UGC CARE approved Economics, Econometrics and Finance Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE indexed Economics, Econometrics and Finance journals. The provided journals are reputed.

351 UGC CARE Economics, Econometrics and Finance journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisher
1African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance2046-8083, 2046-8091Inderscience Publishers
2International Journal of Accounting and Finance1752-8224, 1752-8232Inderscience Publishers
3MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting2347-4467, 2395-2598Journal Press India
4The Journal of Corporate Accounting and FinanceNA, 1097-0053John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
5The Review of Finance and Banking2067-2713, 2067-3825Bucharest University of Economic Studies
6Applied Finance Letters2253-5799, 2253-5802Auckland University of Technology
7Aarthika Charche- FPI Journal of Economics and Governance2455-6483, NAFiscal Policy Institute, Government of Karnataka
8Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Economics and Business2343-8894, 2360-0047Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
9Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics and Research2278-1811, NAAssociated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
10Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics1694-5948, 1694-5972Ala- Too International University
11GNLU Journal of Law and EconomicsNA, 2582-2667Gujarat National Law University
12International Journal of Economics and Accounting2041-868X, 2041-8698Inderscience Publishers
13International Journal of Management and Network Economics1754-2324, 1754-2316Inderscience Publishers
14Studies in Business and EconomicsNA, 2344-5416Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
15Theoretical and Applied Economics1841-8678, 1844-0029General Association of the Economists in Romania
16Water Economics and Policy2382-624X, 2382-6258World Scientific Publishing
17Agricultural Economics Research Review0971-3441, 0974-0279Agricultural Economics Research Association
18Annals of Financial Economics2010-4952, 2010-4960World Scientific Publishing
19Annals of the University of Petrosani- Economics1582-5949, 2247-8620University of Petrosani
20Applied Economics Quarterly1611-6607, 1865-5122Duncker and Humblot GmbH
21International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics2160-9802, 2160-9810IGI Global
22Journal of Quantitative Economics0971-1554, 2364-1045The Indian Econometric Society
23Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics0975-802X, NADepartment of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University
24The Indian Journal of Economics0019-5170, NADepartment of Economics, University of Allahabad
25Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics0975-8003, NADepartment of Economics, Vidyasagar University
26World Economics Journal1468-1838, NAEconomic and Financial Publishing Ltd.
27Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues0253-6803, NANational Institute of Health and Family Welfare
28International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (Formerly-International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing)1937-965X, 1937-9668IGI Global
29Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications1906-9685, NADepartment of Mathematics, Naresuan University
30Research and Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences2319-9857, 2347-226XResearch and Reviews
31Scientific Studies and Research, Series Mathematics and Informatics2457-497X, 2067-3566Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau
32Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences0974-6803, NAMili Publications
33Advances in Zoology and Botany2331-5083, 2331-5091Horizon Research Publishing
34Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity2234-6953, 2234-8190Korean Society of Systematic Zoology
35Annals of Plant and Soil Research0972-1959, 2347-6036G. K. V. Society
36Annals of West University of Timisoara- Mathematics and Computer ScienceNA, 1841-3307Sciendo, De Gruyter
37Annals. Food Science and Technology2065-2828, 2344-4916Valahia University Press
38Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences2328-3912, 2328-3920Science and Education Publishing
39Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine1658-6786, 1658-6794Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
40Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences2321-4848, 2321-6085Yenepoya University
41Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development1656-4383, 2599-3879Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
42Asian Journal of Organic and Medicinal ChemistryNA, 2456-8937Asian Publication Corporation
43Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters1674-2834, 2376-6123Taylor and Francis
44Autism and Developmental Language Impairments2396-9415, 2396-9415Sage Publications
45Big Data and Society2053-9517, NASage Publications
46Biotechnology Research and Innovation2452-0721, NAElsevier
47Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution2381-9677, 2381-9685Magnolia Press
48Chemistry and Biology InterfaceNA, 2249-4820Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists
49Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics1303-5991, 2618-6470Faculty of Science, Ankara University
50Complex Analysis and its SynergiesNA, 2197-120XSpringer
51Contraception and Reproductive MedicineNA, 2055-7426BioMed Central Ltd.
