S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Geoplanning | 23556544 | Diponegoro University | Q4 |
2 | Revista Brasileira de Cartografia | 05604613, 18080936 | Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodesia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto | Q4 |
3 | Kartograficke Listy | 13365274, 27298094 | Cartographic Society of the Slovak Republic | Q4 |
4 | Acta Hydrologica Slovaca | 26444690 | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrology | Q4 |
5 | Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Bulletin | 8409331 | Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives | Q4 |
6 | Erosion Control | 10737227 | Forester Communications Inc. | Q4 |
7 | Terra | 403741 | Geographical Society of Finland | Q4 |
8 | Granja | 13908596, 13903799 | Universidad Politecnica Salesiana | Q4 |
9 | Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki | 2542064X, 2500218X | Kazan Federal University | Q4 |
10 | Corporate and Business Strategy Review | 27089924, 27084965 | Virtus Interpress | Q4 |
11 | Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment | 9720626 | International Congress of Chemistry and Environment | Q4 |
12 | Geo-Eco-Marina | 12246808, 22482776 | Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Geologie si Geoecologie Marina | Q4 |
13 | Disaster Advances | 22784543, 0974262X | Disaster Advances | Q4 |
14 | Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten | 25968 | VDE Verlag GmbH | Q4 |
15 | Springer Geography | 21943168, 2194315X | Springer Nature | Q4 |
16 | Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences | 20935587, 20931409 | Q4 | |
17 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica | 3005402 | Karolinum - Nakladatelstvi Univerzity Karlovy | Q4 |
18 | Przeglad Geograficzny | 332143 | Polska Akademia Nauk | Q4 |
19 | Cuadernos de Geografia: Revista Colombiana de Geografia | 0121215X, 22565442 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Q4 |
20 | Investigaciones Geograficas | 24487279, 01884611 | Instituto de Geografia | Q4 |
21 | Journal of Engineering Geology | 22877169, 12265268 | Korean Society of Engineering Geology | Q4 |
22 | Annales - Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio B | 1371983 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | Q4 |
23 | International Journal of Geoinformatics | 16866576, 26730014 | Association for Geoinformation Technology | Q4 |
24 | Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences | 26613190 | Bilingual Publishing Co. | Q4 |
25 | Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa, (Earth Research from Space) | 2059614 | Harwood Academic Publishers | Q4 |
26 | International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research | 19479662, 19479654 | IGI Global Publishing | Q4 |
27 | Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde | 21966184 | Zentralausschus fur Deutsche Landeskunde | Q4 |
28 | Journal of Natural Disasters | 10044574 | Science Press | Q4 |
29 | Archives of Health Science and Research | 26874644 | Aves | Q4 |
30 | Czasopismo Geographiczne | 459453 | University of Wroclaw | Q4 |
31 | Comunicacoes Geologicas | 0873948X, 1647581X | Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial | Q4 |
32 | Caribbean Geography | 2529939 | University of the West Indies | Q4 |
33 | BSGLg | 07707576, 05838622 | Societe Geographique de Liege | Q4 |
34 | Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology | 16641884 | Ver. Schweizerischer Petroleum Geol. und Ing. | Q4 |
35 | Geosfernye Issledovaniya | 25419943, 25421379 | Faculty of Geology and Geography, Tomsk State University | Q4 |
36 | Earth | 1943345X | American Geological Institute | Q4 |
37 | Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon | 7313292 | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | Q4 |
38 | Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics | 3678393 | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research | Q4 |
39 | Revista Geografica de Chile Terra Australis | 07199562, 03788482 | Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins - Instituto Geogr??fico Militar | Q4 |
40 | Pennsylvania Geographer | 5535980 | Pennsylvania Geographical Society | Q4 |
41 | Agri Centuriati | 18251277, 1724904X | Fabrizio Serra Editore srl | Q4 |
42 | Mediterranee | 00258296, 17608538 | Presses Universitaires de Provence | Q4 |
43 | Revista Brasileira de Geografia Fisica | 19842295 | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | Q4 |
44 | Turk Deprem Arastirma Dergisi | 2687301X | Afet ve Acil Durum Yonetimi Baskanligi (AFAD) | Q4 |
45 | Geodezia es Kartografia | 167118 | Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote sensing | Q4 |
46 | Geociencias | 1980900X, 01019082 | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | Q4 |
47 | GPS World | 10485104 | Advanstar Communications Inc. | Q4 |
48 | Boletin de Geologia | 21458553, 01200283 | Universidad Industrial de Santander | Q4 |
49 | Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Geologicae | 12118796, 25714686 | Moravian Museum | Q4 |
