S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Australian Journal of Anthropology, The | 10358811 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q2 |
2 | Social Anthropology | 14698676, 09640282 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
3 | Visual Anthropology Review | 10587187, 15487458 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
4 | Journal of Anthropological Research | 00917710, 21533806 | University of Chicago Press | Q2 |
5 | Critique of Anthropology | 14603721, 0308275X | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q2 |
6 | Ethnobiology and Conservation | 22384782 | Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Q2 |
7 | Anthropological Science | 09187960, 13488570 | Anthropological Society of Nippon | Q2 |
8 | Journal of Tourism Analysis | 22540644 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q2 |
9 | Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies | 19992521, 1999253X | Society for South-East Asian Studies | Q2 |
10 | Chungara | 7161182 | Universidad de Tarapaca | Q2 |
11 | Sojourn | 17932858, 02179520 | ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute | Q2 |
12 | Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana | 05566533, 19882718 | Universidad Complutense Madrid | Q2 |
13 | Human Organization | 19383525, 19383517 | Society for Applied Anthropology | Q2 |
14 | IZA Journal of Development and Migration | 25201786 | SpringerOpen | Q2 |
15 | Biodemography and Social Biology | 19485573, 19485565 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
16 | Geographica Helvetica | 00167312, 21948798 | Fotorotar AG | Q2 |
17 | Indonesia and the Malay World | 13639811, 14698382 | Routledge | Q2 |
18 | Public Anthropologist | 25891715, 25891707 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
19 | Anthropology Today | 0268540X | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
20 | Australian Journal of Indigenous Education | 13260111, 20497784 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, The University of Queensland | Q2 |
21 | Journal of Autoethnography | 26375192 | University of California Press | Q2 |
22 | Boletimdo Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi:Ciencias Humanas | 19818122, 21782547 | Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi | Q2 |
23 | Estudos do Quaternario | 08740801, 21828660 | Associacao Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR) | Q2 |
24 | Anthropological Forum | 14692902, 00664677 | Routledge | Q2 |
25 | Multicultural Education Review | 23770031, 2005615X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
26 | Asian anthropology | 21684227, 1683478X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
27 | Anthropology and Aging | 23742267 | University Library System, University of Pittsburgh | Q2 |
28 | Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences | 23136014, 19971370 | Siberian Federal University | Q2 |
29 | Journal of Population and Social Studies | 24654418 | Mahidol University, Institute for Population and Social Research | Q2 |
30 | Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social | 1049313 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ | Q2 |
31 | Social Analysis | 0155977X | Berghahn Journals | Q2 |
32 | Journal for Cultural Research | 14797585 | Routledge | Q2 |
33 | Revista de Antropologia | 00347701, 16789857 | University of Sao Paolo | Q2 |
34 | Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies | 18545181, 03540286 | Insstitute for Ethnic Studies | Q2 |
35 | Vibrant Virtual Brazilian Anthropology | 18094341 | Brazilian Anthropology Association | Q2 |
36 | Estudios de Cultura Maya | 1852574 | UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas | Q2 |
37 | Revista Argentina de Antropologia Biologica | 18536387 | Asociacion de Antropologia Biologica Argentina | Q2 |
38 | Journal of the Polynesian Society | 00324000, 22305955 | University of Auckland | Q2 |
39 | Anthropozoologica | 07613032, 21070881 | Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle | Q2 |
40 | Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics | 17366518, 22280987 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | Q2 |
41 | Glasnik SED | 3512908 | Slovensko etnolosko drustvo | Q2 |
42 | Journal of Marine and Island Cultures | 22126821 | Institution for Marine and Island Cultures, Mokpo National University | Q2 |
43 | Asiascape: Digital Asia | 22142312, 22142304 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
44 | Crossings | 20404352, 20404344 | Intellect Ltd. | Q2 |
45 | AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana | 15789705, 16959752 | Asociacion de Antropologos Iberoamericanos en Red | Q2 |
46 | Anthropology Southern Africa | 23323264, 23323256 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
47 | Cosmopolitan Civil Societies | 18375391 | UTS ePress | Q2 |
48 | Heritage and Society | 2159032X, 21590338 | Maney Publishing | Q2 |