52Creative Mathematics and Informatics1584-286X, 1843-441XDepatament of Mathematics and Computer Science, Tehnical University of Cluj- Napoca
53Current Medicine Research and Practice2352-0817, 2352-0825Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
54Data Science and Engineering2364-1185, 2364-1541Springer
55Disaster and Development0973-6700, NANational Institute of Disaster Management
56Discussiones Mathematicae- General Algebra and Applications1509-9415, 2084-0373Faculty of Mathematics Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Gora
57Ecology, Economy and Society- the INSEE Journal2581-6152, 2581-6101Indian Society of Ecological Economics
58Ecosystem Health and Sustainability2096-4129, 2332-8878Taylor and Francis
59Ela Journal of Forestry and Wildlife2319-4361, NAEla Foundation
60Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsNA, 2090-729XDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Alexandria University
61Environmental and Experimental Biology1691-8088, 2255-9582University of Latvia
62Food Science and Human Wellness2213-4530, NABeijing Academy of Food Sciences
63Fungal Biology and Biotechnology2054-3085, NABioMed Central Ltd.
64Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing1819-4362, NATver State University
65Genomics and Computational BiologyNA, 2365-7154Johannes Gutenberg University
66Gravitational and Space ResearchNA, 2332-7774American Society for Gravitational and Space Research
67ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing0976-9099, 0976-9102ICT Academy
68IET Cyber- Physical Systems: Theory and ApplicationsNA, 2398-3396Institution of Engineering and Technology
69Indian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology0972-6691, 2320-4745Indian College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
70Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Management0972-7388, NADepartment of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University
71Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU2542-6214, 2542-6222KLE University
72Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality and CultureNA, 2581-575XSwornashree Life Care Pvt Ltd.
73Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research2666-3481, 2666-349XKAHER Institute of Physiotherapy Belagavi
74Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS2589-0557, 2589-0565Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
75Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology2455-6017, NAApeejay Stya Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
76Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA2049-8764, 2049-8772Oxford University Press
77International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research2349-4220, 2350-0298Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
78International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics0975-0770, 0975-5616Springer
79International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research2229-516X, 2250-2858Basic Medical Scientists Association
80International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction1911-110X, 1911-1118International Association for Sustainable Development and Management
81International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing1755-4950, 1755-4969Inderscience Publishers
82International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering2161-1610, 2161-1629IGI Global
83International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering1793-8201, NAInternational Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
84International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing2155-6997, 2155-6989IGI Global
85International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics1947-3117, 1947-3125IGI Global
86International Journal of Data Science and Analytics2364-415X, 2364-4168Springer
87International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence1947-3494, 1947-3508IGI Global
88International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences0377-015X, 2320-5199National Institute of Ecology
89International Journal of Economic and Environmental GeologyNA, 2223-957XSociety of Economic Geologists and Mineral Technologists, Department of Geology, University of Karachi
90International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering2160-9500, 2160-9543IGI Global
91International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (Formerly-International Journal of Green Computing)2643-7406, 2643-7414IGI Global
92International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences2319-1775, 2320-7876Global E smart Technologies
93International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering2199-9260, 2199-9279Springer
94International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development1935-5661, 1935-567XIGI Global
95International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering2306-708X, NAITEE Publishers
96International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking1941-8663, 1941-8671IGI Global
97International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation2056-9467, 2056-9459Inderscience Publishers
98International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing1793-8198, NAInternational Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
99International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics0974-7117, 0973-8347Centre for Environment and Socio- Economic Research Publications
100International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug ResearchNA, 0975-248XMRI Publication Pvt. Ltd.
