This web page aims to provide a list of free Medicine journals. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed).
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Country of Publisher |
1 | فصلنامه ابن سینا | 1735-9503, 2645-4653 | Iran Air Force Health Administration | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
2 | Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine | 2575-9000, 2575-9019 | World Scientific Publishing | Singapore |
3 | Sakarya Tıp Dergisi | , 2146-409X | Sakarya University | Türkiye |
4 | Scripta Medica | 2490-3329, 2303-7954 | Medical Society of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, University of Banja Luka. Faculty of Medicine | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
5 | Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science | , 2799-8010 | Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Yeungnam University Institute Medical Science | Korea, Republic of |
6 | World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 2311-8571, | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
7 | Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine | , 2225-4110 | Elsevier | China |
8 | Journal of Marine Medical Society | 0975-3605, 2589-1235 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
9 | Chinese Medicine and Culture | 2589-9627, 2589-9473 | Wolters Kluwer Health/LWW | United States |
10 | Di-san junyi daxue xuebao | 1000-5404, | Editorial Office of Journal of Third Military Medical University | China |
11 | Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de Medicina Interna | 1681-9721, 1609-7173 | Sociedad Peruana de Medicina Interna | Peru |
12 | Journal of Medical Sciences | 1011-4564, 2542-4939 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
13 | Integrative Medicine Research | 2213-4220, | Elsevier | Netherlands |
14 | Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine | , 2717-0616 | Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Press | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
15 | Genel Tıp Dergisi | , 2602-3741 | Selçuk University | Türkiye |
16 | Avicenna Journal of Medicine | 2231-0770, 2249-4464 | Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt. Ltd. | India |
17 | Magna Medika | 2407-0505, 2774-2318 | Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang | Indonesia |
18 | Social Determinants of Health | , 2423-7337 | Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
19 | Primary and Hospital Care | 2297-7171, 2297-721X | EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. | Switzerland |
20 | SVU - International Journal of Medical Sciences | 2735-427X, 2636-3402 | South Valley University, Faculty of Medicine | Egypt |
21 | Бюллетень сибирской медицины | 1682-0363, 1819-3684 | Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) | Russian Federation |
22 | Медицина и организация здравоохранения | 2658-4212, 2658-4220 | Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg state pediatric medical University" of the Ministry of health of Russia | Russian Federation |
23 | Medicina Clínica y Social | , 2521-2281 | Cátedra de Socioantropología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Filial Santa Rosa del Aguaray | Paraguay |
24 | Primary and Hospital Care | 2297-7155, 2297-7163 | EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. | Switzerland |
25 | European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine | 2544-2406, 2544-1361 | Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszów | Poland |
26 | Traditional and Integrative Medicine | 2476-5104, 2476-5112 | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
27 | Revista Médica del Uruguay | 0303-3295, 1688-0390 | Sindicato Médico del Uruguay | Uruguay |
28 | Eurasian Journal of Family Medicine | 2147-3161, 2147-3404 | Eurasian Society of Family Medicine | Türkiye |
29 | Turkish Journal of Internal Medicine | , 2687-4245 | Nizameddin KOCA | Türkiye |
30 | BioMedicine | 2211-8020, 2211-8039 | China Medical University | Taiwan, Province of China |
31 | Медична наука України | 2664-472X, 2664-4738 | Bogomolets National Medical University | Ukraine |
32 | The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology | 1687-8426, 2314-8551 | SpringerOpen | United Kingdom |
33 | Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine | , 2695-5075 | Emergency Department of Hospital San Pedro (Logroño, Spain) | Spain |
34 | Клінічна та профілактична медицина | , 2616-4868 | State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department | Ukraine |
35 | Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine | 2097-0226, 2765-8619 | Wolters Kluwer Health/LWW | United States |
36 | Medical Review | 2097-0733, 2749-9642 | De Gruyter | Germany |
37 | Novelty in Clinical Medicine | , 2783-4492 | Sadra Danesh Negar | Kazakhstan |
38 | Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | , 1307-671X | Duzce University | Türkiye |
39 | Journal of Clinical Practice and Research | , 2980-2156 | KARE Publishing | Türkiye |
40 | Acta Clinica Croatica | 0353-9466, 1333-9451 | Sestre Milosrdnice University hospital, Institute of Clinical Medical Research | Croatia |
41 | Cirugía y Cirujanos | 0009-7411, 2444-054X | Permanyer | Spain |
42 | Scripta Score Scientific Medical Journal | 2088-8686, 2686-0864 | Talenta Publisher | Indonesia |
43 | Acta Medica Bulgarica | 0324-1750, 2719-5384 | Sciendo | Poland |
44 | Perspectivas em Medicina Legal e Perícia Médica | , 2526-0928 | Indexa Editora | Brazil |
45 | Medicinski Glasnik Specijalne Bolnice za Bolesti Štitaste Žlezde i Bolesti Metabolizma "Zlatibor" | 1821-1925, 2406-131X | Specijalna bolnica za bolesti štitaste žlezde i bolesti metabolizma Zlatibor | Serbia |
46 | Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease | , 2633-0040 | SAGE Publishing | United Kingdom |
47 | Medicina v Kuzbasse | 1819-0901, 2588-0411 | The Publishing House Medicine and Enlightenment | Russian Federation |
48 | Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles | , 2325-9205 | Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles | United States |
49 | Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma | , 2383-4544 | Kerman University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
