Scopus indexed Genetics and Genomics Journals

Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Genetics and Genomics journals.

200 Scopus indexed Genetics and Genomics journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

Scopus indexed Genetics and Genomics journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Research Results in Biomedicine26586533Belgorod State National Research UniversityQ3
2Cell Reports Methods26672375Cell PressQ1
3Microbial Cell23112638Q1
4aBIOTECH26621738, 20966326Springer NatureQ1
5Epigenomes20754655MDPI AGQ2
6Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine18995276, 24512680Wroclaw Medical UniversityQ1
7Bonplandia18538460, 05240476Instituto de Botanica del NordesteQ4
8Cell Genomics2666979XCell PressQ1
9Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine25748300Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
10PLoS Genetics15537390, 15537404Public Library of ScienceQ1
11Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research19375395, 19375387Springer New YorkQ1
12Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics10580468Springer New YorkQ2
13Phytopathology Research20965362, 25244167BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
14Human gene therapy methods19466536, 19466544Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q2
15Environmental Epigenetics20585888Oxford University PressQ2
16Behavior Genetics00018244, 15733297Springer New YorkQ1
17Neurogenetics13646753, 13646745Springer VerlagQ2
18Psychiatric Genetics14735873, 09558829Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
19Mutagenesis02678357, 14643804Oxford University PressQ2
20Pharmacogenetics and Genomics17446880, 17446872Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
21Human Biology15346617, 00187143Wayne State University PressQ3
22Ecological Genetics18110932, 24119202Eco-Vector LLCQ4
23Cytology and Genetics00954527, 19349440Allerton Press Inc.Q4
24Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception20962916Chinese Medical Journals Publishing House Co.LtdQ4
25Nature Reviews Genetics14710056, 14710064Nature Publishing GroupQ1
26Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics15278204, 1545293XAnnual Reviews Inc.Q1
27American Journal of Human Genetics15376605, 00029297Cell PressQ1
28Genome Research15495469, 10889051Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PressQ1
29Genome Medicine1756994XBioMed Central Ltd.Q1
30npj Genomic Medicine20567944Nature Publishing GroupQ1
31Clinical Epigenetics18687083, 18687075BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
32Human Genetics03406717, 14321203Springer VerlagQ1
33Current Protocols in Human Genetics19348266, 19348258John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
34Human Molecular Genetics14602083, 09646906Oxford University PressQ1
35Journal of Medical Genetics00222593, 14686244BMJ Publishing GroupQ1
36European Journal of Human Genetics10184813, 14765438Nature Publishing GroupQ1
37Human Mutation10981004, 10597794Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
38Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease01418955, 15732665Springer NetherlandsQ1
39Molecular Medicine10761551, 15283658Feinstein Institute for Medical ResearchQ1
40Clinical Genetics00099163, 13990004Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
41Genes and Immunity14664879, 14765470Nature Publishing GroupQ2
42Journal of Human Genetics1435232X, 14345161Nature Publishing GroupQ2
43Journal of Heredity14657333, 00221503Oxford University PressQ1
44Heredity0018067X, 13652540Nature Publishing GroupQ2
45Familial Cancer15737292, 13899600Springer NetherlandsQ2
46Frontiers in Genetics16648021Frontiers Media S.A.Q2
47G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics21601836Genetics Society of AmericaQ1
48Genes20734425Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
49BMC Medical Genomics17558794BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
50Chromosoma14320886, 00095915Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ2
51Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies23732873Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PressQ2
52American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics15524876, 15524868Wiley-Liss Inc.Q2
53Application of Clinical Genetics1178704XDove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
54World Journal of Stem Cells19480210Baishideng Publishing GroupQ2
55American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A15524833, 15524825Wiley-Liss Inc.Q2
56European Journal of Medical Genetics18780849, 17697212Elsevier Masson s.r.l.Q2
57Journal of Gene Medicine1099498X, 15212254John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
58Molecular genetics & genomic medicine23249269John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q3
59Annals of Human Genetics00034800, 14691809Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
60BMC Medical Genetics14712350BioMed Central Ltd.Q3
61Current Gene Therapy18755631, 15665232Bentham Science Publishers B.V.Q2
62Current Genomics13892029, 18755488Bentham Science Publishers B.V.Q3
63Human Heredity14230062, 00015652S. Karger AGQ3
64International Journal of Immunogenetics1744313X, 17443121Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
65Molecular Cytogenetics17558166BioMed Central Ltd.Q3
66Cytogenetic and Genome Research14248581, 1424859XS. Karger AGQ3