101International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and NanotechnologyNA, 0974-3278Pharma Book Syndicate
102International Journal of Plant and Environment2454-1117, NAInternational Society of Environmental Botanists
103International Journal of Smart Security Technologies (Formerly-International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research)2640-4079, 2640-4087IGI Global
104International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering2350-0174, 2456-2378Indian Association for Reliability and Statistics
105IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry2581-4796, 2581-480XKhyati Education and Research Foundation
106Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies0972-950X, NAAeronautical Society of India
107Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy0974-9071, 2322-0457Indian Society for Agricultural Development and Policy
108Journal of Algebra and Related Topics2345-3931, 2382-9877Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Guilan
109Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing0973-662X, 2582-4961All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
110Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology2455-7005, 2347-212XOpen Science Publishers
111Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics2299-9965, 2353-0588Institute of Mathematics, Czestochowa University of Technology
112Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries2321-340X, NADepartment of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala
113Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment2394-4722, 2454-2857OAE Publishing Inc.
114Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies2348-2125, 2348-3644Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
115Journal of Clinical Prosthodontics and ImplantologyNA, 2582-9904Indian Prosthodontic Society
116Journal of Dental Research and Review2348-2915, 2348-3172Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
117Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery2352-2410, 2352-2429Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
118Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories1726-037X, 2169-0057Taru Publications
119Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural SciencesNA, 2320-8694Horizon Publisher India
120Journal of Family and Community Medicine2230-8229, 2229-340XSaudi Society of Family and Community Medicine
121Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care2249-4863, 2278-7135Family Medicine and Primary Care Trust
122Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment1459-0255, 1459-0263WFL Publisher Ltd.
123Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law2277-1867, 2277-8853Medicolegal Association of Maharashtra
124Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications2090-584X, 2090-5858Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Alexandria University
125Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development0973-7502, NADepartment of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir
126Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology0972-0561, 0973-9149Society for Immunology and Immunopathology
127Journal of Indian Speech Language and Hearing Association0974-2131, 2348-5078Indian Speech and Hearing Association
128Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra2252-0201, 2345-5934Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
129Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science0972-4257, 0972-4257National Metallurgical Laboratory
130Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases2146-3158, 2146-9369Department of Microbiology, Fatih University
131Journal of Microscopy and UltrastructureNA, 2213-8803Saudi Society of Microscopes
132Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology0971-9393, 0975-4180Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology
133Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology2321-3841, 2321-385XSchool of Dentistry
134Journal of Proteins and ProteomicsNA, 2524-4663Proteomics Society of India
135Journal of Radiation Research and Applied SciencesNA, 1687-8507Taylor and Francis
136Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology0971-9059, NAIndian Society for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology
137Journal of Self- Assembly and Molecular Electronics2245-4551, 2245-8824River Publishers
138Journal of Soils and Crops0971-2836, 2582-2756Association of Soils and Crop Research Scientists
139Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops0971-3328, NAIndian Society for Spices
140Journal of Statistical Distributions and ApplicationsNA, 2195-5832Springer
141Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications1538-7887, 2214-1766Atlantis Press
142Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability2090-8423, 2090-8431Natural Sciences Publishing
143Journal of Stress Physiology and BiochemistryNA, 1997-0838"Vikol publishing" ST Kolesnichenko V. V.
144Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and StatisticsNA, 2364-9569Indian Society for Probability and Statistics
145Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics1226-0657, 2287-6081The Korean Society of Mathematical Education
146Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices2278-5906, NAJawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute
147Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment2235-9370, 2235-9362Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
148Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences0971-0701, 2582-0605Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
149Journal of Water and Environmental Nanotechnology2476-7204, 2476-6615Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council and Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society
150Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics1690-4532, 1690-4524International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics
151Landscape and Environment1789-4921, 1789-7556Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography, University of Debrecen
152Mathematical and Computational Applications1300-686X, 2297-8747MDPI
153Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- NotesNA, 2147-6268Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes
154Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace2041-3165, 0204-1316Cambridge Scientific Publishers
155Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern ProcessesNA, 2198-7874Springer
156Nanomaterials and Energy2045-9831, 2045-984XICE Publishing
157Natural Products and Bioprospecting2192-2195, 2192-2209Springer
158Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and MedicineNA, 1118-6267Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy
159Open Journal of Psychiatry and Allied Sciences2394-2053, 2394-2061Academy Publisher
160Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology1949-0739, 2475-3025Michigan Publishing
161Proceeding in Applied Mathematics and MechanicsNA, 1617-7061GAMM- Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
162Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems2367-2617, 2367-0983Springer
163Radiation Protection and Environment0972-0464, 2250-0995Indian Association for Radiation Protection
164Reliability: Theory and ApplicationsNA, 1932-2321Gnedenko Forum
165Reptiles and Amphibians2330-3956, 2332-4961The International Reptile Conservation Foundation
166Research and Reviews: A journal of Pharmaceutical ScienceNA, 2229-7006STM Journals
167Research and Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology2349-1264, 2231-3834STM Journals
168Research Journal of Textile and Apparel1560-6074, 2515-8090Emerald Publishing Limited
169Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education1791-261X, 1792-3999Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras
170Rheumatology and Therapy2198-6576, 2198-6584Springer
171Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology2229-7111, 2454-5767Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences
172Science and Technology Journal2321-3388, NAMizoram University
173Shape Memory and Superelasticity2199-384X, 2199-3858Springer
174South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences0972-7752, NARamanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
175Statistics and ApplicationsNA, 2454-7395Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications
176Stochastic Modeling and Applications0972-3641, NAMUK Publications and Distributions
177Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research0719-3726, NAUniversidad Catolica de Temuco
178The Electronic International Journal Advanced Modeling and OptimizationNA, 1841-4311Research Institute for Informatics
179The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics2348-621X, 0022-3174Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
180The Journal of Cytology and Genetics0253-7605, NASociety of Cytologists and Geneticists
181Topological Algebra and its ApplicationsNA, 2299-3231Walter de Gruyter
182Tuberculosis Research and Treatment2090-150X, 2090-1518Hindawi Limited
183TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2076-2585, 2219-1259Turkic World Mathematical Society
184World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development2042-5953, 2042-5945World Association for Sustainable Development
185Administrative Theory and Praxis1084-1806, 1949-0461Taylor and Francis
186African Journal of Business and Economic Research1750-4554, 1750-4562Adonis and Abbey Publishers
187Apeejay Journal of Management and Technology0974-3294, NAApeejay Institute of Management and Engineering Technical Campus
188Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform1205-612X, 1925-4938Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
189Arab Economic and Business Journal2214-4625, NAElsevier
190Asia- Pacific Journal of Risk and InsuranceNA, 2153-3792Walter de Gruyter
191BimaQuest- The Journal of Insurance, Pension and Management0974-0791, NANational Insurance Academy
192Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal0736-7694, NACardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
193Citaliste: the Scientific Journal on Theory and Practice of Librarianship2217-5555, 2217-5563The City Library of Panevo and Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad
194Commonwealth Youth and Development1727-7140, 2663-6549Unisa Press
195Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative LawNA, 2347-4351National Law University
196Economia- Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association1529-7470, 1533-6239Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association
197Education and Society (print only)2278-6864, NAIndian Institute of Education
198Engaging Science, Technology, and SocietyNA, 2413-8053Society for Social Studies of Science
199European Journal of Education and Psychology1888-8992, 1989-2209University of Almeria
200Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and InnovationNA, 2283-7949Globus et Locus
201GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics0975-0193, NAGujarat National Law University
