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List of Q4 journals in Mathematics

100 Mathematics Q4 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics27341194, 22348417Korean Society for Computational and Applied MathematicsQ4
2WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics11092769World Scientific and Engineering Academy and SocietyQ4
3Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika23112263, 20710410Tomsk State UniversityQ4
4Informatics and Automation27133206, 27133192St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of SciencesQ4
5Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics21461147, 25871013Isik UniversityQ4
6International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications17936357, 02181959World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ4
7International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics17525063, 17525055Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
8Journal of Computational Technologies2313691X, 15607534Institute of Computational Technologies SB RASQ4
9ISeCure20083076, 20082045Iranian Society of CryptologyQ4
10Rendiconti di Matematica e delle Sue Applicazioni11207183, 25323350Sapienza Universita di RomaQ4
11South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences09727752, 25820850Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesQ4
12Groups, Complexity, Cryptology18696104, 18671144Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ4
13Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics23197234SAS International PublicationsQ4
14International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory23799935, 23799927Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q4
15Journal of Algebra and Related Topics23829877, 23453931University of GuilanQ4
16Journal of Mathematical Modeling2345394X, 23829869University of GuilanQ4
17Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software20710216, 23080256South Ural State UniversityQ4
18Mathematical Modeling and Computing23129794, 24153788Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityQ4
19International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing19478283, 19478291IGI Global PublishingQ4
20Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences19350090, 23250399Natural Sciences PublishingQ4
21Informatika i ee Primeneniya19922264, 23109912Federal Research Center Computer Science and Control of Russian Academy of SciencesQ4
22Communications in Mathematical Analysis19389787Mathematical Research PublishersQ4
23Computer Science Journal of Moldova15614042Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of MoldovaQ4
24Journal of Cryptologic Research20957025Chinese Association for Cryptologic ResearchQ4
26Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis12013390Watam PressQ4
27System Research and Information Technologies16816048, 23088893National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic InstituteQ4
28ACM Communications in Computer Algebra19322232, 19322240Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q4
29Statistical Theory and Related Fields24754277, 24754269RoutledgeQ4
30Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics19381751, 19381743Morgan and Claypool PublishersQ4
31Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics20757905, 22275487Yarmouk UniversityQ4
32International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements20460554, 20460546WITPressQ4
33Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki25002198, 25417746Kazan Federal UniversityQ4
34Mathematics for Applications18053629, 18053610Brno University of TechnologyQ4
35Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms14928760Watam PressQ4
36Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics22448659Universidad Simon BolivarQ4
37Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics17908159, 17908140PromaconQ4
38Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies12174696Springer BerlinQ4
39Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics15710653ElsevierQ4
40Series on Knots and Everything2199769World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ4
41Lecture Notes of TICMI15120511Tbilisi International Centre of Mathematics and Informatics (TICMI)Q4
42Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming24737321AOSA Inc.Q4
43Computer Research and Modeling20767633, 20776853Institute of Computer ScienceQ4
44Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications2148838XJacodesmath InstituteQ4
45Algebra and Discrete Mathematics17263255Institute of Applied Mathematics And Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of UkraineQ4
46Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry27374173, 27374165World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ4
47Applied Mathematics E - Notes16072510Tsing Hua UniversityQ4
48Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and their Applications26636824, 26170108Oles Honchar Dnipro National UniversityQ4
49European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics13075543New York Business GlobalQ4
50Problemy Analiza23063432, 23063424Petrozavodsk State UniversityQ4
51Abstract and Applied Analysis10853375, 16870409Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ4
52Applied Mathematics19930445, 10051031Springer VerlagQ4
53Topological Algebra and its Applications22993231De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q4
54Applications of Mathematics8627940Springer NetherlandsQ4
55Functional Analysis and its Applications15738485, 00162663Springer New YorkQ4
56Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications15387887, 22141766Springer International Publishing AGQ4
57Markov Processes and Related Fields10242953PolymatQ4
58Journal of Dynamics and Games21646074American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ4
59Dependence Modeling23002298De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q4
60International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling17402123, 17402131Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
61Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia18172172Saint Petersburg State UniversityQ4
62IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics19929978, 19929986International Association of EngineersQ4
63Model Assisted Statistics and Applications15741699IOS Press BVQ4
64Houston Journal of Mathematics3621588University of HoustonQ4
65Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society24600245, 20868952The Indonesian Mathematical SocietyQ4
66International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research19479263, 19479271IGI Global PublishingQ4
67Thailand Statistician23510676, 16859057Thai Statistical AssociationQ4
68International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences16870425, 01611712Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ4
69Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power10008055BUAA PressQ4
70Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems19765622Institute of Control, Robotics and SystemsQ4
71Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica1689673Springer VerlagQ4
72Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society23203110, 09701249Ramanujan Mathematical SocietyQ4
73New Zealand Journal of Mathematics11794984New Zealand Mathematical Society and Department of Mathematics, University of AucklandQ4
74Involve19444176, 19444184Mathematical Sciences PublishersQ4
75Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics14505444University of Novi SadQ4
76Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics15120015Andrea Razmadze Mathematical InstituteQ4
77Archivum Mathematicum00448753, 12125059Masarykova UniversitaQ4
78Global and Stochastic Analysis22489444MUK Publications and DistributionQ4
79Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications12103195De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q4
80Measurement Techniques05431972, 15738906Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ4
81Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences08996180, 10852581Central Missouri State UniversityQ4
82Applied Mathematics and Mechanics10000887Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsQ4
83Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications23737484Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q4
84Journal of Grey System9573720Research Information LtdQ4
85Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics1001246XEditorial Board of Chinese Journal of ComputationalQ4
86Journal of Risk Model Validation17539587, 17539579Incisive Media Ltd.Q4
87International Journal of Analysis and Applications22918639Semnan University, Center of Excellence in Nonlinear Analysis and ApplicationsQ4
88Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics19347855, 10634541Pleiades PublishingQ4
89Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics20089473, 17354463ACECRQ4
90Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica2065961XCluj University PressQ4
91Algorithmic Finance21576203, 21585571IOS Press BVQ4
92Annales Mathematicae Silesianae23914238, 08602107SciendoQ4
93Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica14062283, 22284699Tartu University PressQ4
94Publications de l'Institut Mathematique03501302, 0522828XMathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and ArtsQ4
95Matematica, Cultura e Societa2499751XUnione Matematica ItalianaQ4
96Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences18238343Universiti Putra MalaysiaQ4
97Computer Science23007036, 15082806AGH University of Science and TechnologyQ4
98Revista Colombiana de Matematicas00347426, 23574100Universidad Nacional de ColombiaQ4
99Computing and Informatics13359150Slovak Academy of SciencesQ4
100Image Analysis and Stereology15803139, 18545165International Society for StereologyQ4

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