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List of Q2 journals in Energy

100 Energy Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Energy and Environment0958305X, 20484070SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
2Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE7339402American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
3Energy Exploration and Exploitation1445987SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
4Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects15567230, 15567036Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
5Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli10018042Springer SingaporeQ2
6Progress in Nuclear Energy1491970Elsevier Ltd.Q2
7Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME15288994, 01950738The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
8Clean Energy25154230, 2515396XOxford University PressQ2
9Nuclear Technology295450Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
10Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME15288986, 01996231The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
11Frontiers in Energy Research2296598XFrontiers Media S.A.Q2
12IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science15581578, 00189499Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
13Carbon Letters22334998, 19764251Q2
14Bioenergy Research19391242, 19391234Springer New YorkQ2
15International Journal of Sustainable Energy1478646X, 14786451Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
16Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology18811248, 00223131Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
17Global Energy Interconnection25900358, 20965117KeAi Communications Co.Q2
18Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power15288919, 07424795The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
19Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy21986452, 21986444Springer International Publishing AGQ2
20Fuel Cells16156846, 16156854John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
21Fusion Science and Technology15361055Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
22Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy21994706Springer SingaporeQ2
23Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage23816910, 23816872The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
24Wind Engineering0309524X, 2048402XSAGE Publications Inc.Q2
25Energy Harvesting and Systems23298774, 23298766Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
26Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems18489257International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWESQ2
27AIMS Energy23338326, 23338334AIMS PressQ2
28Wind Energy10991824, 10954244John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
29Renewable Energy Focus18780229, 17550084Elsevier Ltd.Q2
30Energy Reports23524847Elsevier Ltd.Q2
31European Physical Journal A1434601X, 14346001Springer New YorkQ2
32Nuclear Physics B5503213ElsevierQ2
33IET Renewable Power Generation17521416, 17521424John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
34Energy Technology21944296, 21944288Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaAQ2
35Journal of High Energy Physics10298479Springer VerlagQ2
36Energy Efficiency1570646X, 15706478Springer NetherlandsQ2
37Batteries23130105Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
38Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining1932104X, 19321031John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
39Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy21605890, 21605882International Association for Energy EconomicsQ2
40Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables10902090, 0092640XAcademic Press Inc.Q2
41Petroleum24055816, 24056561KeAi Communications Co.Q2
42Energy Science and Engineering20500505John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
43Journal of Petroleum Geology17475457, 01416421Wiley-BlackwellQ2
44EPJ Photovoltaics21050716EDP SciencesQ2
45Nuclear Engineering and Technology2234358X, 17385733Korean Nuclear SocietyQ2
46Fusion Engineering and Design9203796Elsevier BVQ2
47Petroleum Research20962495, 25241729KeAi Communications Co.Q2
48Environment19399154, 00139157Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
49Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy19417012American Institute of PhysicsQ2
50Frontiers in Energy20951698, 20951701Higher Education PressQ2
51Environments - MDPI20763298MDPI AGQ2
52Nuclear and Radiation Safety20736231Odessa National Polytechnic Institute, Nuclear physics and energyQ2
53Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipment10066047Electric Power Automation Equipment PressQ2
54International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering20089163, 22516832Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
55Energy, Ecology and Environment23637692, 23638338Joint Center on Global Change and Earth System Science of the University of Maryland and Beijing NorQ2
56Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences19438168, 1943815XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
57Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage Engineering10036520Science PressQ2
58Egyptian Journal of Petroleum11100621, 20902468Egyptian Petroleum Research InstituteQ2
59International Journal of Green Energy15435075, 15435083Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
60High Energy Density Physics15741818ElsevierQ2
61Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering1528896X, 08927219The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
62Green Processing and Synthesis21919550, 21919542Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
63Scientific Drilling18163459, 18168957IODP-MIQ2
64SPE Drilling and Completion10646671Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q2
65Waste and Biomass Valorization1877265X, 18772641Springer NetherlandsQ2
66Advances in Aerodynamics25246992Springer NatureQ2
67International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment2150363X, 21503621Begell House Inc.Q2
68Emergent Materials2522574X, 25225731Springer NatureQ2
69International Journal of Energy Sector Management17506220Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
70Meitan Kexue Jishu/Coal Science and Technology (Peking)2532336China Coal SocietyQ2
71International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems20507038John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
72IEEE Power Electronics Magazine23299215, 23299207Q2
73Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology21900558, 21900566Springer VerlagQ2
74Applications in Energy and Combustion Science2666352XElsevier Ltd.Q2
75Energy Informatics25208942SpringerOpenQ2
76Frontiers in Sustainable Cities26249634Frontiers Media S.A.Q2
77International Journal of Geo-Engineering20929196, 21982783Springer SingaporeQ2
78Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering22286179Springer International Publishing AGQ2
79Nuclear Physics A3759474ElsevierQ2
80Natural Gas Industry B23528559, 23528540Elsevier BVQ2
81Nuclear Science and Engineering00295639, 1943748XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
82Energy Systems18683967, 18683975Springer VerlagQ2
83Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy19447450, 19447442John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
84Journal of Sustainable Mining23003960, 25434950Central Mining InstituteQ2
85Letters in High Energy Physics26322714Andromeda Publishing And Academic Services LTDQ2
86SPE Production and Operations19301855Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q2
87International Journal of Photoenergy1110662X, 1687529XHindawi Publishing CorporationQ2
88Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories19984502, 2499975XNorth Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, State Technological UniversityQ2
89Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing21967237, 21967229Springer USQ2
90Advances in High Energy Physics16877365, 16877357Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ2
91Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)16735005Q2
92International Journal of Modern Physics A0217751X, 1793656XWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ2
93Atoms22182004Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
94International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics10618562, 10290257Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
95ChemEngineering23057084MDPI AGQ2
96Sustainable Water Resources Management23635045, 23635037Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
97Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences25765299Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
98Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms0168583XElsevierQ2
99Journal of Sustainable Forestry1540756X, 10549811Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
100IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications21871108, 21871094The Institute of Electrical Engineers of JapanQ2

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