202Harvard Journal of Law and Technology0897-3393, NAHarvard Law School, Harvard University
203Himalayan and Central Asian Studies0971-9318, NAHimalayan Research and Cultural Foundation
204Humanities and Social Science Studies2319-829X, NAAcademy of Humanity and Social Sciences
205Humanity and Society0160-5976, 2372-9708Association for Humanist Sociology
206Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New EconomyNA, 2069-3508Hyperian University and Hyperion Research and Development Institute
207Indian Journal of Applied Hospitality and tourism Research0975-4954, NABanarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology
208Indian Journal of Law and Justice0976-3570, NADepartment of Law, University of North Bengal Darjeeling
209Indian Journal of Law and Technology0973-0362, NANational Law School of India University
210Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations0973-5011, NASchool of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University
211INSPA Journal of Applied and School PsychologyNA, NAIndian School Psychology Association
212International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance2320-7507, NAPublishing India Group
213International Journal of Bonds and Currency Derivatives2050-2281, 2050-229XInderscience Publishers
214International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets1753-6219, 1753-6227Inderscience Publishers
215International Journal of Business Competition and Growth2042-3845, 2042-3853Inderscience Publishers
216International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences2347-4777, NAAvantgarde Press, Tagore-Gandhi Institute/Shakespeare Society
217International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives1756-7149, 1756-7130Inderscience Publishers
218International Journal of Gender, Science and TechnologyNA, 2040-0748Department of Computing and Communications, The Open University
219International Journal of Happiness and Development2049-2790, 2049-2804Inderscience Publishers
220International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management2050-0483, 2050-0491Inderscience Publishers
221International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies2050-103X, 2050-1048Inderscience Publishers
222International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management1753-0806, 1753-0814Inderscience Publishers
223International Journal of Information and Education TechnologyNA, 2010-3689International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
224International Journal of Legal Studies and ResearchNA, 2278-4764School of Technology, Law and Development, West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
225International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing1757-5567, 1757-5575Inderscience Publishers
226International Journal of School and Educational Psychology2168-3603, 2168-3611Taylor and Francis
227International Journal of Transparency and Accountability in Governance2395-4337, NACentre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, National Law University
228International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice2347-2731, NANational Law School of India University
229International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities2250-0715, 2248-9010Interdisciplinary Research Group in Social Sciences and Humanities
230Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies0973-8444, NAXavier Institute of Social Service
231JIM QUEST: Journal of Management and Technology0975-6280, NAJaipuria Institute of Management
232Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs2347-7970, 2349-0039Sage Publications
233Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research2277-2146, NAPublishing India Group
234Journal of Commerce and Business Studies2322-0767, NADepartment of Commerce, University of Delhi
235Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law1558-7215, 1558-7223Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
236Journal of Education Culture and SocietyNA, 2081-1640Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroc?aw
237Journal of Educational Planning and Administration0971-3859, NANational University of Educational Planning and Administration
238Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies2393-9575, 2394-9945International Entrepreneurship Forum
239Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations2333-5882, 2333-5890American Research Institute for Policy Development
240Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly-SRELS Journal of Information Management)0972-2467, 2583-9314Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
241Journal of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipNA, 2192-5372Springer
242Journal of Innovation and Knowledge2444-569X, NAElsevier
243Journal of International Business and Economy1527-8603, NAInstitute for Industrial Policy Studies, Korea and Business School of Beijing Normal University
244Journal of Land and Rural Studies2321-0249, 2321-7464B. N. Yugandhar Centre for Rural Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration
245Journal of Library and Information Studies1606-7509, NADepartment of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University
246Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship2229-5348, NAXavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
247Journal of Media and CommunicationNA, 2581-513XDepartment of Media and Communication School of Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu
248Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour0971-8990, 2543-1897Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone
249Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning2516-600X, 2516-6018International Management Institute
250Journal of People?s History and Culture2395-7379, NAGaria Society for Studies of Marginal People
251Journal of Polity and Society0976-0210, NADepartment of Political Science, University of Kerala
252Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship0827-6331, 2169-2610Taylor and Francis
253Journal of Social and Economic Development0972-5792, 2199-6873Institute for Social and Economic Change
254Journal of Social Work and Social Development2229-6468, NADepartment of Social Work, Visva- Bharati