50 | Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine | , 2281-0692 | Hygeia Press di Corridori Marinella | Italy |
51 | Folia Medica Copernicana | 2300-5432, 2353-6489 | Via Medica | Poland |
52 | Revista Cubana de Informática Médica | , 1684-1859 | ECIMED | Cuba |
53 | International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine | 2251-8762, 2251-8770 | Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
54 | Reviews in Clinical Medicine | 2345-6256, 2345-6892 | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
55 | Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares | 2316-7580, 2316-915X | Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina | Brazil |
56 | Artroscopia | 1851-2828, 1853-4759 | Asociacion Argentina de Artroscopia | Argentina |
57 | Vascular Investigation and Therapy | 2589-9686, 2589-9481 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
58 | Bali Journal of Anesthesiology | , 2549-2276 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
59 | Social Medicine | , 1557-7112 | Social Medicine Publication Group | United States |
60 | Анналы клинической и экспериментальной неврологии | 2075-5473, 2409-2533 | Research Center of Neurology | Russian Federation |
61 | Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva | 0103-507X, 1982-4335 | Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira | Brazil |
62 | Galician Medical Journal | 2306-4285, 2414-1518 | Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University | Ukraine |
63 | Вестник восстановительной медицины | 2078-1962, 2713-2625 | Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology | Russian Federation |
64 | Military Medical Research | , 2054-9369 | BMC | United Kingdom |
65 | Российские биомедицинские исследования | 2658-6584, 2658-6576 | Federal State budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation | Russian Federation |
66 | Saúde, Ética & Justiça | 1414-218X, 2317-2770 | Universidade de Sao Paulo | Brazil |
67 | Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade | 1809-5909, 2179-7994 | Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade | Brazil |
68 | Journal of Advanced Lung Health | 2772-7165, 2772-7173 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
69 | ABC: časopis urgentne medicine | 1451-1053, 2560-3922 | Serbian Medical Society, Department of Emergency Medicine, Belgrade | Serbia |
70 | Adli Tıp Bülteni | 1300-865X, 2149-4533 | Adli Tıp Uzmanları Derneği | Türkiye |
71 | European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine | 2657-3148, 2657-3156 | Medical University of Gdańsk | Poland |
72 | Timişoara Medical Journal | 1583-5251, 1583-526X | Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara | Romania |
73 | Gazeta Médica | 2183-8135, 2184-0628 | José de Mello Saúde | Portugal |
74 | Case Reports | , 2462-8522 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Colombia |
75 | Walawalkar International Medical Journal | , 2395-0684 | BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical College & Hospital | India |
76 | Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse | 1661-6138, 1661-6146 | EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. | Switzerland |
77 | Swiss Medical Forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum | 1424-3784, 1424-4020 | EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. | Switzerland |
78 | Integrative Medicine Case Reports | , 2582-6255 | Swami Paramhansa Swastha Shiksha Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samsthana (SPSS | India |
79 | Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | , 2148-2837 | Mehmet Akif Ersoy University | Türkiye |
80 | Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies | , 1885-5210 | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | Spain |
81 | Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia | , 2722-4848 | Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas | Indonesia |
82 | Lokman Hekim Dergisi | 1309-761X, 1309-8004 | Mersin University | Türkiye |
83 | Juvenis Scientia | 2414-3782, 2414-3790 | Scientia Publishing House | Russian Federation |
84 | APIK Journal of Internal Medicine | 2666-1802, 2666-1810 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
85 | Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | 2589-8302, 2589-8310 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
86 | Медицина катастроф | 2070-1004, 2686-7966 | Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zashchita» | Russian Federation |
87 | Práctica Familiar Rural | , 2477-9164 | Fundación Salud y Desarrollo Andino, Saludesa Ecuador | Ecuador |
88 | Revista Uruguaya de Medicina Interna | , 2393-6797 | Sociedad de Medicina Interna del Uruguay | Uruguay |
89 | Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics | , 2708-9800 | South Kazakhstan Medical Academy | Kazakhstan |
90 | Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo | 0465-546X, 1989-7790 | Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo | Spain |
91 | Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica | , 1659-2441 | University of Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
92 | Revista 16 de Abril | 0138-645X, 1729-6935 | Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana | Cuba |
93 | Spanish Journal of Medicine | , 2696-5631 | Permanyer | Spain |
94 | Journal of Clinical and Basic Research | , 2538-3736 | Golestan University Of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
95 | Lung India | 0970-2113, 0974-598X | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
96 | Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | 0975-2870, 2278-7119 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
97 | Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare | , 2675-021X | Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública | Brazil |
98 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | 2075-051X, 2075-0528 | Sultan Qaboos University | Oman |
99 | Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR | , 1989-4090 | AnestesiaR | Spain |
100 | Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi | , 2587-0262 | Galenos Yayincilik | Türkiye |
Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of free publishing Medicine journals will help you to choose reputed journals.