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Scopus indexed Health Journals

Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Health journals.

200 Scopus indexed Health journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

Scopus indexed Health journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Health Equity24731242Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
2Alter18750672, 18750680Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences SocialesQ3
3Population Medicine26541459European PublishingQ4
4Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion2345346X, 23453265Iranian Association of Health Education and Health PromotionQ3
5Hacia la Promocion de la Salud01217577, 24628425Universidad de CaldasQ4
6Journal of Public Health and Development26511258, 26730774Mahidol University - ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentQ4
7Universal Journal of Public Health23318945, 23318880Horizon Research PublishingQ4
8Health Education and Health Promotion25885715, 23452897Tarbiat Modares UniversityQ4
9Lancet Planetary Health, The25425196Elsevier BVQ1
10Implementation Science17485908BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
11Journal of Adolescent Health1054139X, 18791972Elsevier USAQ1
12Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, The26666065Elsevier Ltd.Q1
13SSM - Population Health23528273Elsevier Ltd.Q1
14Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities21968837Springer NatureQ1
15Global Health Research and Policy23970642BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
16Pediatric obesity20476302, 20476310Wiley-Blackwell for the International Association for the Study of ObesityQ1
17International Journal of Mental Health Systems17524458BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
18Health systems and reform23288620Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
19Sociology of Health and Illness01419889, 14679566Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
20Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research15733289, 0894587XSpringer New YorkQ1
21Learning Health Systems23796146John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
22World Journal of Men?s Health22874690, 22874208Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and AndrologyQ1
23Stigma and Health23766964, 23766972American Psychological AssociationQ1
24Community Mental Health Journal15732789, 00103853Springer NetherlandsQ1
25Health security23265108, 23265094Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
26Substance Use and Misuse10826084, 15322491Informa HealthcareQ2
27Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research10943412, 15563308Springer New YorkQ2
28International Journal of Mental Health00207411, 15579328Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
29Drug and Chemical Toxicology01480545, 15256014Informa HealthcareQ2
30Social Work in Public Health1937190X, 19371918RoutledgeQ2
31Dose-Response15593258International Dose-Response SocietyQ3
32Journal of Drug Issues00220426, 19451369SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
33Tobacco Prevention and Cessation24593087European PublishingQ2
34Contemporary Drug Problems914509SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
35Journal of Health and Social Sciences24995886, 24992240SIPISS- Edizioni FS PublishersQ3
36International Journal of Care and Caring2397883X, 23978821Policy PressQ2
37Journal of Drug Education15414159, 00472379SAGE Publications Inc.Q3
38Health Behavior and Policy Review23264403Paris Scholar Publishing, Ltd.Q3
39International Journal of Mental Health Promotion14623730, 20498543Tech Science PressQ3
40Policy and Practice in Health and Safety14773996, 14774003Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
41Physis18094481, 01037331Institute de Medicina Social da UERJQ3
42Health Risk Analysis23081163, 25422308Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management TechnologiesQ4
43Delaware Journal of Public Health26396378Delaware Academy of MedicineQ4
44Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management22043136Australasian College of Health Service ManagementQ4
45European Journal of Mental Health17887119, 17884934Semmelweis University Institute of Mental HealthQ4
46Journal of Chemical Health Risks22516719, 22516727Islamic Azad UniversityQ4
47International Journal of Public Health Science26204126, 22528806Intelektual Pustaka Media UtamaQ4
48South Eastern European Journal of Public Health21975248Jacobs VerlagQ4
49Ankara Medical Journal13032283, 21484570Ankara Yildirim Beyazit UniversityQ4
50Archives of Health Science and Research26874644AvesQ4
51Journal of Health Sciences and Surveillance System23452218, 23453893Shriaz University of Medical SciencesQ4
52Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Publica22563334, 0120386XUniversidad de AntioquiaQ4
53MMWR Recommendations and Reports10575987, 15458601Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Q1
54Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report01492195, 1545861XDepartment of Health and Human ServicesQ1
55MMWR Surveillance Summaries15458636, 15460738Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Q1
56Lancet Regional Health - Americas, The2667193XElsevier Ltd.Q1
57Milbank Quarterly0887378X, 14680009Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
58Globalization and Health17448603BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
59Trauma, Violence, and Abuse15248380, 15528324SAGE Publications LtdQ1
60BMJ Global Health20597908BMJ Publishing GroupQ1
61Tobacco Control09644563, 14683318BMJ Publishing GroupQ1
62Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences20457979, 20457960Cambridge University PressQ1
63Environmental Health Perspectives15529924, 00916765Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human ServicesQ1
64Journal of Health Economics18791646, 01676296ElsevierQ1
65Journal of Urban Health10993460, 14682869Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ1
66Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior27724204Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ1
67Current Environmental Health Reports21965412Springer International Publishing AGQ1
68Chemosphere456535Elsevier Ltd.Q1
69LGBT Health23258306, 23258292Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
70International Journal for Equity in Health14759276BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
71JMIR Public Health and Surveillance23692960JMIR Publications Inc.Q1
72American Journal of Health Economics23323493, 23323507University of Chicago PressQ1
73Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health24685844Elsevier BVQ1
74Journal of Community Health00945145, 15733610Springer NetherlandsQ1
75Emerging Contaminants24056650, 24056642KeAi Communications Co.Q1
76Exposure and Health24519766, 24519685Springer NetherlandsQ1
77Preventing chronic disease15451151Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Q1
78Health and Place13538292Elsevier Ltd.Q1
79Harm Reduction Journal14777517BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
80Value in Health10983015, 15244733Elsevier Ltd.Q1
81Society and Mental Health21568731, 21568693SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
82PharmacoEconomics11707690, 11792027Adis International LtdQ1
83Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety01476513, 10902414Academic Press Inc.Q1
84American Journal of Community Psychology00910562, 15732770Wiley-BlackwellQ1
85Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source1476069XBioMed Central Ltd.Q1
86International Journal of Public Health16618564, 16618556Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ1
87Journal of Global Health20472986, 20472978Edinburgh University Global Health SocietyQ1
88GeoHealth24711403John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
89Conflict and Health17521505BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
90Diagnosis21948011, 2194802XWalter de GruyterQ1
91International Journal of Health Policy and Management23225939Kerman University of Medical SciencesQ1
92Women's Health Issues10493867, 18784321Elsevier USAQ1
93American Journal of Infection Control15273296, 01966553Mosby Inc.Q1
94Maternal and Child Nutrition17408695, 17408709Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
95Journal of Health Communication10810730, 10870415Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
96Journal of Transport and Health22141405Elsevier BVQ1
97Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities15407969SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
98Public Health Research and Practice22042091Sax InstituteQ1
99Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being14793555Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
100Preventive Medicine Reports22113355Elsevier BVQ1
101Digital Health20552076SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
102Tobacco Induced Diseases16179625, 20707266European PublishingQ1
103Health Promotion International09574824, 14602245Oxford University PressQ1
104Global Health Action16549716, 16549880Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
105Child: Care, Health and Development03051862, 13652214Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
106International Journal of COPD11782005, 11769106Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q1
107Population Health Management19427905, 19427891Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
108Health and Social Care in the Community09660410, 13652524Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
109Global health, science and practice2169575XJohns Hopkins University PressQ1
110Clinical Social Work Journal15733343, 00911674Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.Q1
111Journal of Public Health Policy01975897, 1745655XPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.Q1
112Environmental Epidemiology24747882Wolters Kluwer HealthQ1
113Ageing and Society0144686X, 14691779Cambridge University PressQ1
114Reviews on Environmental Health00487554, 21910308Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ1
115American Journal of Health Promotion21686602, 08901171SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
116Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice2368738XPublic Health Agency of CanadaQ2
117Safety and Health at Work20937997, 20937911Elsevier BVQ1
118Journal of Health Services Research and Policy17581060, 13558196SAGE Publications LtdQ2
119Journal of Public Health Management and Practice10784659, 15505022Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
120Culture, Health and Sexuality14645351, 13691058RoutledgeQ1
121International Health18763413, 18763405Oxford University PressQ1
122International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16617827, 16604601Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
123Israel Journal of Health Policy Research20454015BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
124Maternal and Child Health Journal10927875, 15736628Springer GmbH & Co, Auslieferungs-GesellschafQ1
125Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice13652753, 13561294Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
126Games for health journal21617856, 2161783XMary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
127Health Promotion Perspectives22286497Tabriz University of Medical SciencesQ1
128Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior03630234, 1943278XWiley-BlackwellQ2
129Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, The2090262X, 00132446Springer International Publishing AGQ1
130BMC Obesity20529538BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
131International Journal for Quality in Health Care13534505, 14643677Oxford University PressQ2
132Journal of Medical Screening09691413, 14755793SAGE Publications LtdQ2
133Risk Management and Healthcare Policy11791594Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
