This web page aims to provide a list of Open Access Multidisciplinary journals. The provided journals are highly reputable.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Country of Publisher |
1 | Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research | 1695-7253, 2340-2717 | AECR | Spain |
2 | Revista de Ciências Agrárias | 0871-018X, 2183-041X | Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal | Portugal |
3 | Revista CIFE "Lecturas de Economía Social" | 0124-3551, 2248-4914 | Universidad San tomas | Colombia |
4 | International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering | 2229-8649, 2180-1606 | Universiti Malaysia Pahang | Malaysia |
5 | Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt | , 0866-787X | Dalat University | Viet Nam |
6 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos Organizacionais | , 2447-4851 | SBEO | Brazil |
7 | Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka | 1233-8680, | Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne WFPiK UAM; Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk | Poland |
8 | Iniciação Científica Cesumar | 1518-1243, 2176-9192 | Centro Universitário de Maringá | Brazil |
9 | Denkste: Puppe | 2625-5871, 2568-9363 | universi - Universitätsverlag Siegen | Germany |
10 | The Young Researcher | , 2560-9823 | Royal St. George's College | Canada |
11 | Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research | 2158-4044, 2158-4052 | Purdue University Press | United States |
12 | I Quaderni del MAES | 1593-8999, 2533-2325 | University of Bologna | Italy |
13 | Journal of Multidisciplinary Care | , 2783-3852 | Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
14 | Convergences Francophones | , 2291-7012 | University of Alberta Libraries | Canada |
15 | International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology | 2288-7202, 2288-7318 | International Promotion Agency of Culture Technolgy | Korea, Republic of |
16 | Nantong Daxue xuebao. Ziran kexue ban | 1673-2340, | Editorial Department of Journal of Nantong University (Natural Science Edition) | China |
17 | Moroccan Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research | , 2665-8623 | Academy of Researchers | Morocco |
18 | Journal of Academia | 2232-1519, 2289-6368 | Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan | Malaysia |
19 | Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina | 0004-4881, 2683-7226 | Asociación Odontológica Argentina | Argentina |
20 | S: I. M. O. N. | , 2408-9192 | Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) | Austria |
21 | Tzhoecoen | 1997-3985, 1997-8731 | Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. | Peru |
22 | Global Business and Finance Review | 1088-6931, 2384-1648 | People & Global Business Association (P&GBA) | Korea, Republic of |
23 | Oeconomica Jadertina | 1848-4956, 1848-1035 | University of Zadar | Croatia |
24 | ScienceOpen Research | , 2199-1006 | ScienceOpen | United States |
25 | Journal of Education Culture and Society | 2081-1640, | Foundation Pro Scientia Publica | Poland |
26 | Oral | , 2673-6373 | MDPI AG | Switzerland |
27 | Conservation | , 2673-7159 | MDPI AG | Switzerland |
28 | 한국해양공학회지 | 1225-0767, 2287-6715 | The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers | Korea, Republic of |
29 | Anuario de Estudios Americanos | 0210-5810, 1988-4273 | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | Spain |
30 | Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontists | 1029-8231, 2708-2636 | Taiwan Association of Orthodontists | Taiwan, Province of China |
31 | Journal of Ethics in Higher Education | 2813-4370, 2813-4389 | Globethics Publications | Switzerland |
Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of Open Access Multidisciplinary journals will help you to choose reputed journals.