255Journal of Social Work Education, Research and Action2394-4102, NANational Association of Social Workers
256Journal of the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies (print only)0972-9682, NASchool of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
257Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Culinary Arts1985-8914, 2590-3837Universiti Teknologi MARA
258Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice2516-6069, 2516-6077Indian Society of Victimology and Centre for Criminology, Criminal Justice and Victimology at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law
259Jurisprudence: An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought2040-3313, 2040-3321Taylor and Francis
260Labour and Development0973-0419, NAV. V. Giri National Labour Institute
261Lewis and Clark Law Review1557-6582, NANorthwestern School of Law
262Man and Development (print only)0258-0438, NACentre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development
263Man and Society: A Journal of North- East Studies (print only)2229-4058, NAIndian Council of Social Science Research, North Eastern Regional Centre
264Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management2347-4440, 2395-2601Journal Press India
265Migration and Development2163-2324, 2163-2332Taylor and Francis
266New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship1361-4541, 1740-7885Taylor and Francis
267Pakistan Economic and Social Review1011-002X, 2224-4174Department of Economics, University of the Punjab
268Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies0008-4697, NAMenno Simons College
269Politics, Groups, and Identities2156-5503, 2156-5511Taylor and Francis
270Prajnan: Journal of Management and Social Sciences0970-8448, NANational Institute of Bank Management
271Psychology of Women and Equalities Review1466-3724, 2517-4932British Psychological Society
272Psychology, Community and HealthNA, 2182-438XPsychOpen
273Ramanujan International Journal of Business and Research2455-5959, 2583-0171Department of Commerce, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
274RBU Journal of Library and Information Science0972-2750, NADepartment of Library and Information Science, Rabindra Bharati University
275Religion and Gender2589-8051, 1878-5417International Association for the Study of Religion and Gender
276Research and Reflections on Education0974-648X, NASt. Xavier's College of Education
277Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses2169-3293, 2169-3307Taylor and Francis
278Review of Development and Change0972-2661, 2632-055XMadras Institute of Development Studies
279RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism2312-9220, 2312-9247Peoples? Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University
280SEMCOM Management and Technology Review2321-5968, NASardar Gunj Mercantile English Medium College of Commerce and Management
281Small Enterprises Development, Management and Extension Journal0970-8464, 2456-1223National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
282Social Change and Development0975-4016, NAOKD Institute of Social Science and Development
283Society and Culture In South Asia2393-8617, 2394-9872South Asian University
284South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science0256-8861, 2304-8263Library and Information Association of South Africa
285Sport and Exercise Psychology Review1745-4980, 2396-961XBritish Psychological Society
286Territory of Research on Settlements and the Environments: International Journal of Urban PlanningNA, 2281-4574Interdepartmental Research Center LUPT
287The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices0972-690X, NAIUP Publications
288The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-LearningNA, 2147-6454The Association of Science, Education and Technology
289Theory and Event2572-6633, 1092-311XJohns Hopkins University Press
290Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators2455-1376, NANational Council of Educational Research and Training
291Washington and Lee Law Review0043-0463, NAWashington and Lee University
292William and Mary Law Review0043-5589, 2374-8524William and Mary Law School
293Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender and Society1052-3421, NAUniversity of Wisconsin Law School
294Yale Journal of Law and Feminism1043-9366, NAYale Law School
295Yale Law and Policy Review0740-8048, NAYale Law School
296Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen MediaNA, 2009-4078University College Cork
297Anandam Journal of Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Assam2394-9023, NAAnundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture
298Apeiron- A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science0003-6390, NAWalter de Gruyter
299Assonance: A Journal of Russian and Comparative Literary Studies2394-7853, NADepartment of Russian and Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Calicut
300Bengal Past and Present (print only)0005-8807, NACalcutta Historical Society
301Bulletin of the Deccan College Post- Graduate and Research Institute0045-9801, NADeccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute
302Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture0974-7567, NAChair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut
303Fafnir- Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research2342-2009, NAThe Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research
304FORTELL: Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature2229-6557, 2394-9244TESOL International Association and International association of Teachers of English as Foreign Language
305Forum- International Journal of Interpretation and Translation1598-7647, 2451-909XJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
306IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities2187-0616, NAThe International Academic Forum
307IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion and PhilosophyNA, 2187-0624International Academic Forum
308International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation StudiesNA, 2202-9451Australian Internationa Academic Centre Pvt. Ltd.
