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List of Q3 journals in Mathematics

100 Mathematics Q3 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Mathematics in Computer Science16618289, 16618270Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ3
2International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science18140432, 18140424Badih GhusayniQ3
3New Mathematics and Natural Computation17937027, 17930057World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
4Constraints15729354, 13837133Springer NetherlandsQ3
5Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory20835892, 12343099University of Zielona GoraQ3
6Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems16623592, 15755460Springer Science + Business MediaQ3
7Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics14528630University of BelgradeQ3
8International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering17427185, 17427193Inderscience Enterprises LtdQ3
9Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology17483018, 17483026SAGE Publications Inc.Q3
10International Journal of Neutrosophic Science26906805, 26926148American Scientific Publishing Group (ASPG)Q3
11International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics23495103, 21995796Springer IndiaQ3
12Journal of the Operations Research Society of China21946698, 2194668XSpringer Science + Business MediaQ3
13Transactions on Combinatorics22518657, 22518665University of IsfahanQ3
14Journal of Network Intelligence24148105Taiwan Ubiquitous InformationQ3
15Journal of Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis25622854, 25622862Zhejiang Normal UniversityQ3
16Advanced Mathematical Models and Applications25194445Jomard PublishingQ3
17Information Geometry2511249X, 25112481Springer NatureQ3
18Ricerche di Matematica18273491, 00355038Springer-Verlag Italia SrlQ3
19Kyungpook Mathematical Journal12256951, 04548124Kyungpook National UniversityQ3
20Results in Nonlinear Analysis26367556Erdal KARAPINARQ3
21Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki Udmurtskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta22263594, 24101737Udmurt State UniversityQ3
22Matematiche03733505, 20375298Universita di CataniaQ3
23Journal of Mathematical Sciences10723374, 15738795Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ3
24Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications18437265, 18426298University Constantin Brancusi of Targu-JiuQ3
25EURO Journal on Decision Processes21939446, 21939438Elsevier BVQ3
26Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications23382287Indonesian Combinatorics SocietyQ3
27International Journal of Applied Mathematics13111728, 13148060Academic Publications Ltd.Q3
28Computational and Mathematical Methods25777408Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
29Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics25673785, 1430189XInstitut fur Informatik, Justus-Liebig-Universitat GiessenQ3
30Mathematical Foundations of Computing25778838American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ3
31Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society12251763Korean Mathematical SocietyQ3
32Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences19826907, 23169028Springer International Publishing AGQ3
33Zhurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika. Informatika25206508, 26173956The Belarusian State UniversityQ3
34Confluentes Mathematici17937442, 17937434Q3
35Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B18606261, 02529599Springer VerlagQ3
36Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering14397358Springer VerlagQ3
37Communications in Mathematics and Statistics21946701, 2194671XSpringer VerlagQ3
38Discrete Mathematics and Applications15693929, 09249265Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
39Journal of Applied Analysis18696082, 14256908Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
40COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering3321649Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
41Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico3731243Rendiconti del Seminario MatematicoQ3
42Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics00195588, 09757465Indian National Science AcademyQ3
43In Silico Biology13866338, 14343207IOS Press BVQ3
44Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications23066172, 23089822Q3
45International Review on Modelling and Simulations19749821, 25331701Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
46Tamkang Journal of Mathematics492930Tamkang UniversityQ3
47Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series15612430, 25242415Publishing House Belaruskaya NavukaQ3
48Stochastics and Quality Control23672390, 23672404Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
49Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal)10910786, 10709762Optica Publishing GroupQ3
50Current Bioinformatics15748936Bentham Science Publishers B.V.Q3
51International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control18419836, 18419844CCC Publications, R & D AgoraQ3
52Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience15320626, 15320634John Wiley and Sons LtdQ3
53International Journal of Biomathematics17935245, 17937159World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
54Journal of Integer Sequences15307638University of WaterlooQ3
55Concrete Operators22993282de GruyterQ3
56Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications1662999X, 16629981Birkhaeuser Verlag AGQ3
57Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras1887009Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ3
58Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems09280219, 15693945Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
59Results in Applied Mathematics25900374Elsevier BVQ3
60International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control13494198IJICIC Editorial OfficeQ3
61Journal of Chemometrics1099128X, 08869383John Wiley and Sons LtdQ3
62East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics20797362, 20797370Global Science PressQ3
63Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations14173875University of SzegedQ3
64IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics14643634, 02724960Oxford University PressQ3
65SeMA Journal22817875, 22543902Springer NatureQ3
66Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics9720502Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
67AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics9728600Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
68Information and Computation10902651, 08905401Elsevier Inc.Q3
69Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography9720529Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
70Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing14320622, 09381279Springer VerlagQ3
71Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications25872648Erdal KARAPINARQ3
72IEEE Pervasive Computing15361268Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q3
73Journal of Difference Equations and Applications15635120, 10236198Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
74Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications17938317, 17938309World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
75Journal of Mathematics in Industry21905983Springer VerlagQ3
76Miskolc Mathematical Notes17872405, 17872413Miskolc University PressQ3
77Journal of Computational Mathematics2549409Inst. of Computational Mathematics and Sc./Eng. ComputingQ3
78Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics20751354, 20700733Cambridge University PressQ3
79Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence15737470, 10122443Springer NetherlandsQ3
80Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems23530626Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
81Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems13873954Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
82Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics22219501, 22186816Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics NAS of AzerbaijanQ3
83BioSystems03032647, 18728324Elsevier Ireland LtdQ3
84Journal of Computational Geometry1920180XMacodrum library, Carleton UniversityQ3
85ANZIAM Journal14461811, 14468735Cambridge University PressQ3
86Filomat3545180Universitet of NisQ3
87Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society16787714, 16787544Springer New YorkQ3
88Matematychni Studii10274634, 24110620VNTL PublishersQ3
89Results in Control and Optimization26667207Elsevier BVQ3
90Ukrainian Mathematical Journal00415995, 15739376Springer New YorkQ3
91International Review of Aerospace Engineering19737459, 25332279Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
92Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations20700482, 20700490Pleiades PublishingQ3
93Journal of Molecular Modeling16102940, 09485023Springer VerlagQ3
94Journal of Econometric Methods21566674de GruyterQ3
95Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications24660973, 12291595Kyungnam University PressQ3
96Open Mathematics23915455Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
97Order15729273, 01678094Springer NetherlandsQ3
98Journal of Geometric Mechanics19414889, 19414897American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ3
99Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering5776686Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringQ3
100International Journal of Theoretical Physics15729575, 00207748Springer New YorkQ3

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