49 | African and Black Diaspora | 17528631, 1752864X | Routledge | Q2 |
50 | Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research | 20781938, 20768214 | Centre for Independent Social Research | Q2 |
51 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde | 62294 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
52 | Germania | 168874 | Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH | Q2 |
53 | Interpersona | 19816472 | PsychOpen | Q2 |
54 | Time and Mind | 17516978, 1751696X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
55 | Social Evolution and History | 16814363 | Uchitel Publishing House | Q2 |
56 | Ethnohistory | 15275477, 00141801 | Duke University Press | Q2 |
57 | Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie | 8695415 | Russian Academy of Sciences | Q2 |
58 | History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Caucasus | 26186772, 2618849X | Daghestan Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Q2 |
59 | Hunter Gatherer Research | 20563264 | Liverpool University Press | Q2 |
60 | Culture Unbound | 20001525 | Linkoping University Electronic Press | Q2 |
61 | PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural | 16957121, 2529959X | Universidad de la Laguna | Q2 |
62 | Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs | 14699591, 13602004 | Routledge | Q2 |
63 | Cultural Dynamics | 14617048, 09213740 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q2 |
64 | Folklore (Estonia) | 14060949, 14060957 | FB and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum | Q2 |
65 | Journal of Japanese Studies | 00956848, 15494721 | Journal of Japanese Studies | Q2 |
66 | Reviews in Anthropology | 938157 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
67 | Journal of Cuneiform Studies | 00220256, 23256737 | University of Chicago Press | Q2 |
68 | WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems | 17905060, 2224350X | World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society | Q2 |
69 | Journal of Migration History | 23519924, 23519916 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
70 | Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa | 19733194 | Il Mulino publishing house | Q2 |
71 | Society and Culture in South Asia | 23938617, 23949872 | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd | Q2 |
72 | Cultura de los Cuidados | 11381728, 16996003 | University of Alicante | Q2 |
73 | Jewish Social Studies | 00216704, 15272028 | Indiana University Press | Q2 |
74 | Modern Africa | 25707558, 23363274 | University of Hradec Kralove, Philosophical Faculty | Q2 |
75 | Nomadas | 25394762, 01217550 | Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporaneos | Q2 |
76 | Anthropological Journal of European Cultures | 17552923, 17552931 | Berghahn Journals | Q2 |
77 | Ethnologia Europaea | 16043030, 04254597 | Open Library of Humanities | Q2 |
78 | Etnografica | 21822891, 08736561 | Centro em Rede de Investigacao em Antropologia - CRIA | Q2 |
79 | Folklor/Edebiyat | 13007491 | Cyprus International University | Q2 |
80 | Sudosteuropa | 0722480X | Walter de Gruyter | Q2 |
81 | Journal of Chinese Overseas | 17930391, 17932548 | Brill Academic Publishers | Q2 |
82 | Nordisk Judaistik | 23434929, 03481646 | Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History | Q2 |
83 | Etnolog | 3540316 | Slovene Ethnographic Museum | Q2 |
84 | Etnoloska Tribina | 3511944 | Croatian Ethnological Society | Q2 |
85 | Sociologia e Antropologia | 22383875 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ | Q2 |
86 | Archives of Natural History | 17556260, 02609541 | Edinburgh University Press | Q2 |
87 | Cesky Lid | 90794 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | Q2 |
88 | Encuentros (Maracaibo) | 26108046, 23436131 | Rafael Maria Baralt National Experimental University | Q2 |
89 | Civitas | 19847289, 15196089 | Edipucrs | Q2 |
90 | Israel Studies | 10849513, 1527201X | Indiana University Press | Q2 |
91 | Journal of Mediterranean Studies | 10163476 | University of Nicosia | Q2 |
92 | Studia Litteraria et Historica | 22997571 | Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies | Q2 |
93 | Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art | 2570254 | East China Normal University Press | Q2 |
94 | Iran | 5786967 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q2 |
95 | Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes | 17607256, 0300953X | Societe des Oceanistes | Q2 |
96 | Poznanskie Studia Slawistyczne | 20843011, 24502731 | Adam Mickiewicz University Press | Q2 |
97 | Storytelling, Self, Society | 15505340, 19320280 | Wayne State University Press | Q2 |
98 | Journal of Vietnamese Studies | 1559372X, 15593738 | University of California Press | Q2 |
99 | French Politics, Culture & Society | 15376370, 15585271 | Berghahn Books Inc. | Q2 |
100 | Cultural Critique | 15345203, 08824371 | University of Minnesota Press | Q2 |
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