List of Q1 journals in energy

100 energy Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Energy Conversion and Management1968904Elsevier Ltd.Q1
2Energy Research and Social Science22146296Elsevier Ltd.Q1
3Materials Today Energy24686069Elsevier Ltd.Q1
4Smart Energy26669552Elsevier Ltd.Q1
5Energy Conversion and Management: X25901745Elsevier Ltd.Q1
6International Journal of Energy Research1099114X, 0363907XJohn Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
7Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy15567249Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
8Energies19961073Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q1
9Nature Energy20587546Springer NatureQ1
10Energy and Environmental Science17545692, 17545706Royal Society of ChemistryQ1
11ACS Energy Letters23808195American Chemical SocietyQ1
12Energy Storage Materials24058297Elsevier BVQ1
13Carbon Energy26379368John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
14Energy and Environmental Materials25750348, 25750356John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
15Biofuel Research Journal22928782Green Wave Publishing of CanadaQ1
16Applied Energy3062619Elsevier BVQ1
17Journal of Energy Chemistry20954956Elsevier BVQ1
18Energy18736785, 03605442Elsevier Ltd.Q1
19Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy21965420, 21965625State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing BranchQ1
20Journal of Power Sources3787753ElsevierQ1
21AAPG Bulletin1491423American Association of Petroleum GeologistsQ1
22Wind Energy Science23667451, 23667443Copernicus GmbHQ1
23Journal of Energy Storage2352152XElsevier BVQ1
24Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments22131388Elsevier Ltd.Q1
25International Journal of Hydrogen Energy3603199Elsevier Ltd.Q1
26Matter and Radiation at Extremes24682047, 2468080XAmerican Institute of PhysicsQ1
27Sustainable Energy and Fuels23984902Royal Society of ChemistryQ1
28Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks23524677Elsevier Ltd.Q1
29Nuclear Materials and Energy23521791Elsevier Ltd.Q1
30SPE Journal1086055XSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q1
31Journal of the Energy Institute17460220, 17439671Elsevier BVQ1
32Biotechnology for Biofuels17546834BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
33Fuel Cells Bulletin14642859Elsevier BVQ1
34High Power Laser Science and Engineering20954719, 20523289Cambridge University PressQ1
35Journal of Nuclear Materials223115ElsevierQ1
36Energy, Sustainability and Society21920567Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
37MRS Energy and Sustainability23292237, 23292229Cambridge University PressQ1
38Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow26618877, 26618869Tsinghua University PressQ1
39ChemNanoMat2199692XWiley-VCH VerlagQ1
40Nuclear Engineering and Design295493Elsevier BVQ1
41SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering19300212, 10946470Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q1
42Journal of Fusion Energy15729591, 01640313Springer New YorkQ1
43IET Energy Systems Integration25168401John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
44Energy Geoscience26667592KeAi Communications Co.Q1
45International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management22462929Aalborg University PressQ1
46World Patent Information1722190Elsevier Ltd.Q1
47Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports21963010Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ1
48Nature Reviews Materials20588437Nature Publishing GroupQ1
49Joule25424351Cell PressQ1
50Advanced Energy Materials16146832, 16146840Wiley-VCH VerlagQ1
51Electrochemical Energy Reviews25208136Springer Science and Business Media B.V.Q1
52Nature Sustainability23989629Nature Publishing GroupQ1
53EnergyChem25897780Elsevier BVQ1
54Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science1638998Annual Reviews Inc.Q1
55Progress in Energy and Combustion Science3601285Elsevier BVQ1
56Advances in Applied Energy26667924Elsevier Ltd.Q1
57Nano Energy22112855Elsevier BVQ1
58Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics1466410ElsevierQ1
59IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy19493029Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
60IEEE Transactions on Power Systems8858950Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
61Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews13640321Elsevier Ltd.Q1
62Journal of Materials Chemistry A20507496, 20507488Royal Society of ChemistryQ1
63Energy Economics01409883, 18736181ElsevierQ1
64Materials Today Physics25425293Elsevier Ltd.Q1
65IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics21686785, 21686777Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
66Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems23670983, 23672617SpringerOpenQ1
67Cell Reports Physical Science26663864Cell PressQ1
68Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development10000747Science PressQ1
69eTransportation25901168Elsevier BVQ1
70China Petroleum Exploration16727703Petroleum Industry PressQ1
71Polymer Reviews15583724, 15583716Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
72IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification23327782Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
73Bioresource Technology09608524, 18732976Elsevier Ltd.Q1
74Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy00796565, 18733301ElsevierQ1
75Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions22104224Elsevier BVQ1
76Sustainable Cities and Society22106707Elsevier BVQ1
77Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering19475438, 19475446Annual Reviews Inc.Q1
78Energy Policy3014215Elsevier BVQ1
79Solar RRL2367198XWiley-VCH VerlagQ1
80Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications10627995, 1099159XJohn Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
81Environmental Research Letters17489326IOP Publishing Ltd.Q1
82Energy Strategy Reviews2211467XElsevierQ1
83ChemSusChem1864564X, 18645631Wiley-VCH VerlagQ1
84IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion08858969, 15580059Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
85Sustainable Development10991719, 09680802John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
86Sustainable Production and Consumption23525509Elsevier BVQ1
87International Journal of Mining Science and Technology20952686ElsevierQ1
88Journal of Cleaner Production09596526, 18791786Elsevier Ltd.Q1
89Global Transitions25897918KeAi Communications Co.Q1
90IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery19374208, 08858977Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
91Green Energy and Environment24680257, 20962797KeAi Communications Co.Q1
92Energy and AI26665468Elsevier BVQ1
93Renewable Energy9601481Elsevier BVQ1
94JPhys Energy25157655IOP Publishing Ltd.Q1
95Energy and Built Environment26661233KeAi Communications Co.Q1
96Engineering20958099Elsevier Ltd.Q1
97ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering21680485American Chemical SocietyQ1
98Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering20961529Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
99Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics3702693ElsevierQ1
100Global Environmental Politics15263800MIT Press JournalsQ1

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