UGC CARE approved Ecology Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE indexed Ecology journals. The provided journals are reputed.

5 UGC CARE Ecology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisher
1Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences2328-3912, 2328-3920Science and Education Publishing
2Ecology, Economy and Society- the INSEE Journal2581-6152, 2581-6101Indian Society of Ecological Economics
3International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences0377-015X, 2320-5199National Institute of Ecology
4Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development0973-7502, NADepartment of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir
5Explorations in Media Ecology1539-7785, 2048-0717Intellect Publishers

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