Scopus indexed Automotive Engineering Journals

Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Automotive Engineering journals.

200 Scopus indexed Automotive Engineering journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

Scopus indexed Automotive Engineering journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1International Journal of Impact Engineering0734743XElsevier Ltd.Q1
2Engineering Failure Analysis13506307Elsevier BVQ1
3Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines15397742, 15397734Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
4IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications21871108, 21871094The Institute of Electrical Engineers of JapanQ2
5Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering16785878, 18063691Springer VerlagQ2
6Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures16797825, 16797817Marc??lio AlvesQ2
7Advances in Military Technology18022308University of DefenceQ4
8Transportation Engineering2666691XElsevier Ltd.Q1
9International Journal of Engine Research14680874, 20413149SAGE Publications LtdQ1
10Global Energy Interconnection25900358, 20965117KeAi Communications Co.Q2
11Drone Systems and Applications25644939Canadian Science PublishingQ2
12Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina13354205, 25857878University of ZilinaQ3
13MM Science Journal18050476, 18031269Q3
14Noise Control Engineering Journal07362501, 21688710Institute of Noise Control EngineeringQ4
15Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport24501549, 02093324Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of TechnologyQ4
16IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology00189545, 19399359Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
17eTransportation25901168Elsevier BVQ1
18IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification23327782Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
19Unmanned Systems23013850, 23013869World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ1
20International Journal of Sustainable Transportation15568334, 15568318Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
21Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations15472450, 15472442Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
22Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles23999802Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
23Propulsion and Power Research2212540XElsevier BVQ2
24JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control10775463, 17412986SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
25Urban Rail Transit21996679, 21996687Springer VerlagQ2
26International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research18688659Springer VerlagQ2
27Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering3037800Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsQ2
28Metal Powder Report18734065, 00260657MA Healthcare LtdQ3
29Ocean Systems Engineering20936702, 2093677XTechno PressQ3
30Journal of the Korean Society for Railway17386225, 22882235Korean Society for RailwayQ3
31International Journal of Powertrains17424275, 17424267Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
32Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy16748484Tsinghua University PressQ4
33Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering21954356, 21954364Springer VerlagQ4
34International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems17415306, 14710226Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
35SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems19464622, 19464614SAE InternationalQ4
36IHS Jane's Defence Weekly20483430IHS Global Ltd.Q4
37Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology20886985, 20873379National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)-
38Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies0968090XElsevier Ltd.Q1
39IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems15580016, 15249050Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
40Vehicular Communications22142096Elsevier Inc.Q1
41Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives25901982Elsevier Ltd.Q1
42Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour13698478Elsevier Ltd.Q1
43Vehicle System Dynamics00423114, 17445159Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
44European Accounting Review09638180, 14684497RoutledgeQ1
45IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine19411197, 19391390Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
46European Transport Research Review18668887, 18670717Springer VerlagQ1
47International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology20460430, 20460449Elsevier BVQ1
48SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH23802170, 23802162SAE InternationalQ2
49International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment2150363X, 21503621Begell House Inc.Q2
50Journal of Advanced Transportation01976729, 20423195Hindawi LimitedQ2
51Computer Aided Geometric Design1678396ElsevierQ2
52IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems26877813Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
53Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering16711637Chang'an UniversityQ2
54International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics17568277, 17568285SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
55Transport16484142, 16483480Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityQ2
56International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems20496427, 20496435Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
57International Review of Electrical Engineering25332244, 18276660Praise Worthy PrizeQ2
58International Journal of Vehicle Performance17453194, 17453208Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
59ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers)1628178Institute of Transportation EngineersQ3
60Transactions on Transport Sciences18029876Palacky University in OlomoucQ3
61Transport Problems18960596The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of TransportQ3
62International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering22298649, 21801606The Automotive Engineering Centre (AEC), Universiti Malaysia PahangQ3
63International Journal of Transport Development and Integration20588305, 20588313WITPressQ3
64SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles25740741, 2574075XSAE InternationalQ3
65SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems27703460, 27703479SAE InternationalQ3
66SAE Technical Papers26883627, 01487191SAE International-
67Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal16821130International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems EngineeringQ3
68International Review of Automatic Control19746059, 25332260Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
69International Review of Mechanical Engineering19708734, 25325655Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
70Transactions on Maritime Science18483305, 18483313Faculty of Maritime StudiesQ2
71Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering14281511Wydawnictwo Politechniki LodzkiejQ3
72International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems17415152, 1744232XInderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
73LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics23363037De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q3
74Advances in Transportation Studies18245463Aracne EditriceQ3
75International Journal of Vehicle Design1433369Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
76WIT Transactions on the Built Environment17433509WITPressQ2
77Neiranji Gongcheng/Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering10000925Chinese Society for Internal Combustion EnginesQ4
78International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems17418208, 14710242Inderscience Enterprises LtdQ4
79Neiranji Xuebao/Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines)10000909Chinese Society for Internal Combustion EnginesQ4
80WT Werkstattstechnik14364980VDI Fachmedien GmBbH & Co.Q4
81International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration14791471, 1479148XInderscience Enterprises LtdQ4
82Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology19853157, 22898107Penerbit Universiti Teknikal Malaysia MelakaQ4
83Studies in Systems, Decision and Control21984182, 21984190Springer International Publishing AGQ4
84eb - Elektrische Bahnen135437Vulkan Verlag GmbHQ4
85Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers23793244, 23793252National Academy of Forensic EngineersQ4
86TR News7386826US National Research CouncilQ4
87IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine15566072Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
88IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology26441330Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
89IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles23798858Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
90Ecosystems and People26395908, 26395916Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
91International Journal of Rail Transportation23248386, 23248378Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
92Automotive Innovation20964250, 25228765Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
93Emission Control Science and Technology21993629, 21993637Springer International Publishing AGQ2
94World Electric Vehicle Journal20326653MDPI AGQ2
95International Journal of Automotive Technology12299138Korean Society of Automotive EngineersQ2
96International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management14709511, 17415012Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
97SAE International Journal of Engines19463944, 19463936SAE InternationalQ2
98Automotive Experiences26156636, 26156202Q2
99Archives of Transport8669546Warsaw University of TechnologyQ3
100Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineering1000680XSociety of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China)Q3
101European Transport - Trasporti Europei18253997Universita degli Studi di TriesteQ3
102SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles26913755, 26913747SAE InternationalQ3
103SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles1946391X, 19463928SAE InternationalQ3
104Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers12256382, 22340149Korean Society of Automotive EngineersQ3
105SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy25721054, 25721046SAE InternationalQ3
106International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles17514096, 17514088Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
107International Journal of Automotive Engineering21850992, 21850984Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan IncQ4
108International Journal of Vehicle Safety14793105, 14793113Inderscience Enterprises LtdQ4
109International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing17456436, 17456444Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q4
110Tire Science and Technology908657Tire Society Inc.Q4
111Automotive Industries AI10994130, 00051527Diesel and Gas Turbine PublicationsQ4
112International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control10498923, 10991239John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
113Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters20950349Elsevier BVQ2
114Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)16735005Q2
115ASEAN Engineering Journal25869159Penerbit UTM PressQ4
116Nonlinear Dynamics0924090X, 1573269XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
117Structure and Infrastructure Engineering17448980, 15732479Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
118Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society2539993China Coal SocietyQ1
119Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics02668920, 18784275Elsevier Ltd.Q1
120Innovative Infrastructure Solutions23644176, 23644184Springer International Publishing AGQ2
121Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom)23144912, 23144904Hindawi LimitedQ2
122International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization19392699, 19392702RoutledgeQ3
123World Journal of Engineering17085284Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
124Open Engineering23915439De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q4
125Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University10067043Harbin Engineering UniversityQ4
126Nuclear Future17452058The British Nuclear Energy SocietyQ4
127Journal of Mining Science and Technology20962193Emergency Management Press-
128Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing08883270, 10961216Academic Press Inc.Q1
