UGC CARE approved Chemical Engineering Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE indexed Chemical Engineering journals. The provided journals are reputed.

23 UGC CARE Chemical Engineering journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisher
1World Journal of Chemical Education2375-1665, 2375-1657Science and Education Publishing
2Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering1584-2665, 1584-2673Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, University Politehnica Timisoara
3ADBU Journal of Engineering TechnologyNA, 2348-7305Assam Don Bosco University
4Advanced Engineering Forum2234-9898, 2234-991XTrans Tech Publications Inc.
5Current Biochemical Engineering2212-7119, 2212-7127Bentham Science Publishers
6Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering2468-4511, NAElsevier
7Data Science and Engineering2364-1185, 2364-1541Springer
8Industrial Engineering Journal (print only)0970-2555, NAIndian Institution of Industrial Engineering
9International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics0975-0770, 0975-5616Springer
10International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering2155-4153, 2155-4161IGI Global
11International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction1911-110X, 1911-1118International Association for Sustainable Development and Management
12International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering2161-1610, 2161-1629IGI Global
13International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering1793-8201, NAInternational Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
14International Journal of Design Engineering1751-5882, 1751-5874Inderscience Publishers
15International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering2160-9500, 2160-9543IGI Global
16International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering2199-9260, 2199-9279Springer
17International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering2306-708X, NAITEE Publishers
18International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering2350-0174, 2456-2378Indian Association for Reliability and Statistics
19Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace2041-3165, 0204-1316Cambridge Scientific Publishers
20Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology2229-7111, 2454-5767Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences
21Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering2662-5415, 2662-5423Indian National Academy of Engineering
22International Journal of Financial Engineering2424-7863, 2424-7944World Scientific Publishing
23International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management2049-0909, 2049-0917Inderscience Publishers

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