Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Anthropology journals.
200 Scopus indexed Anthropology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Journal of Consumer Research | 00935301, 15375277 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
2 | Journal of Marriage and Family | 17413737, 00222445 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
3 | Journal of Peasant Studies | 03066150, 17439361 | Routledge | Q1 |
4 | Social Forces | 15347605, 00377732 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
5 | Human Communication Research | 03603989, 14682958 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
6 | Journal of Black Psychology, The | 15524558, 00957984 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
7 | Evolutionary Anthropology | 15206505, 10601538 | Wiley-Liss Inc. | Q1 |
8 | Sociology of Race and Ethnicity | 23326506, 23326492 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
9 | Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities | 21968837 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
10 | Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics | 20566085 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
11 | Journal of Human Evolution | 00472484, 10958606 | Academic Press Inc. | Q1 |
12 | Annual Review of Anthropology | 15454290, 00846570 | Annual Reviews Inc. | Q1 |
13 | Consumption Markets and Culture | 10253866, 1477223X | Routledge | Q1 |
14 | Race and Social Problems | 18671748, 18671756 | Springer Verlag | Q1 |
15 | Anthropological Theory | 14634996 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
16 | Social Networks | 3788733 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
17 | Science Technology and Human Values | 01622439, 15528251 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
18 | Chinese Sociological Review | 21620555, 21620563 | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | Q1 |
19 | Journal of Agrarian Change | 14710366, 14710358 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
20 | Ethnic and Racial Studies | 01419870, 14664356 | Routledge | Q1 |
21 | Games and Culture | 15554139, 15554120 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
22 | Qualitative Inquiry | 15527565, 10778004 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
23 | Discourse Studies | 14614456, 14617080 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
24 | American Ethnologist | 00940496, 15481425 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
25 | Cultural Anthropology | 08867356, 15481360 | American Anthropological Association | Q1 |
26 | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 00220221, 15525422 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
27 | Evolutionary Human Sciences | 2513843X | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
28 | Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness | 01459740, 15455882 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
29 | Journal of Language and Social Psychology | 15526526, 0261927X | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
30 | Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences | 18669565, 18669557 | Springer Verlag | Q1 |
31 | World Englishes | 8832919 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
32 | Forensic Sciences Research | 24711411, 20961790 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
33 | Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry | 1573076X, 0165005X | Springer New York | Q1 |
34 | Social Text | 01642472, 15271951 | Duke University Press | Q1 |
35 | Cultural Studies | 14664348, 09502386 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
36 | Medical Anthropology Quarterly | 15481387, 07455194 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
37 | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | 13590987 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
38 | Current Anthropology | 00113204, 15375382 | University of Chicago | Q1 |
39 | American Anthropologist | 00027294, 15481433 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
40 | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 19452837, 19452829 | Routledge | Q1 |
41 | Race and Class | 3063968 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
42 | Human Nature | 19364776, 10456767 | Springer New York | Q1 |
43 | Identities | 15473384, 1070289X | Routledge | Q1 |
44 | Transforming Anthropology | 10510559 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
45 | Mind, Culture, and Activity | 10749039, 15327884 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
46 | American Journal of Human Biology | 10420533, 15206300 | Wiley-Liss Inc. | Q1 |
47 | Journal of Contemporary Ethnography | 08912416, 15525414 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
48 | Environmental Humanities | 22011919 | Duke University Press | Q1 |
49 | Ethnos | 00141844, 1469588X | Routledge | Q1 |
50 | Anthropology and Education Quarterly | 01617761, 15481492 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
51 | Identity | 15283488, 1532706X | Psychology Press Ltd | Q1 |
52 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | 12962074 | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | Q1 |
53 | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | 22120548 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
54 | Environment and Society: Advances in Research | 21506779, 21506787 | Berghahn Books Inc. | Q1 |
55 | Lithic Technology | 01977261, 20516185 | Maney Publishing | Q1 |
56 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | 17531055, 17531063 | Routledge | Q1 |
57 | Sexualities | 14617382, 13634607 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
58 | American Journal of Physical Anthropology | 10968644, 00029483 | Wiley-Liss Inc. | Q1 |
59 | Open Quaternary | 2055298X | Ubiquity Press | Q1 |
60 | AlterNative | 11741740, 11771801 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
61 | Cross-Cultural Research | 15523578, 10693971 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
62 | Human Ecology | 15729915, 03007839 | Springer Science + Business Media | Q1 |
63 | Frontiers in Sports and Active Living | 26249367 | Frontiers Media S.A. | Q1 |
64 | Journal of Physiological Anthropology | 18806791, 18806805 | BioMed Central Ltd. | Q1 |
65 | Race and Justice | 21533687 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
66 | Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment | 15403556, 10911359 | Routledge | Q1 |
67 | African Studies Review | 20206 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
68 | Intersecciones en Antropologia | 16662105, 1850373X | Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires | Q1 |