309International Journal of Tamil Language and Literary StudiesNA, 2581-7140Maheshwari Publishers
310Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics2581-494X, NASchool of Languages and Linguistics, Jadavpur University
311Journal for Peace and Justice Studies1093-6831, 2153-9839Center for Peace and Justice Education
312Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance1753-6421, 1753-643XIntellect Publishers
313Journal of Ancient History and ArchaeologyNA, 2360-266XInstitutul de Arheologie si Istoria Artei, Cluj-Napoca
314Journal of Indian History and Culture0975-7805, NAC. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Institute of Indological Research
315Journal of Language and Discrimination2397-2637, 2397-2645Equinox Publishing Ltd.
316Journal of Language and Linguistic StudiesNA, 1305-578XDepartment of English Language and Literature, Selcuk University
317Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies1757-6458, 1757-6466Liverpool University Press
318Journal of Literature and Aesthetics2278-523X, NAIndian Documentation Service Pvt. Ltd.
319Journal of Religion and Society1522-5658, NAKripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society, Creighton University
320Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics2196-0771, 2196-078XWalter de Gruyter
321Journeys: The International journal of Travel and Travel writing1465-2609, 1752-2358Berghahn Journals
322Language and Language Teaching2277-307X, NAVidya Bhawan Society
323Man and Environment0258-0446, NAIndian Society for Pre-historic and Quaternary Studies
324Margins: A Journal of Literature and Culture2250-0731, NADepartment of English, Gauhati University
325Naad- Nartan Journal of Dance and Music2349-4654, NANaad - Nartan
326Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Sambhasa (print only)0285-7154, NADepartment of Indian Studies, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
327Phenomenology and Mind2280-7853, 2239-4028Firenze University Press
328Philosophy and the Life-World0975-8461, NADepartment of Philosophy, Vidyasagar University
329Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry2349-8064, NASanglap
330Semantics and Pragmatics1937-8912, NALinguistic Society of America
331ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing ArtsNA, 2582-7472Granthaalayah Publications and Printers
332Synoptique: An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image StudiesNA, 1715-7641Concordia University
333Trans- Kom: Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research1867-4844, NALeona Van Vaerenbargh And Klaus Schubert
334Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts2352-1805, 2352-1813John Benjamins Publishing Company
335Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature2349-8420, NADepartment of linguistics, Bharathiyar University
336Writing and Pedagogy1756-5839, 1756-5847Equinox Publishing Ltd.
337Arts and the Market2056-4945, 2056-4953Emerald Publishing Limited
338Econophysics, Sociophysics, and Multidisciplinary Sciences Journal2247-2479, NAUniversity of Pitesti
339Flusser Studies. Multilingual Journal for Cultural and Media TheoryNA, 1661-5719Flusserstudies Net
340International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management2049-0909, 2049-0917Inderscience Publishers
341Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies (Formerly-International Journal of Yoga- Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology)2949-6993, 2949-7000Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana
342Journal of Drug Delivery and TherapeuticsNA, 2250-1177Vinita Nagar, Society of Pharmaceutical Technocrats
343Journal of Science and Sustainable Development2070-1748, NAUganda Martyrs University School of Postgraduate Studies and Research
344Journal on Environmental Law, Policy and DevelopmentNA, 2348-7046Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy, National Law School of India University
345Madhya Bharti- Humanities and Social Sciences0974-0066, NADr. Harisingh Gour University
346Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences0972-1401, NAIndian Institute of Advanced Study
347Assonance: A Journal of Russian and Comparative Literary Studies2394-7853, NADepartment of Russian and Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Calicut
348Bulletin of the Deccan College Post- Graduate and Research Institute0045-9801, NADeccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute
349Philosophy and the Life-World0975-8461, NADepartment of Philosophy, Vidyasagar University
350ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing ArtsNA, 2582-7472Granthaalayah Publications and Printers
351Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature2349-8420, NADepartment of linguistics, Bharathiyar University

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