Scopus indexed Oncology Journals

Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Oncology journals.

200 Scopus indexed Oncology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

Scopus indexed Oncology journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Cancer Survivorship19322267, 19322259Springer New YorkQ1
2JCO Oncology Practice26881527, 26881535Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
3Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS1746630XLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
4Cancer Nursing0162220X, 15389804Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
5Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care17514258, 17514266Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
6Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing23496673, 23475625Q3
7Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing1538067X, 10921095Oncology Nursing SocietyQ3
8Rehabilitation Oncology23812427, 21683808American Physical Therapy AssociationQ3
9Precision Cancer Medicine26172216AME Publishing CompanyQ3
10Medecine Palliative16366522Elsevier Masson s.r.l.Q3
11Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology26162768AME Publishing CompanyQ4
12Psycho-Oncologie17783798, 1778381XSpringer ParisQ4
13Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians15424863, 00079235Wiley-BlackwellQ1
14Nature Reviews Cancer1474175X, 14741768Nature Publishing GroupQ1
15Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology17594782, 17594774Nature Publishing GroupQ1
16Cancer Cell15356108, 18783686Cell PressQ1
17Lancet Oncology, The14702045, 14745488Elsevier Ltd.Q1
18Annals of Oncology15698041, 09237534Elsevier Ltd.Q1
19Journal of Clinical Oncology15277755, 0732183XLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
20Nature Cancer26621347Q1
21Molecular Cancer14764598BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
22JAMA Oncology23742445, 23742437American Medical AssociationQ1
23Cancer Discovery21598274, 21598290American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
24Lancet Regional Health - Europe, The26667762Elsevier Ltd.Q1
25Journal of Hematology and Oncology17568722BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
26Journal of Thoracic Oncology15561380, 15560864International Association for the Study of Lung CancerQ1
27Journal of the National Cancer Institute14602105, 00278874Oxford University PressQ1
28Neuro-Oncology15228517, 15235866Oxford University PressQ1
29Clinical Cancer Research10780432, 15573265American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
30Annual Review of Cancer Biology24723428Annual Reviews Inc.Q1
31Drug Resistance Updates13687646, 15322084Churchill LivingstoneQ1
32Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN15401413, 15401405Cold Spring Publishing LLCQ1
33Blood Cancer Journal20445385Nature Publishing GroupQ1
34Cancer Treatment Reviews3057372W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
35Trends in Cancer24058033Cell PressQ1
36Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer20511426BMJ Publishing GroupQ1
37Leukemia08876924, 14765551Nature Publishing GroupQ1
38Cancer Research00085472, 15387445American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
39Liver Cancer22351795, 16645553S. Karger AGQ1
40European Journal of Cancer09598049, 18790852Elsevier Ltd.Q1
41British Journal of Cancer15321827, 00070920Nature Publishing GroupQ1
42Blood Reviews15321681, 0268960XChurchill LivingstoneQ1
43Cancer0008543X, 10970142John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
44Cancer Communications25233548John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
45Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer0304419XElsevierQ1
46Journal of the National Cancer Center20968663, 26670054Chinese National Cancer CenterQ1
47European urology oncology25889311Elsevier BVQ1
48npj Precision Oncology2397768XSpringer NatureQ1
49JACC: CardioOncology26660873Elsevier Inc.Q1
50Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research17569966, 03929078BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
51Breast Cancer Research1465542X, 14655411BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
52JNCI Cancer Spectrum25155091Oxford University PressQ1
53International Journal of Cancer00207136, 10970215Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
54npj Breast Cancer23744677Nature Publishing GroupQ1
55JCO Precision Oncology24734284Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
56ESMO Open20597029Elsevier BVQ1
57Gastric Cancer14363291, 14363305Springer JapanQ1
58Cancer and Metastasis Reviews01677659, 15737233Springer NetherlandsQ1
59International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics03603016, 1879355XElsevier Inc.Q1
60Cancer Letters03043835, 18727980Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
61OncoImmunology2162402X, 21624011Landes BioscienceQ1
62Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention10559965, 15387755American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
63Experimental Hematology and Oncology21623619BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
64Molecular Cancer Therapeutics15357163, 15388514American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
65Oncologist1549490X, 10837159Oxford University PressQ1
66Radiotherapy and Oncology18790887, 01678140Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