67Molecular Syndromology16618777, 16618769S. Karger AGQ4
68Medizinische Genetik09365931, 18635490Springer VerlagQ4
69Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics13110160Macedonian Academy of Sciences and ArtsQ4
70Meta Gene22145400Elsevier BVQ4
71Genetics Research International20903154, 20903162Hindawi LimitedQ4
72Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine18756913, 18756921Bentham Science Publishers B.V.Q4
73Human Gene27730441Elsevier BV-
74Molecular Systems Biology17444292Wiley-BlackwellQ1
75PLoS Computational Biology15537358, 1553734XPublic Library of ScienceQ1
76Biometrics0006341X, 15410420Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
77Biology Direct17456150BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
78Forensic Sciences Research24711411, 20961790Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
79npj Microgravity23738065Nature Publishing GroupQ1
80Mathematical Biosciences255564Elsevier Inc.Q1
81Journal of Theoretical Biology10958541, 00225193Academic Press Inc.Q1
82Journal of Applied Biomedicine12140287, 1214021XUniversity of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Faculty of Health and Social SciencesQ2
83Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales23824980, 03703908Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural SciencesQ3
84Extreme Medicine27132757, 27132765Federal Medical Biological Agency Publishing Group-
85PLoS Biology15449173, 15457885Public Library of ScienceQ1
86Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews18790305, 13596101Elsevier BVQ1
87BMC Biology17417007BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
88Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences9628452The Royal SocietyQ1
89Fungal Systematics and Evolution25893823, 25893831Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity InstituteQ1
90Current Protocols26911299John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
91Horticultural Plant Journal20959885, 24680141Elsevier BVQ1
92Current Opinion in Lipidology14736535, 09579672Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q1
93Insect Science17447917, 16729609Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
94Management of Environmental Quality14777835Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
95In Silico Plants25175025Oxford University PressQ1
97Metabarcoding and Metagenomics25349708Pensoft PublishersQ1
98Biology20797737Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q1
99Journal of Mammalogy00222372, 15451542Oxford University PressQ1
100Gates Open Research25724754Q2
101Life20751729Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
102Bulletin of Mathematical Biology00928240, 15229602Springer New YorkQ1
103BioMetals15728773, 09660844Springer NetherlandsQ1
104Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine17486718, 1748670XHindawi Publishing CorporationQ2
105Comptes Rendus - Biologies17683238, 16310691Academie des sciencesQ2
106Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education19357877, 19357885American Society for MicrobiologyQ2
107Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences17353688, 02530716Shiraz University of Medical SciencesQ2
108BioSystems03032647, 18728324Elsevier Ireland LtdQ3
109Open Life Sciences23915412Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
110South African Journal of Science03708462, 00382353Academy of Science of South AfricaQ2
111Mathematical Medicine and Biology14778599Oxford University PressQ3
112Uniciencia22153470Universidad NacionalQ3
113Baghdad Science Journal24117986, 20788665University of BaghdadQ3
114Doklady Biological Sciences00124966, 16083105Pleiades PublishingQ3
115Makara Journal of Science23391995, 23560851Universitas IndonesiaQ3
116Granja13908596, 13903799Universidad Politecnica SalesianaQ4
117Notulae Scientia Biologicae20673264Horticulture and Forestry Society from TransylvaniaQ4
118Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences23375760Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi BandungQ3
119Natures Sciences Societes12401307, 17652979EDP SciencesQ3
120Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences22895981, 2289599XPenerbit UTM PressQ4
121Ukrainian Antarctic Journal24153087, 17277485State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center of the Ministry of EducationQ4
122Defence Life Science Journal24560537Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC)Q3
123Journal of Applied and Natural Science09749411, 22315209Applied and Natural Science FoundationQ4
124Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal(Egypt)20909853, 16874315Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ3
125Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki2542064X, 2500218XKazan Federal UniversityQ4
126Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad and Divulgacion Cientifica26192551, 01234226Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.AQ4
127Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases00034967, 14682060BMJ Publishing GroupQ1
128EMBO Journal02614189, 14602075Wiley-BlackwellQ1
129Nature Communications20411723Nature Publishing GroupQ1
130Biological Reviews1469185X, 14647931Wiley-BlackwellQ1
131eLife2050084XeLife Sciences PublicationsQ1
132Advanced Science21983844Wiley-VCH VerlagQ1
133Current Biology18790445, 09609822Cell PressQ1
134Communications Biology23993642Springer NatureQ1
135Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences09628436, 14712970The Royal SocietyQ1
136Life Science Alliance25751077Rockefeller University PressQ1
137Database : the journal of biological databases and curation17580463Oxford University PressQ1
138mSystems23795077American Society for MicrobiologyQ1
139Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences17496632, 00778923Wiley-BlackwellQ1
140Evolution; international journal of organic evolution15585646, 00143820Wiley-BlackwellQ1
141DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms17548403, 17548411Company of Biologists LtdQ1
142Science China Life Sciences16747305, 18691889Science Press (China)Q1
143Current Opinion in Systems Biology24523100Elsevier Ltd.Q1
144npj Systems Biology and Applications20567189Nature Publishing GroupQ1
145Evolutionary Applications17524571Wiley-BlackwellQ1
146Biological Research07176287, 07169760BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
147Life Sciences18790631, 00243205Elsevier Inc.Q1
148Maturitas3785122Elsevier Ireland LtdQ1
149American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics15524841, 1552485XWiley-Liss Inc.Q1
150Clinical and Translational Science17528062, 17528054Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
151Plant Direct24754455John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
152Genetics Selection Evolution0999193X, 12979686BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
153Zoologica Scripta14636409, 03003256Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
154Biology Methods and Protocols23968923Oxford University PressQ1
155Quantitative Biology20954697, 20954689Higher Education PressQ1
156Journal of Ginseng Research20934947, 12268453The Korean Society of GinsengQ1
157Biology Open20466390Company of Biologists LtdQ1
158Emerging topics in life sciences23978554, 23978562Portland Press, Ltd.Q1
159STAR Protocols26661667Cell PressQ2
160Twin Research and Human Genetics18392628, 18324274Cambridge University PressQ1
161Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution15525007, 15525015John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
162Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering18655025, 18655033Springer New YorkQ2
163Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B16731581Zhejiang University PressQ1
164PeerJ21678359PeerJ Inc.Q1
165Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology24715646, 24715638John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
166Cryobiology00112240, 10902392Academic Press Inc.Q1
167Animal Cells and Systems21512485, 19768354Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
168Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research09475745, 14390469Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
169BioMed Research International23146141, 23146133Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ2
170Journal of Biophotonics1864063XWiley-VCH VerlagQ1
171Statistics in Biosciences18671764, 18671772Springer New YorkQ2
172Biomolecular Concepts1868503X, 18685021Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
173Journal of Biosciences2505991Springer IndiaQ1
174Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark10939946, 27686698IMR Press LimitedQ2
175Journal of Computational Biology15578666, 10665277Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q2
176Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing26627663, 26627655SpringerQ2
177Clinical Respiratory Journal17526981, 1752699XWiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
178Transgenic Research15739368, 09628819Springer NetherlandsQ2
179Life Sciences, Society and Policy21957819Springer International Publishing AGQ1
180Journal of Biological Research1790045X, 22415793Aristotle University of ThessalonikiQ2
181Current protocols in mouse biology21612617John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
182Journal of Analytical Science and Technology20933134, 20933371SpringerOpenQ2
183Journal of Animal Science and Technology26720191, 20550391Korean Society of Animal Sciences and TechnologyQ1
184Archiv fur Tierzucht39438Forschungsinstitut f??r die Biologie Landwirtschaftlicher NutztiereQ2
185Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution09259864, 15735109Springer NetherlandsQ2
186Biomedical Reports20499434, 20499442Spandidos PublicationsQ1
187Journal of Cotton Research20965044, 25233254BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
188Communication in Biomathematical Sciences25492896Indonesian Biomathematical SocietyQ2
189Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences25765299Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
190Journal of Visualized Experiments1940087XMYJoVE CorporationQ2
191Animal Welfare9627286Universities Federation for Animal WelfareQ2
192JIMD Reports21928304, 21928312Springer BerlinQ3
193Bio-protocol23318325Bio-protocol LLCQ2
194Biointerphases15594106, 19348630American Vacuum SocietyQ2
195ILAR Journal19306180, 10842020Oxford University PressQ2
196Frontiers in Bioscience - Elite19450508, 19450494IMR Press LimitedQ3
197Artificial Life10645462, 15309185MIT Press JournalsQ3
198Experimental Animals13411357International Press Editing Centre IncorporationQ2
199Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar19450516, 19450524IMR Press LimitedQ3
200Biologia Futura26768607, 26768615Akademiai KiadoQ2

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