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Scopus indexed Computational Mechanics Journals

Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Computational Mechanics journals.

200 Scopus indexed Computational Mechanics journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

Scopus indexed Computational Mechanics journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Computational Mechanics14320924, 01787675Springer VerlagQ1
2Computational and Mathematical Methods25777408Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ3
3Journal of Computational Design and Engineering22885048, 22884300Oxford University PressQ1
4Computational Particle Mechanics21964386, 21964378Springer International Publishing AGQ1
5Journal of Computational Dynamics21582505American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ2
6Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science2008949XQ2
7Advances in Computational Design23838477, 24660523Techno-PressQ3
8Computer-Aided Design and Applications16864360Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesQ3
9International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics15502295, 15502287Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
10International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation20451059, 20451067Inderscience PublishersQ4
11International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements20460554, 20460546WITPressQ4
12Applied and Computational Mechanics23361182, 1802680XUniversity of West BohemiaQ4
13Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering457825ElsevierQ1
14International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics03639061, 10969853John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
15Physics of Fluids10706631, 10897666American Institute of PhysicsQ1
16International Journal of Damage Mechanics10567895, 15307921SAGE Publications LtdQ1
17Journal of Turbulence14685248Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
18Experiments in Fluids14321114, 07234864Springer VerlagQ1
19International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids10970363, 02712091John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
20International Journal of Fracture15732673, 03769429Springer NetherlandsQ2
21Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters20950349Elsevier BVQ2
22Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica08949166, 18602134Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyQ2
23International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics10618562, 10290257Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
24Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics10290419, 03091929Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
25Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Mechanical Engineering22286187Springer International Publishing AGQ2
26Curved and Layered Structures23537396De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q1
27International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation15651339, 21910294Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
28Metallurgical Research and Technology22713654, 22713646EDP SciencesQ2
29Doklady Physics10283358, 15626903Pleiades PublishingQ3
30Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Matematika i Mekhanika23112255, 19988621Tomsk State UniversityQ3
31Open Systems and Information Dynamics15731324, 12301612World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
32Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics4591879Chinese Journal of Theoretical and AppliedQ3
33International Review of Civil Engineering20369913, 2533168XPraise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ2
34PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin22249893, 22261869Perm National Research Polytechnic UniversityQ3
35Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics24236713, 24236705University of TehranQ3
36Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics18169791, 25419005Saratov National Research State UniversityQ3
37WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences17433533WITPressQ3
38International Journal of Multiphysics17509548Q3
39International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering25880195, 25879618ASV Publishing HouseQ3
40Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering22516549, 22287922Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training UniversityQ3
41WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics19918747, 22243429World Scientific and Engineering Academy and SocietyQ4
42International Journal of Mechanics19984448North Atlantic University Union NAUNQ4
43Bioinformatics13674803, 14602059Oxford University PressQ1
44Foundations of Computational Mathematics16153383, 16153375Springer New YorkQ1
45Journal of Scientific Computing08857474, 15737691Springer New YorkQ1
46BioData Mining17560381BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
47Computational Statistics and Data Analysis1679473ElsevierQ1
48Computers and Mathematics with Applications8981221Elsevier Ltd.Q1
49Computing (Vienna/New York)14365057, 0010485XSpringer-Verlag WienQ2
50Computational Geosciences14200597Springer NetherlandsQ1
51Computational Complexity14208954, 10163328Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ1
52Complex Analysis and Operator Theory16618262, 16618254Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ2
53Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications9257721ElsevierQ2
54Dynamic Games and Applications21530785, 21530793Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
55Journal of Computational Biology15578666, 10665277Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q2
56Algorithms19994893MDPI AGQ2
57International Journal of Applied Cryptography17530571, 17530563Inderscience PublishersQ2
58International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering17427185, 17427193Inderscience Enterprises LtdQ3
59Journal of Network Intelligence24148105Taiwan Ubiquitous InformationQ3
60Mathematics in Computer Science16618289, 16618270Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ3
61Mathematical Foundations of Computing25778838American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ3
62New Mathematics and Natural Computation17937027, 17930057World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
63International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory23799935, 23799927Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q4