67Molecular Oncology15747891, 18780261John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
68Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases13657852, 14765608Nature Publishing GroupQ1
69Gynecologic Oncology00908258, 10956859Academic Press Inc.Q1
70Molecular Cancer Research15417786, 15573125American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
71United European Gastroenterology Journal20506406, 20506414John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
72Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy14320851, 03407004Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ1
73Lung Cancer01695002, 18728332Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
74JCO clinical cancer informatics24734276Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
75Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs10526773, 17456614Oxford University PressQ1
76Cancer Science13497006, 13479032Wiley-BlackwellQ1
77Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology17588340, 17588359SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
78Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology10408428Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
79Open Forum Infectious Diseases23288957Oxford University PressQ1
80JCO Global Oncology26878941Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
81Cancer Biology and Medicine20953941Chinese Anticancer AssociationQ1
82Seminars in Oncology00937754, 15328708W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
83Targeted Oncology1776260X, 17762596Springer ParisQ1
84Breast Cancer Research and Treatment01676806, 15737217Springer New YorkQ1
85Cellular oncology (Dordrecht)22113436, 22113428Springer NetherlandsQ1
86Seminars in Radiation Oncology10534296, 15329461W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
87Clinical Colorectal Cancer15330028ElsevierQ1
88Cancer Research and Treatment15982998, 20059256Korean Cancer AssociationQ1
89Molecular Therapy - Oncolytics23727705Cell PressQ1
90Current Oncology Reports15346269, 15233790Current Science, Inc.Q1
91Cancers20726694Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q1
92World Journal of Oncology19204531, 1920454XElmer Press IncQ1
93Oral Oncology18790593, 13688375Elsevier Ltd.Q1
94Breast15323080, 09609776Churchill LivingstoneQ1
95Endocrine-Related Cancer13510088BioScientifica Ltd.Q1
96Cancer cytopathology1934662X, 19346638Wiley-BlackwellQ1
97Cancer Imaging17405025, 14707330BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
98Cancer Medicine20457634John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
99Cytotherapy14772566, 14653249Elsevier Inc.Q1
100Journal of Neuro-Oncology15737373, 0167594XKluwer Academic PublishersQ1
101Biologics: Targets and Therapy11775491, 11775475Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q1
102Translational Oncology19365233Neoplasia PressQ1
103Cancer Cell International14752867BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
104Frontiers in Oncology2234943XFrontiers Media S.A.Q2
105BMC Cancer14712407BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
106Clinical Lung Cancer19380690, 15257304ElsevierQ1
107International Journal of Gynecological Cancer15251438, 1048891XBMJ Publishing GroupQ1
108Annals of Surgical Oncology10689265, 15344681Springer New YorkQ1
109Cancer Prevention Research19406207, 19406215American Association for Cancer Research Inc.Q1
110Clinical and Experimental Metastasis02620898, 15737276Springer NetherlandsQ1
111Current Treatment Options in Oncology15346277, 15272729Springer New YorkQ1
112International Journal of Oncology17912423, 10196439Spandidos PublicationsQ2
113Cancer Epidemiology18777821, 1877783XElsevier BVQ2
114Psycho-Oncology10579249, 10991611John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
115Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology24056308Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
116European Journal of Surgical Oncology15322157, 07487983W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
117Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology24056316Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
118Translational Lung Cancer Research22264477, 22186751Society for Translational Medicine (STM)Q2
119Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research1755148X, 17551471Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
120Neuro-Oncology Advances26322498Oxford University PressQ1
121Hematological Oncology10991069, 02780232John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
122Radiation Oncology1748717XBioMed Central Ltd.Q1
123Clinical Genitourinary Cancer15587673ElsevierQ1
124Familial Cancer15737292, 13899600Springer NetherlandsQ2
125Journal of Geriatric Oncology18794068, 18794076Elsevier Ltd.Q2
126Clinical Oncology14332981, 09366555W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
127Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology01715216, 14321335Springer VerlagQ1
128Prostate10970045, 02704137Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
129Cancer Microenvironment18752284, 18752292Springer NetherlandsQ2
130Cancer Causes and Control15737225, 09575243Springer NetherlandsQ2
131Cancer Biology and Therapy15384047, 15558576Landes BioscienceQ1
132Supportive Care in Cancer14337339, 09414355Springer VerlagQ2
133Current Opinion in Oncology1531703X, 10408746Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
134Best Practice and Research in Clinical Haematology15321924, 15216926Elsevier BVQ2
