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List of Q2 journals in Health

100 Health Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Substance Use and Misuse10826084, 15322491Informa HealthcareQ2
2Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research10943412, 15563308Springer New YorkQ2
3International Journal of Mental Health00207411, 15579328Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
4Drug and Chemical Toxicology01480545, 15256014Informa HealthcareQ2
5Social Work in Public Health1937190X, 19371918RoutledgeQ2
6Journal of Drug Issues00220426, 19451369SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
7Tobacco Prevention and Cessation24593087European PublishingQ2
8International Journal of Care and Caring2397883X, 23978821Policy PressQ2
9Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice2368738XPublic Health Agency of CanadaQ2
10Journal of Health Services Research and Policy17581060, 13558196SAGE Publications LtdQ2
11Journal of Public Health Management and Practice10784659, 15505022Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
12International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16617827, 16604601Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
13Israel Journal of Health Policy Research20454015BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
14Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice13652753, 13561294Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
15Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior03630234, 1943278XWiley-BlackwellQ2
16International Journal for Quality in Health Care13534505, 14643677Oxford University PressQ2
17Journal of Medical Screening09691413, 14755793SAGE Publications LtdQ2
18Risk Management and Healthcare Policy11791594Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
19Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology13873741, 15729400Springer NetherlandsQ2
20Gates Open Research25724754Q2
21AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV13600451, 09540121RoutledgeQ2
22Health Services Insights11786329SAGE Publications LtdQ2
23MDM Policy and Practice23814683SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
24Mental Health and Prevention22126570Elsevier BVQ2
25Industrial Health18808026, 00198366National Institute of Industrial HealthQ2
26Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2052336XSpringer International Publishing AGQ2
27Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities17411130, 17411122Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
28American Journal of Health Behavior10873244PNG PublicationsQ2
29mHealth23069740AME Publishing CompanyQ2
30Health Systems20476973, 20476965Taylor and Francis Inc.Q2
31American Journal of Men's Health15579891, 15579883SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
32Journal of Environmental and Public Health16879805, 16879813Hindawi LimitedQ2
33AIDS Education and Prevention19432755, 08999546Guilford PublicationsQ2
34Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research23272236Columbia Data Analytics, LLCQ2
35Ciencia e Saude Coletiva14138123Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude ColetivaQ2
36International Journal of Environmental Health Research09603123, 13691619Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
37AIMS Public Health23278994American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ2
38Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment19440057, 19440049Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
39Healthcare (Switzerland)22279032MDPI AGQ2
40Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition16060997BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
41Public Health in Practice26665352Elsevier BVQ2
42American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine15598276, 15598284SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
43Journal of Communication in Healthcare17538076, 17538068Maney PublishingQ2
44Disaster Prevention and Management9653562Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
45Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition19320248, 19320256Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
46Performance Enhancement and Health22112669Elsevier BVQ2
47Environmental Health Insights11786302SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
48Health Education Journal00178969, 17488176SAGE Publications LtdQ2
49Journal of Chemical Health and Safety18715532, 18780504American Chemical SocietyQ2
50BMJ Open Quality23996641BMJ Publishing GroupQ2
51International Journal of Circumpolar Health12399736, 22423982Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
52Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health19338244Heldref PublicationsQ2
53International Journal of Pharmacy Practice09617671, 20427174Oxford University PressQ2
54Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry15882780, 02365731Springer NetherlandsQ2
55Journal of Infection Prevention17571774, 17571782SAGE Publications LtdQ2
56Molecular and Cellular Toxicology20928467, 1738642XSpringer VerlagQ2
57South African Journal of Bioethics and Law19997639South African Medical AssociationQ2
58Medicina Katastrof20701004, 26867966Ministry of Health of the Russian FederationQ2
59JMIR Medical Informatics22919694JMIR Publications Inc.Q2
60Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy1747597XBioMed Central Ltd.Q2
61Critical Public Health09581596, 14693682RoutledgeQ2
62BMJ Health and Care Informatics26321009BMJ Publishing GroupQ2
63International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health14321246, 03400131Springer VerlagQ2
64Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives22109099, 22336052Korea Centers for Disease Control and PreventionQ2
65Personality and Mental Health19328621, 1932863XJohn Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
66Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health13260200, 17536405Wiley-BlackwellQ2
67Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health19758375, 22334521Korean Society for Preventive MedicineQ2
68Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease24146366MDPI AGQ2
69Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine18333516South Pacific Underwater Medicine SocietyQ2
70Occupational Medicine09627480, 14718405Oxford University PressQ2
71Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health15571912, 15571920Springer New YorkQ2
72Archives of Public Health20493258, 07787367BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
73Tropical Medicine and Health13488945, 13494147BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
74Vascular Health and Risk Management11766344Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
75Tropical Medicine and International Health13602276, 13653156Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
76Cadernos de Saude Publica0102311X, 16784464Fundacao Oswaldo CruzQ2
77Advances in Public Health23147784, 23566868Hindawi LimitedQ2
78International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine20086520, 20086814NIOC Health OrganizationQ2
79Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine10762752Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
80Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care02813432, 15027724Informa HealthcareQ2
81International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics01698141, 18728219ElsevierQ2
82Indoor and Built Environment1420326X, 14230070SAGE Publications LtdQ2
83Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes25098020Springer International Publishing AGQ2
84Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene18783503, 00359203Oxford University PressQ2
85Smart Health23526483Elsevier BVQ2
86International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications16876415, 16876423Hindawi LimitedQ2
87ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare26378051, 26911957Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q2
88Journal of Analytical Toxicology19452403, 01464760Preston PublicationsQ2
89Revista de Saude Publica00348910, 15188787University of Sao PaoloQ2
90Pathogens and Global Health20477724, 20477732Maney PublishingQ2
91Journal of American College Health7448481RoutledgeQ2
92European Journal of Cancer Prevention14735709, 09598278Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
93Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities10883576, 15384829SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
94Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia1415790X, 19805497Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude ColetivaQ2
95Journal of Occupational Health13489585, 13419145Japan Society for Occupational HealthQ2
96Family and Community Health01606379, 15505057Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
97Annals of Work Exposures and Health23987308, 23987316Oxford University PressQ2
98Nutrition and Dietetics14466368Wiley-BlackwellQ2
99Journal of Cancer Education15430154, 08858195Springer Publishing CompanyQ2
100Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences14716712, 02839318Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2

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