64In Silico Biology13866338, 14343207IOS Press BVQ3
65Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software20710216, 23080256South Ural State UniversityQ4
66Mathematical Modeling and Computing23129794, 24153788Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityQ4
67International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing19478283, 19478291IGI Global PublishingQ4
68Computer Science Journal of Moldova15614042Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of MoldovaQ4
69Informatics and Automation27133206, 27133192St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of SciencesQ4
70International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications17936357, 02181959World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ4
71ACM Communications in Computer Algebra19322232, 19322240Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q4
72International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics17525063, 17525055Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
73Journal of Computational Technologies2313691X, 15607534Institute of Computational Technologies SB RASQ4
74Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics27341194, 22348417Korean Society for Computational and Applied MathematicsQ4
75ISeCure20083076, 20082045Iranian Society of CryptologyQ4
76Groups, Complexity, Cryptology18696104, 18671144Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ4
77Data Science and Engineering23641541, 23641185SpringerQ1
78Railway Engineering Science26624753, 26624745Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ1
79Physical Review Fluids2469990XAmerican Physical SocietyQ1
80Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics09354964, 14322250Springer New YorkQ1
81Computational Materials Science9270256ElsevierQ1
82Defence Technology22149147China Ordnance SocietyQ1
83Robotica02635747, 14698668Cambridge University PressQ1
84Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao16143116, 05677718Springer VerlagQ1
85Intelligent Service Robotics18612784, 18612776Springer VerlagQ1
86Computers and Concrete1598818X, 15988198Techno PressQ1
87Advances in Applied Mechanics652156Academic Press Inc.Q1
88SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH23802170, 23802162SAE InternationalQ2
89Acta Mechanica16196937, 00015970Springer-Verlag WienQ2
90Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics23834536Shahid Chamran University of AhvazQ2
91Applications in Engineering Science26664968Elsevier Ltd.Q2
92Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing16879724, 16879732Hindawi LimitedQ2
93Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN26584786, 01344889Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of SciencesQ2
94ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik00442267, 15214001Wiley-VCH VerlagQ2
95International Journal of Mechanics and Control15908844Levrotto and BellaQ2
96Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization21681163, 21681171Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
97Cyber-Physical Systems23335785Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
98International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering15431649Begell House Inc.Q2
99Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica2581825Zhongguo Kongqi Dongli Yanjiu yu Fazhan ZhongxinQ3
100Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design2217379X, 22179860University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Graphic Engineering and DesignQ3
101Theoretical and Applied Mechanics14505584, 24060925Serbian Society for MechanicsQ3
102Russian Journal of Biomechanics2410065X, 18125123Perm National Research Polytechnic UniversityQ4
103Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics10074708Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Computational MechanicsQ4
104WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics2224347X, 17905087World Scientific and Engineering Academy and SocietyQ3
105Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Bulgaria)08616663, 13148710de GruyterQ4
106Computational Continuum Mechanics19996691Institute of Continuous Media MechanicsQ4
107Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity21646376, 21646414L & H Scientific Publishing, LLCQ4
108Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications0974021X, 09735321Research India PublicationsQ4
109Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science22993649Polish Academy of SciencesQ4
110Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics18206530The Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics (SSCM)Q4
111Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan/Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A10004874Publishing House for Journal of HydrodynamicsQ4
112Chinese Journal of Engineering Design1006754XZhejiang University PressQ4
113Sustainable Civil Infrastructures23663405, 23663413Springer Science and Business Media B.V.Q4
114Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering09765166, 22313850Engg Journals PublicationsQ4
115International Journal of Difference Equations09741828, 09736069Research India PublicationsQ4
116Journal of Dynamics and Control16726553zhong guo li xue xue hui hu nan da xueQ4
117Molecular Systems Biology17444292Wiley-BlackwellQ1
118IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation1089778XInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
119IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence1628828IEEE Computer SocietyQ1
120IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems10636706Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
121AVS Quantum Science26390213American Institute of PhysicsQ1
122npj Quantum Information20566387Nature Partner JournalsQ1
123SIAM Review10957200, 00361445Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics PublicationsQ1
124Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering14678667, 10939687Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
125Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science17590876, 17590884John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
126Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics16720229Beijing Genomics InstituteQ1
127IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering10414347IEEE Computer SocietyQ1
128SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis00361410, 10957154Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics PublicationsQ1