134Health Information Management Journal18333575, 18333583SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
135Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology13873741, 15729400Springer NetherlandsQ2
136Gates Open Research25724754Q2
137AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV13600451, 09540121RoutledgeQ2
138Health Services Insights11786329SAGE Publications LtdQ2
139MDM Policy and Practice23814683SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
140Mental Health and Prevention22126570Elsevier BVQ2
141Industrial Health18808026, 00198366National Institute of Industrial HealthQ2
142Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2052336XSpringer International Publishing AGQ2
143Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities17411130, 17411122Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
144Human Ecology15729915, 03007839Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
145American Journal of Health Behavior10873244PNG PublicationsQ2
146mHealth23069740AME Publishing CompanyQ2
147Health Systems20476973, 20476965Taylor and Francis Inc.Q2
148American Journal of Men's Health15579891, 15579883SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
149Journal of Environmental and Public Health16879805, 16879813Hindawi LimitedQ2
150AIDS Education and Prevention19432755, 08999546Guilford PublicationsQ2
151Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research23272236Columbia Data Analytics, LLCQ2
152Future of Children15501558, 10548289Center for the Future of ChildrenQ1
153Ciencia e Saude Coletiva14138123Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude ColetivaQ2
154International Journal of Environmental Health Research09603123, 13691619Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
155AIMS Public Health23278994American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ2
156Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment19440057, 19440049Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
157Healthcare (Switzerland)22279032MDPI AGQ2
158Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition16060997BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
159Public Health in Practice26665352Elsevier BVQ2
160American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine15598276, 15598284SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
161Journal of Communication in Healthcare17538076, 17538068Maney PublishingQ2
162Disaster Prevention and Management9653562Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
163Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition19320248, 19320256Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
164Performance Enhancement and Health22112669Elsevier BVQ2
165Environmental Health Insights11786302SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
166Health Education Journal00178969, 17488176SAGE Publications LtdQ2
167Journal of Chemical Health and Safety18715532, 18780504American Chemical SocietyQ2
168Journal of Health and Pollution21569614Pure EarthQ3
169BMJ Open Quality23996641BMJ Publishing GroupQ2
170International Journal of Circumpolar Health12399736, 22423982Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
171Australian Journal of Primary Health14487527CSIROQ3
172Rural and Remote Health14456354James Cook UniversityQ1
173Healthcare Policy17156580, 17156572Longwoods Publishing Corp.Q3
174New Solutions10482911, 15413772SAGE Publications LtdQ3
175Biomedical and Environmental Sciences8953988ElsevierQ3
176Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality19451474, 10622551Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q3
177Environmental Health and Toxicology22336567Korean Society of Environmental Health and ToxicologyQ3
178Journal of Public Mental Health20428731, 17465729Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
179Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health19338244Heldref PublicationsQ2
180International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health03340139, 21910278Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
181Sahara J17290376Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
182Toxicology and Industrial Health07482337, 14770393SAGE Publications LtdQ3
183Indian journal of public health0019557XWolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ3
184International Journal of Pharmacy Practice09617671, 20427174Oxford University PressQ2
185Journal of Research in Health Sciences22287809, 22287795Hamadan University of Medical SciencesQ3
186Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry15882780, 02365731Springer NetherlandsQ2
187Portuguese Journal of Public Health25043145S. Karger AGQ3
188American Journal of Health Education21683751, 19325037Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
189Home Health Care Services Quarterly01621424, 15450856RoutledgeQ3
190International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry10290397, 03067319Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
191Indian Journal of Palliative Care19983735, 09731075Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ3
192International Journal of Food Contamination21962804BioMed Central Ltd.Q3
193Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics10914358, 1099176XICMPEQ3
194Sucht9395911Hogrefe PublishingQ3
195Journal of Health Research2586940X, 08574421College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn UniversityQ3
196Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice20428707, 17556228Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
197Environmental Health Engineering and Management24233765, 24234311Kerman University of Medical SciencesQ3
198Applied Biosafety15356760, 24701246Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q3
199International Journal of Health Governance2059464X, 20594631Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
200Journal of Infection Prevention17571774, 17571782SAGE Publications LtdQ2

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