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List of Q1 journals in Anthropology

100 Anthropology Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Consumer Research00935301, 15375277Oxford University PressQ1
2Journal of Marriage and Family17413737, 00222445Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
3Journal of Peasant Studies03066150, 17439361RoutledgeQ1
4Social Forces15347605, 00377732Oxford University PressQ1
5Human Communication Research03603989, 14682958Wiley-BlackwellQ1
6Journal of Black Psychology, The15524558, 00957984SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
7Evolutionary Anthropology15206505, 10601538Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
8Sociology of Race and Ethnicity23326506, 23326492SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
9Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities21968837Springer NatureQ1
10Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics20566085Cambridge University PressQ1
11Journal of Human Evolution00472484, 10958606Academic Press Inc.Q1
12Annual Review of Anthropology15454290, 00846570Annual Reviews Inc.Q1
13Consumption Markets and Culture10253866, 1477223XRoutledgeQ1
14Race and Social Problems18671748, 18671756Springer VerlagQ1
15Anthropological Theory14634996SAGE Publications LtdQ1
16Social Networks3788733Elsevier BVQ1
17Science Technology and Human Values01622439, 15528251SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
18Chinese Sociological Review21620555, 21620563M.E. Sharpe Inc.Q1
19Journal of Agrarian Change14710366, 14710358Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
20Ethnic and Racial Studies01419870, 14664356RoutledgeQ1
21Games and Culture15554139, 15554120SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
22Qualitative Inquiry15527565, 10778004SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
23Discourse Studies14614456, 14617080SAGE Publications LtdQ1
24American Ethnologist00940496, 15481425Wiley-BlackwellQ1
25Cultural Anthropology08867356, 15481360American Anthropological AssociationQ1
26Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology00220221, 15525422SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
27Evolutionary Human Sciences2513843XCambridge University PressQ1
28Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness01459740, 15455882Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
29Journal of Language and Social Psychology15526526, 0261927XSAGE Publications Inc.Q1
30Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences18669565, 18669557Springer VerlagQ1
31World Englishes8832919Wiley-BlackwellQ1
32Forensic Sciences Research24711411, 20961790Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
33Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry1573076X, 0165005XSpringer New YorkQ1
34Social Text01642472, 15271951Duke University PressQ1
35Cultural Studies14664348, 09502386Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
36Medical Anthropology Quarterly15481387, 07455194Wiley-BlackwellQ1
37Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute13590987Wiley-BlackwellQ1
38Current Anthropology00113204, 15375382University of ChicagoQ1
39American Anthropologist00027294, 15481433Wiley-BlackwellQ1
40Journal of Human Development and Capabilities19452837, 19452829RoutledgeQ1
41Race and Class3063968SAGE Publications LtdQ1
42Human Nature19364776, 10456767Springer New YorkQ1
43Identities15473384, 1070289XRoutledgeQ1
44Transforming Anthropology10510559Wiley-BlackwellQ1
45Mind, Culture, and Activity10749039, 15327884Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
46American Journal of Human Biology10420533, 15206300Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
47Journal of Contemporary Ethnography08912416, 15525414SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
48Environmental Humanities22011919Duke University PressQ1
49Ethnos00141844, 1469588XRoutledgeQ1
50Anthropology and Education Quarterly01617761, 15481492Wiley-BlackwellQ1
51Identity15283488, 1532706XPsychology Press LtdQ1
52Journal of Cultural Heritage12962074Elsevier Masson s.r.l.Q1
53Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage22120548Elsevier BVQ1
54Environment and Society: Advances in Research21506779, 21506787Berghahn Books Inc.Q1
55Lithic Technology01977261, 20516185Maney PublishingQ1
56Journal of Eastern African Studies17531055, 17531063RoutledgeQ1
57Sexualities14617382, 13634607SAGE Publications LtdQ1
58American Journal of Physical Anthropology10968644, 00029483Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
59Open Quaternary2055298XUbiquity PressQ1
60AlterNative11741740, 11771801SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
61Cross-Cultural Research15523578, 10693971SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
62Human Ecology15729915, 03007839Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
63Frontiers in Sports and Active Living26249367Frontiers Media S.A.Q1
64Journal of Physiological Anthropology18806791, 18806805BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
65Race and Justice21533687SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
66Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment15403556, 10911359RoutledgeQ1
67African Studies Review20206Cambridge University PressQ1
68Intersecciones en Antropologia16662105, 1850373XUniversidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos AiresQ1
69Field Methods1525822XSAGE Publications Inc.Q1
70Focaal09201297, 15585263Katholieke Universiteit, Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, University Of NijmegenQ1
71Journal of Ethnobiology2780771Society of EthnobiologyQ1
72Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences15526364, 07399863SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
73Personal Relationships13504126, 14756811Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
74Latin American Research Review00238791, 15424278Cambridge University PressQ1
75Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology19354932, 19354940Wiley-BlackwellQ1
76Journal of Ethnic Foods23526181Elsevier BVQ1
77American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research15337731, 08935394University Press of ColoradoQ1
78Journal of Language and Sexuality22113770, 22113789John Benjamins Publishing CompanyQ1
79Dialectical Anthropology03044092, 15730786Springer NetherlandsQ1
80Africa00019720, 17500184Cambridge University PressQ1
81Critical Philosophy of Race21658692, 21658684Penn State University PressQ1
82Journal of the International Phonetic Association251003Cambridge University PressQ1
83Nordic Journal of Music Therapy19448260, 08098131Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
84Journal of Human Trafficking23322705, 23322713Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
85Documenta Praehistorica18542492, 1408967XUniversity of Ljubljana PressQ1
86Journal of International Migration and Integration14883473Springer NetherlandsQ1
87Journal of Material Culture13591835, 14603586SAGE Publications LtdQ1
88Anthropology of Work Review0883024XWiley-BlackwellQ1
89PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review10816976, 15552934Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaAQ1
90Journal of Anthropological Sciences18274765, 20370644Istituto Italiano di AntropologiaQ1
91Social Justice Research15736725, 08857466Springer New YorkQ1
92Anthrozoos8927936Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
93Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry11089628University of the AegeanQ1
94Du Bois Review1742058XCambridge University PressQ1
95Archaeology in Oceania07284896, 18344453Wiley-BlackwellQ1
96MAI Journal22306862Nga Pae o te MaramatangaQ1
97Journal of Negro Education, The21676437, 00222984Howard UniversityQ1
98Plains Anthropologist320447Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
100Anthropology in Action0967201X, 17522285Berghahn JournalsQ1

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