129Energy18736785, 03605442Elsevier Ltd.Q1
130Engineering20958099Elsevier Ltd.Q1
131International Journal of Mechanical Sciences207403Elsevier Ltd.Q1
132Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology25278045, 25281410Universitas Pendidikan IndonesiaQ1
133International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing0951192X, 13623052Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
134Minerals Engineering8926875Elsevier Ltd.Q1
135Molecular Systems Design and Engineering20589689Royal Society of ChemistryQ1
136Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering20967187Editorial Office of Journal of Mining and Strata Control EngineeringQ1
137Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science8941777Elsevier Inc.Q1
138Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications15730409, 09210296Springer NetherlandsQ1
139Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)26766957, 24763055Salehan Institute of Higher EducationQ1
140Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences10183639King Saud UniversityQ1
141Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology10001964China University of Mining and TechnologyQ1
142International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics2194554World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ1
143Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries9504230Elsevier BVQ1
144Chaos Theory and Applications26874539Akif AKGULQ2
145Optimization and Engineering13894420Springer NetherlandsQ2
146Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration16713664, 1993503XScience PressQ2
147Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste21535493, 21535515American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
148Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power15288919, 07424795The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
149HardwareX24680672Elsevier Ltd.Q2
150Machines20751702MDPI AGQ2
151International Journal of Dynamics and Control2195268X, 21952698Springer International Publishing AGQ2
152Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology21967202, 21967210Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
153Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration25243462, 25243470Springer International Publishing AGQ2
154Ugol24128333, 00415790Ugol'Q3
155Mechanical Sciences2191916X, 21919151Copernicus GmbHQ2
156Shock and Vibration10709622, 18759203Hindawi LimitedQ3
157Gornaya Promyshlennost16099192, 25879138Q3
158Petroleum Science and Technology15322459, 10916466Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
159Scientia Iranica10263098Sharif University of TechnologyQ3
160Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies17293774, 17294061PC Technology CenterQ3
161Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C22500545, 22500553Springer IndiaQ3
162IEEE Industry Applications Magazine10772618Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q3
163Defence Science Journal0011748X, 0976464XDefense Scientific Information and Documentation CentreQ3
164Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences23034521International University of SarajevoQ2
165Shenyang Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shenyang University of Technology10001646Shenyang University of TechnologyQ3
166International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering02185393, 17936446World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
167Nafta - Gaz8678871Oil and Gas Institute - National Research InstituteQ4
168International Journal of Integrated Engineering2229838XPenerbit UTHMQ3
169Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu20712227, 22232362National Mining University of UkraineQ3
170Journal of Engineering Geology22877169, 12265268Korean Society of Engineering GeologyQ4
171Vibroengineering Procedia23450533JVE International-
172Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering14514869, 22177183University of Kragujevac, Faculty of ScienceQ4
173Paliva18042058University of Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Environmental TechnologyQ4
174Nigerian Journal of Technological Development24372110, 01899546University of Ilorin, Faculty of Engineering and TechnologyQ4
175Sustainable Civil Infrastructures23663405, 23663413Springer Science and Business Media B.V.Q4
176Revista Politecnica13900129, 24778990Escuela Politecnica NacionalQ4
177Proceedings - Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference10459065Society of Mining-
178Coal Age10910646, 10407820Mining MediaQ4
179Tunnel Construction20964498Editorial Office of Tunnel Construction-
180Biofuel Research Journal22928782Green Wave Publishing of CanadaQ1
181Additive Manufacturing22148604Elsevier BVQ1
182Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development10000747Science PressQ1
183China Petroleum Exploration16727703Petroleum Industry PressQ1
184International Journal of Mining Science and Technology20952686ElsevierQ1
185Geotextiles and Geomembranes2661144Elsevier BVQ1
186Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering7232632Springer-Verlag WienQ1
187IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications00939994, 19399367Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
188Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics10969845, 00988847John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
189Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering20961529Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
190Energy and Buildings3787788Elsevier BVQ1
191Canadian Geotechnical Journal12086010, 00083674National Research Council of CanadaQ1
192Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598XQ1
193ACS Applied Energy Materials25740962American Chemical SocietyQ1
194Applied Thermal Engineering13594311Elsevier Ltd.Q1
195IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society26441284Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
196Systems and Control Letters1676911ElsevierQ1
197Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas Industry10000976Natural Gas Industry Journal AgencyQ1
198Petroleum Exploration and Development18763804ElsevierQ1
199IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering15581691, 03649059Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
200Geosynthetics International10726349, 17517613ICE PublishingQ1

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