69 | Field Methods | 1525822X | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
70 | Focaal | 09201297, 15585263 | Katholieke Universiteit, Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, University Of Nijmegen | Q1 |
71 | Journal of Ethnobiology | 2780771 | Society of Ethnobiology | Q1 |
72 | Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences | 15526364, 07399863 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
73 | Personal Relationships | 13504126, 14756811 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
74 | Latin American Research Review | 00238791, 15424278 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
75 | Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology | 19354932, 19354940 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
76 | Journal of Ethnic Foods | 23526181 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
77 | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research | 15337731, 08935394 | University Press of Colorado | Q1 |
78 | Journal of Language and Sexuality | 22113770, 22113789 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Q1 |
79 | Dialectical Anthropology | 03044092, 15730786 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
80 | Africa | 00019720, 17500184 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
81 | Critical Philosophy of Race | 21658692, 21658684 | Penn State University Press | Q1 |
82 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | 251003 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
83 | Nordic Journal of Music Therapy | 19448260, 08098131 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
84 | Journal of Human Trafficking | 23322705, 23322713 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
85 | Documenta Praehistorica | 18542492, 1408967X | University of Ljubljana Press | Q1 |
86 | Journal of International Migration and Integration | 14883473 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
87 | Journal of Material Culture | 13591835, 14603586 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
88 | Anthropology of Work Review | 0883024X | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
89 | PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review | 10816976, 15552934 | Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA | Q1 |
90 | Journal of Anthropological Sciences | 18274765, 20370644 | Istituto Italiano di Antropologia | Q1 |
91 | Social Justice Research | 15736725, 08857466 | Springer New York | Q1 |
92 | Anthrozoos | 8927936 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
93 | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | 11089628 | University of the Aegean | Q1 |
94 | Du Bois Review | 1742058X | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
95 | Archaeology in Oceania | 07284896, 18344453 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
96 | MAI Journal | 22306862 | Nga Pae o te Maramatanga | Q1 |
97 | Journal of Negro Education, The | 21676437, 00222984 | Howard University | Q1 |
98 | Plains Anthropologist | 320447 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
99 | Oceania | 298077 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
100 | Anthropology in Action | 0967201X, 17522285 | Berghahn Journals | Q1 |
101 | International Journal of Osteoarchaeology | 10991212, 1047482X | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Q1 |
102 | Anthropology and Medicine | 14692910, 13648470 | Routledge | Q1 |
103 | Journal of Comparative Family Studies | 472328 | University of Toronto Press | Q1 |
104 | Ethnography | 17412714, 14661381 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
105 | International Journal of Play | 21594953 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
106 | TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia | 2051364X, 20513658 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
107 | International Journal of Tourism Anthropology | 17590450, 17590442 | Inderscience Publishers | Q1 |
108 | Queensland Archaeological Research | 1839339X, 08143021 | James Cook University | Q1 |
109 | Anthropological Quarterly | 00035491, 15341518 | Institute for Ethnographic Research | Q1 |
110 | Culture and Psychology | 14617056, 1354067X | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
111 | Nordic Journal of Migration Research | 1799649X | Helsinki University Press | Q1 |
112 | American Indian Culture and Research Journal | 1616463 | UCLA American Indian Studies Center | Q1 |
113 | HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory | 20491115, 25751433 | University of Chicago Press | Q1 |
114 | Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice | 15377938 | Routledge | Q1 |
115 | Annals of Anthropological Practice | 21539588, 2153957X | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Q1 |
116 | Ethos | 00912131, 15481352 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
117 | Journal of Psychedelic Studies | 25599283 | Akademiai Kiado | Q1 |
118 | Australian Journal of Anthropology, The | 10358811 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q2 |
119 | Social Compass | 00377686, 14617404 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
120 | Fat Studies | 2160486X, 21604851 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
121 | International Journal of Multicultural Education | 19345267 | Eastern University, PhD in Organizational Leadership | Q1 |
122 | Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies | 17442222, 17442230 | Routledge | Q1 |
123 | Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino | 07161530, 07186894 | Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino | Q1 |
124 | Arctic Anthropology | 19338139, 00666939 | University of Wisconsin Press | Q1 |
125 | Social Anthropology | 14698676, 09640282 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
126 | Visual Anthropology Review | 10587187, 15487458 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
127 | Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment | 21539561, 21539553 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
128 | International Indigenous Policy Journal | 19165781 | Scholarship at Western | Q1 |
129 | International Journal of Society, Culture and Language | 23292210 | Katibeh-ILCRG | Q1 |
130 | Journal of Social Ontology | 21969663 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q1 |
131 | Anthropologie | 35521 | Elsevier Masson s.r.l. | Q1 |
132 | Antipoda | 19005407, 20114273 | Universidad de los Andes | Q1 |
133 | Comechingonia | 03267911, 22507728 | Instituto de Estudios Historicos | Q1 |