135International Journal of Clinical Oncology13419625, 14377772Springer JapanQ1
136Journal of Ovarian Research17572215BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
137Pediatric Blood and Cancer15455017, 15455009Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
138Acta Oncologica1651226X, 0284186XInforma HealthcareQ1
139Investigational New Drugs01676997, 15730646Kluwer Academic PublishersQ1
140JTO Clinical and Research Reports26663643Elsevier Inc.Q2
141Journal of Gynecologic Oncology20050399, 20050380Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and ColposcopyQ1
142Journal of Bone Oncology22121374Elsevier GmbHQ2
143American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials1537453X, 02773732Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
144Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports15588211, 1558822XSpringer Science + Business MediaQ2
145Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research11782234Libertas Academica Ltd.Q2
146Journal of Cancer18379664Ivyspring International PublisherQ2
147Seminars in Oncology Nursing18783449, 07492081W.B. Saunders LtdQ1
148Strahlentherapie und Onkologie1439099X, 01797158Urban und VogelQ1
149Breast Cancer13406868Springer JapanQ1
150Cancer Nanotechnology18686958, 18686966Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
151Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.)15289117, 1540336XLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
152Future Oncology17448301, 14796694Future Medicine Ltd.Q1
153Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations10781439, 18732496Elsevier Inc.Q1
154Journal of Psychosocial Oncology07347332, 15407586RoutledgeQ2
155Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America15581977, 08898588W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
156Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy11792728Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
157Clinical Breast Cancer15268209, 19380666ElsevierQ2
158Oncology Reviews19705557, 19705565PagePress PublicationsQ2
159Oncology00302414, 14230232S. Karger AGQ2
160Practical Radiation Oncology18798500, 18798519Elsevier BVQ1
161Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy14737140, 17448328Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
162Current Research in Translational Medicine24523186Elsevier Masson s.r.l.Q2
163Leukemia and Lymphoma10292403, 10428194Informa HealthcareQ2
164Oncology Reports1021335X, 17912431Spandidos PublicationsQ2
165Journal of Surgical Oncology10969098, 00224790Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
166OncoTargets and Therapy11786930Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
167Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy11791314Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
168Clinical and Translational Oncology1699048XSpringer-Verlag Italia SrlQ2
169Oncology and Therapy23661070, 23661089Springer International Publishing AGQ2
170Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology14320843, 03445704Springer VerlagQ1
171Journal of Oncology16878450, 16878469Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ2
172Brain Tumor Pathology14337398, 1861387XSpringer JapanQ2
173Oncotarget19492553Impact Journals LLCQ2
174Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy25151355, 25151363SAGE Publications LtdQ2
175Breast Care16613791, 16613805S. Karger AGQ1
176Immunotherapy1750743X, 17507448Future Medicine Ltd.Q2
177Advances in Radiation Oncology24521094Elsevier Inc.Q2
178Cardio-Oncology20573804BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
179Medical Oncology13570560, 1559131XHumana PressQ2
180World Journal of Surgical Oncology14777819BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
181Neuro-Oncology Practice20542577, 20542585Oxford University PressQ2
182Integrative Cancer Therapies1552695X, 15347354SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
183World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology19485204Baishideng Publishing GroupQ2
184Radiology: Imaging Cancer2638616XRadiological Society of North America Inc.Q2
185Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia21522650, 21522669Cancer Media GroupQ2
186Cancer Management and Research11791322Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
187Molecular Imaging and Biology15361632, 18602002Springer New YorkQ2
188Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology03682811, 14653621Oxford University PressQ2
189Brachytherapy15384721Elsevier Inc.Q2
190Melanoma Research14735636, 09608931Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
191Journal of Breast Cancer17386756Korean Breast Cancer SocietyQ2
192Thoracic Cancer17597714, 17597706Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty LtdQ2
193Current Oncology17187729Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
194JMIR Cancer23691999JMIR Publications Inc.Q2
195Molecular Medicine Reports17913004, 17912997Spandidos PublicationsQ2
196Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia10833021, 15737039Springer New YorkQ2
197Melanoma Management20450893, 20450885Future Medicine Ltd.Q1
198European Journal of Cancer Prevention14735709, 09598278Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
199European Journal of Cancer Care09615423, 13652354Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
200Immuno-Oncology and Technology25900188Elsevier Inc.Q3

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