEEE Computer SocietyQ2
23Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology23116986, 22265260Saint Petersburg State UniversityQ2
24Perspectives on Science10636145, 15309274MIT Press JournalsQ2
25Interdisciplinary Science Reviews03080188, 17432790Maney PublishingQ2
26Foundations of Science12331821Springer NetherlandsQ2
27Notes and Records of the Royal Society00359149, 17430178The Royal SocietyQ2
28Continental Philosophy Review13872842Springer NetherlandsQ2
29Acta Biotheoretica00015342, 15728358Springer NetherlandsQ2
30Open Philosophy25438875Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
31Grazer Philosophische Studien1659227Editions Rodopi b.v.Q2
32Bulletin of the Section of Logic1380680Department of Logic, University of LodzQ2
33Philosophia (United States)00483893, 15749274Springer NetherlandsQ2
34Res Publica13564765, 15728692Springer NetherlandsQ2
35Kantian Review13694154Cambridge University PressQ2
36Monash Bioethics Review18366716, 13212753Springer Publishing CompanyQ2
37Ethics, Policy and Environment21550093, 21550085Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
38International Journal of Philosophical Studies14664542, 09672559Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
39Teorema2101602KRK EdicionesQ2
40Law and Philosophy15730522, 01675249Springer NetherlandsQ2
41Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations18412394Addleton Academic PublishersQ2
42Medical Problems of Performing Artists19382766, 08851158Science and Medicine Inc.Q2
43Philosophy Today00318256, 23298596Philosophy Documentation CenterQ2
44International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics19374585, 19374577University of Toronto PressQ2
45Engineering Studies19378629, 19408374Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
46Revus18557112, 15817652Revus KlubQ2
47Logos and Episteme20693052, 20690533Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi BranchQ2
48Filosofiya Nauki i Tehniki26587297, 24139084Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of ScienceQ2
49Journal of Global Ethics17449626RoutledgeQ2
50Archive for History of Exact Sciences14320657, 00039519Springer VerlagQ2
51Asian Journal of Business Ethics22106731, 22106723Springer Science and Business Media B.V.Q2
52History of Geo- and Space Sciences21905010, 21905029Copernicus GmbHQ2
53Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie00039101, 16130650Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
54Recerca22544135, 11306149Universitat Jaume IQ2
55Mathematical Intelligencer3436993Springer New YorkQ2
56Mind and Matter16118812, 20513003Imprint AcademicQ2
57XLinguae13378384Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.oQ2
58Pragmatics and Cognition15699943, 09290907John Benjamins Publishing CompanyQ2
59Theoria405825John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
60Journal of Value Inquiry15730492, 00225363Springer NetherlandsQ2
61Practical Theology1756073X, 17560748Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
62World Futures2604027Gordon & BreachQ2
63International Journal for the Study of Skepticism22105697, 22105700Brill Academic PublishersQ2
64Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie21921482, 00121045Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
65European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy20364091Associazone culturale PragmaQ2
66Topicos (Mexico)1886649Universidad panamericanaQ2
67Utopian studies1045991X, 21549648Pennsylvania State University PressQ2
68Clinical Ethics1758101X, 14777509SAGE Publications LtdQ2
69Sophia(Ecuador)13903861, 13908626Universidad Politecnica SalesianaQ2
70Analyse und Kritik1715860Walter de GruyterQ2
71Axiomathes11221151Springer NetherlandsQ2
72Law, Probability and Risk1470840X, 14708396Oxford University PressQ2
73Critical Horizons14409917, 15685160Maney PublishingQ2
74Danish Yearbook of Philosophy00702749, 24689300Brill Academic PublishersQ2
75RUDN Journal of Philosophy24088900, 23132302RUDN UniversityQ2
76Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics18769098Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University RotterdamQ2
77Meta (Canada)260452Presses de l'Universite de MontrealQ2
78Linacre quarterly, The20508549, 00243639SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
79Manuscrito01006045, 2317630XUniversidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, Centro de Logica, Epistemologia e Historia da CienciaQ2
80Intellectual Economics18228038, 18228011Mykolo Romerio UniversitetasQ2
81Kant-Studien00228877, 16131134Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
82Medicina e Morale22825940, 00257834PagePress PublicationsQ2
83Medicina Historica25322370Mattioli1885Q2
84Journal of Human Values09730737, 09716858Sage Publications India Pvt. LtdQ2
85Organon F13350668Slovak Academy of Sciences - Inst of PhilosophyQ2
86Philosophical Investigations14679205, 01900536Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
87Conatus - Journal of Philosophy26539373, 24593842NKUA Applied Philosophy Research LaboratoryQ2
88Ethik in der Medizin9357335Springer VerlagQ2
89Notizie di Politeia11282401PoliteiaQ2
91Studi di Estetica05854733, 18258646Mimesis EdizioniQ2
92Journal of Speculative Philosophy0891625X, 15279383Penn State University PressQ2
93Journal of the History of Ideas00225037, 10863222University of Pennsylvania PressQ2
94BioLaw Journal22844503University of TrentoQ2
95Environmental Ethics1634275Environmental Philosophy IncQ2
96Araucaria15756823Universidad de SevillaQ2
97South African Journal of Philosophy2580136Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
98Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum22282009, 22282017Springer International Publishing AGQ2
99Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofia del Derecho02148676, 23864702Universidad de AlicanteQ2
100Filosofija, Sociologija2357186Lithuanian Academy of Sciences PublishersQ2

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