129Handbook of Numerical Analysis15708659ElsevierQ1
130High-Confidence Computing26672952Elsevier BVQ1
131SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis00361429, 10957170Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics PublicationsQ1
132IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems10459219IEEE Computer SocietyQ1
133PLoS Computational Biology15537358, 1553734XPublic Library of ScienceQ1
134Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B10960902, 00958956Academic Press Inc.Q1
135IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence2471285XInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
136Journal of Computational Physics10902716, 00219991Academic Press Inc.Q1
137SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing10957197, 10648275Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics PublicationsQ1
138Advanced Quantum Technologies25119044John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
139Journal of Numerical Mathematics15702820, 15693953Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ1
140Numerische Mathematik09453245, 0029599XSpringer New YorkQ1
141Combinatorica02099683, 14396912Janos Bolyai Mathematical SocietyQ1
142Theory of Computing15572862University of Chicago, Department of Computer ScienceQ1
143Forum of Mathematics, Sigma20505094Cambridge University PressQ1
144IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis14643642, 02724979Oxford University PressQ1
145IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing23299304, 23299290IEEE Advancing Technology for HumanityQ1
146IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing23773782Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
147Mathematics of Computation00255718, 10886842American Mathematical SocietyQ1
148SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics24268399Centre MersenneQ1
149Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications14681218Elsevier BVQ1
150European Journal of Combinatorics10959971, 01956698Academic Press Inc.Q1
151Computational Optimization and Applications15732894, 09266003Springer NetherlandsQ1
152Information and Inference20498772Oxford University PressQ1
153Distributed Computing01782770, 14320452Springer VerlagQ1
154Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A00973165, 10960899Academic Press Inc.Q1
155Applied and Computational Mathematics16833511Azerbaijan National Academy of SciencesQ1
156IEEE Transactions on Computers189340IEEE Computer SocietyQ1
157Journal of Applied and Computational Topology23671726, 23671734Springer International Publishing AGQ1
158Evolutionary Computation15309304, 10636560MIT Press JournalsQ1
159IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology2519173XQ1
160Complex and Intelligent Systems21994536, 21986053Springer International Publishing AGQ1
161Theory and Practice of Logic Programming14753081, 14710684Cambridge University PressQ1
162Bioinformatics and Biology Insights11779322Libertas Academica Ltd.Q1
163Journal of Membrane Computing25238906Springer VerlagQ1
164International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education15604292, 15604306Springer USQ1
165Technology, Knowledge and Learning22111662, 22111670Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
166IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging23339403Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
167ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis28047214, 28227840EDP SciencesQ1
168Internet Mathematics15427951, 19449488Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
169EPJ Data Science21931127Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
170Quantum Machine Intelligence25244914, 25244906Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ1
171Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics14226928, 14226952Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ1
172Computability22113576, 22113568IOS Press BVQ1
173Applied Mathematics and Computation18735649, 00963003Elsevier Inc.Q1
174ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations12623377, 12928119EDP SciencesQ1
175Applied Numerical Mathematics1689274ElsevierQ1
176Statistics and Computing09603174, 15731375Springer NetherlandsQ1
177Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas15791505, 15787303Springer-Verlag Italia SrlQ1
178Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems23253444, 23267186Mathematical Sciences PublishersQ1
179Ecological Informatics15749541ElsevierQ1
180Cryptography and Communications19362447, 19362455Springer Publishing CompanyQ1
181Combinatorics Probability and Computing09635483, 14692163Cambridge University PressQ1
182Match3406253University of Kragujevac, Faculty of ScienceQ1
183ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation21678375, 21678383Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q1
184IET Quantum Communication26328925John Wiley and Sons Inc.Q1
185ACM Transactions on Computation Theory19423454, 19423462Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q1
186Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations10982426, 0749159XJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
187International Journal of Fuzzy Systems15622479, 21993211Springer International Publishing AGQ2
188Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science15593940, 21575452Mathematical Sciences PublishersQ2
189Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering10692509, 18758835IOS Press BVQ2
190Electronic Journal of Combinatorics10778926, 10971440Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsQ1
191Advances in Computational Mathematics10197168, 15729044Springer NetherlandsQ2
192EURO Journal on Computational Optimization21924406, 21924414Elsevier BVQ1
193Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics3770427ElsevierQ2
194Journal of Computational Chemistry1096987X, 01928651John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
195Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques22638733Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
196Calcolo11265434, 00080624Springer-Verlag Italia SrlQ1
197BIT Numerical Mathematics15729125, 00063835Springer NetherlandsQ2
198Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal10954333, 10512004Elsevier Inc.Q2
199Journal of Automated Reasoning15730670, 01687433Springer NetherlandsQ2
200Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics16094840, 16099389Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2

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