50 | Jokull | 4490576 | Joklarannsoknafelag Islands/Glaciological and Geological Societies of Iceland | Q4 |
51 | Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography | 15984850 | Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography | Q4 |
52 | Geodetski List | 0016710X | Croatian Geodetic Society | Q4 |
53 | Irish Journal of Earth Sciences | 07901763, 20090064 | Royal Irish Academy | Q4 |
54 | Geologica Macedonica | 18578586, 03521206 | Goce Delchev University of Shtip | Q4 |
55 | Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences | 23056959, 19943237 | National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar | Q4 |
56 | Eos | 00963941, 23249250 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q4 |
57 | Hrvatske Vode | 13301144, 18490506 | Hrvatske Vode | Q4 |
58 | Indian Journal of Geosciences | 22293574, 25823485 | Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines, Government of India | Q4 |
59 | Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe | 2134497 | Seminario de Estudio Galegos | Q4 |
60 | Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias | 0067964X | Universidade Federal do Parana | Q4 |
61 | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering | 22502459 | Q4 | |
62 | Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences | 19956681 | Hashemite University | Q4 |
63 | Kartografija i Geoinformacije | 1333896X | Croatian Cartographic Society | Q4 |
64 | Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series | 1871756X, 13884360 | Springer Netherlands | Q4 |
65 | Jeoloji Muhendisligi Dergisi | 10169172 | TMMOB - Jeoloji Muhendisleri Odasi | Q4 |
66 | Imago Mundi | 14797801, 03085694 | Routledge | Q4 |
67 | Englera | 1704818 | Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem | Q4 |
68 | Geo-Eco-Trop | 13706071 | Geo-Eco-Trop | Q4 |
69 | Mappemonde | 17697298 | Maison de la Geology | Q4 |
70 | Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terre | 11146834 | Universite Mohammed V de Rabat, Institut Scientifique | Q4 |
71 | Antarctic Record | 857289 | National Institute of Polar Research | Q4 |
72 | gis.Business | 18699286 | ABC Verlag | Q4 |
73 | Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan | 2185517X, 00380830 | Geodetic Society of Japan | Q4 |
74 | GEO: connexion | 14768941 | GEO: connexion Ltd | Q4 |
75 | Revista de Geomorfologie | 22856773, 14535068 | Romanian Association of Geomorphologists | Q4 |
76 | Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences | 21766142 | Associacao Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternario | Q4 |
77 | Geophysical Research | 18183735, 23119543 | Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Q4 |
78 | AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik | 2509713X, 23649283 | VDE Verlag GmbH | Q4 |
79 | Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment | 18031447, 18052266 | CAAG - Czech Association of Geophysicists | Q4 |
80 | Official Publication - EuroSDR | 2570505 | Institut fur Angewandte Geodaesie | Q4 |
81 | Quaderni di Geofisica | 15902595 | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | Q4 |
82 | World Agriculture | 20567979, 20437234 | Script Media Group Ltd | Q4 |
83 | Prometheus | 08109028, 14701030 | Pluto Journals | Q4 |
84 | Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy | 24157007, 10279636 | Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | Q4 |
85 | Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management | 21858322 | IDRiM Society | Q4 |
86 | Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences | 25437496, 17329353 | Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press | Q4 |
87 | Silva Gabreta | 12117420 | Sprava Narodniho parku sumava | Q4 |
88 | Handbook of Environmental Chemistry | 1867979X | Springer Science + Business Media | Q4 |
89 | Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation | 2556073 | Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Society | Q4 |
90 | Geography and Natural Resources | 1875371X, 18753728 | Pleiades Publishing | Q4 |
91 | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | 21984182, 21984190 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q4 |
92 | Observatory | 297704 | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Q4 |
93 | Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies | 19348401, 08845913 | Allerton Press Inc. | Q4 |
94 | Journal of Deep Space Exploration | 20969287 | Beijing Institute of Technology Press | Q4 |
95 | Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2751062 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q4 |
96 | Glasnik - Srpskog Geografskog Drustva | 3503593 | Geografsko Drustvo | Q4 |
97 | Journal of Aridland Agriculture | 24559377 | TathQeef Scientific Publishing | Q4 |
98 | Romanian Astronomical Journal | 22853758, 12205168 | Editura Academiei Romane | Q4 |
99 | Sustainable Humanosphere | 18806503 | Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere | Q4 |
100 | Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union | 17439221, 17439213 | Cambridge University Press | Q4 |
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