134 | Secularism and Nonreligion | 20536712 | Ubiquity Press | Q1 |
135 | Journal of Black Studies | 219347 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
136 | Asian Perspectives | 15358283, 00668435 | University of Hawaii Press | Q1 |
137 | Estudios Fronterizos | 23959134 | Universidad Autonoma de Baja California | Q1 |
138 | Journal of Anthropological Research | 00917710, 21533806 | University of Chicago Press | Q2 |
139 | Critique of Anthropology | 14603721, 0308275X | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q2 |
140 | Ethnobiology and Conservation | 22384782 | Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Q2 |
141 | Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science | 19324502, 19363567 | Springer New York | Q1 |
142 | Anthropological Science | 09187960, 13488570 | Anthropological Society of Nippon | Q2 |
143 | Settler Colonial Studies | 18380743, 2201473X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
144 | Ethnobotany Research and Applications | 15473465 | University of Hawaii Press | Q1 |
145 | Journal of Tourism Analysis | 22540644 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q2 |
146 | International Journal of Latin American Religions | 25099965 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
147 | Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies | 19992521, 1999253X | Society for South-East Asian Studies | Q2 |
148 | Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus | 15574660 | Q1 | |
149 | Ethnomusicology Forum | 17411920, 17411912 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
150 | Vestnik Archeologii, Antropologii i Etnografii | 18117465, 20710437 | Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Q1 |
151 | Contemporary Jewry | 1471694 | Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry | Q1 |
152 | International Journal of Cultural Property | 9407391 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
153 | Chungara | 7161182 | Universidad de Tarapaca | Q2 |
154 | Sojourn | 17932858, 02179520 | ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute | Q2 |
155 | Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana | 05566533, 19882718 | Universidad Complutense Madrid | Q2 |
156 | Revista del Museo de Antropologia | 18524826, 1852060X | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades | Q1 |
157 | Human Organization | 19383525, 19383517 | Society for Applied Anthropology | Q2 |
158 | IZA Journal of Development and Migration | 25201786 | SpringerOpen | Q2 |
159 | Ethnoarchaeology | 19442890, 19442904 | Maney Publishing | Q1 |
160 | Biodemography and Social Biology | 19485573, 19485565 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
161 | Ethnomusicology | 141836 | University of Illinois Press | Q1 |
162 | Rock Art Research | 8130426 | Australian Rock Art Research Association | Q1 |
163 | Estudios Atacamenos | 07181043, 07160925 | Universidad Catolica del Norte | Q1 |
164 | Conflict and Society | 21644543, 21644551 | Berghahn Journals | Q1 |
165 | Geographica Helvetica | 00167312, 21948798 | Fotorotar AG | Q2 |
166 | Indonesia and the Malay World | 13639811, 14698382 | Routledge | Q2 |
167 | Public Anthropologist | 25891715, 25891707 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
168 | International Journal of Taiwan Studies | 24688800, 24688797 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q1 |
169 | Anthropology Today | 0268540X | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
170 | Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya: Istoriya, Filologiya | 18187919 | Novosibirsk State University | Q1 |
171 | Acta Borealia | 1503111X, 08003831 | Routledge | Q1 |
172 | African Studies | 00020184, 14692872 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
173 | Australian Journal of Indigenous Education | 13260111, 20497784 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, The University of Queensland | Q2 |
174 | Stratum Plus | 18573533, 16089057 | High Anthropological School University | Q1 |
175 | Journal of Applied Youth Studies | 22049207, 22049193 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
176 | Folklore | 0015587X, 14698315 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
177 | Journal of Autoethnography | 26375192 | University of California Press | Q2 |
178 | Revista Colombiana de Antropologia | 4866525 | Instituto Colombiano de Antropologia e Historia | Q1 |
179 | Contemporary Voice of Dalit | 2455328X, 24560502 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
180 | Open Library of Humanities | 20566700 | Open Library of Humanities | Q1 |
181 | Boletimdo Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi:Ciencias Humanas | 19818122, 21782547 | Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi | Q2 |
182 | Estudos do Quaternario | 08740801, 21828660 | Associacao Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR) | Q2 |
183 | Studia Mythologica Slavica | 1581128X, 14086271 | Institute of Slovenian Ethnology | Q1 |
184 | Shima | 18346049, 18346057 | Shima Publications (Australia) | Q1 |
185 | Journal of Organizational Ethnography | 20466757, 20466749 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
186 | Russian Peasant Studies | 25001809 | Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | Q1 |
187 | Anthropological Forum | 14692902, 00664677 | Routledge | Q2 |
188 | Sibirica | 13617362, 14766787 | Berghahn Journals | Q1 |
189 | Food and Foodways | 15423484, 07409710 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
190 | Mongolian Studies | 25001523, 27128059 | Kalmyk Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences | Q1 |
191 | Bulletin of Ugric Studies | 25879766, 22204156 | Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development | Q1 |
192 | Modern Italy | 13532944, 14699877 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
193 | African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review | 21567263, 2156695X | Indiana University Press | Q1 |
194 | Multicultural Education Review | 23770031, 2005615X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
195 | Caucasus Survey | 23761199, 23761202 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q1 |
196 | History and Anthropology | 14772612, 02757206 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
197 | Canadian Journal of African Studies | 83968 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
198 | Asian anthropology | 21684227, 1683478X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
199 | Siberian Historical Research | 23124628, 2312461X | Tomsk State University | Q1 |
200 | African Identities | 14725843, 14725851 | Routledge | Q1 |