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(New) Fast Publication Energy Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of fast Energy journals. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed).

List of fast publication Energy journals

36 fast publishing Energy journals fetched
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherProcessing Time (Weeks)
1IET Energy Systems Integration, 2516-8401Wiley11
2Energy and Policy Research, 2381-5639Taylor & Francis Group11
3Energy Science & Engineering, 2050-0505Wiley11
4Smart Energy, 2666-9552Elsevier10
5全球能源互联网2096-5125, Editorial Office of Journal of Global Energy Interconnection11
6Clean Energy, 2515-396XOxford University Press10
7Journal of Daylighting, 2383-8701SolarLits10
8Battery Energy, 2768-1696Wiley10
9Carbon Neutrality2788-8614, 2731-3948Springer10
10Energy Equipment and Systems2383-1111, 2345-251XUniversity of Tehran10
11Corrosion and Materials Degradation, 2624-5558MDPI AG11
12Unconventional Resources, 2666-5190KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.10
13Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment2079-2115, 2079-2123Babol Noshirvani University of Technology10
14Chemical Physics Impact, 2667-0224Elsevier11
15The School of Public Policy Publications2560-8312, 2560-8320University of Calgary10
16EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications, 2313-4534European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)10
17Energy Advances, 2753-1457The Royal Society of Chemistry10
18Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy, 2747-173XPhysics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Jember10
19Nuclear Energy and Technology, 2452-3038National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI)11
20Materials Research Letters, 2166-3831Taylor & Francis Group10
21EES Catalysis, 2753-801XThe Royal Society of Chemistry10
22Energy Nexus, 2772-4271Elsevier10
23Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology2345-2412, 2345-2420Petroleum University of Technology10
24Vestnik Ûžno-Uralʹskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: Seriâ Ènergetika1990-8512, 2409-1057Publishing center of the South Ural State University10
25IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 2687-7910IEEE10
26EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web, 2032-944XEuropean Alliance for Innovation (EAI)10
27Radiation Physics and Engineering2645-6397, 2645-5188K.N. Toosi University of Technology10
28Carbon Resources Conversion, 2588-9133KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.10
29Eng, 2673-4117MDPI AG11
30Industrial Chemistry & Materials2755-2608, 2755-2500The Royal Society of Chemistry11
31International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials1947-5411, 1947-542XTaylor & Francis Group11
32Frontiers in Electronic Materials, 2673-9895Frontiers Media S.A.10
33Paragraphs Environmental Design, 2960-2874Paragraphs Media Publishing11
34Sustainable Buildings, 2492-6035EDP Sciences10
35Solar Compass, 2772-9400Elsevier10
36ACS Engineering Au, 2694-2488American Chemical Society11

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