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List of Q4 journals in Earth and Planetary Sciences

100 Earth and Planetary Sciences Q4 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Geoplanning23556544Diponegoro UniversityQ4
2Revista Brasileira de Cartografia05604613, 18080936Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodesia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento RemotoQ4
3Kartograficke Listy13365274, 27298094Cartographic Society of the Slovak RepublicQ4
4Acta Hydrologica Slovaca26444690Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of HydrologyQ4
5Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Bulletin8409331Association of Canadian Map Libraries and ArchivesQ4
6Erosion Control10737227Forester Communications Inc.Q4
7Terra403741Geographical Society of FinlandQ4
8Granja13908596, 13903799Universidad Politecnica SalesianaQ4
9Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki2542064X, 2500218XKazan Federal UniversityQ4
10Corporate and Business Strategy Review27089924, 27084965Virtus InterpressQ4
11Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment9720626International Congress of Chemistry and EnvironmentQ4
12Geo-Eco-Marina12246808, 22482776Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Geologie si Geoecologie MarinaQ4
13Disaster Advances22784543, 0974262XDisaster AdvancesQ4
14Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten25968VDE Verlag GmbHQ4
15Springer Geography21943168, 2194315XSpringer NatureQ4
16Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences20935587, 20931409Q4
17Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica3005402Karolinum - Nakladatelstvi Univerzity KarlovyQ4
18Przeglad Geograficzny332143Polska Akademia NaukQ4
19Cuadernos de Geografia: Revista Colombiana de Geografia0121215X, 22565442Universidad Nacional de ColombiaQ4
20Investigaciones Geograficas24487279, 01884611Instituto de GeografiaQ4
21Journal of Engineering Geology22877169, 12265268Korean Society of Engineering GeologyQ4
22Annales - Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio B1371983De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q4
23International Journal of Geoinformatics16866576, 26730014Association for Geoinformation TechnologyQ4
24Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences26613190Bilingual Publishing Co.Q4
25Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa, (Earth Research from Space)2059614Harwood Academic PublishersQ4
26International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research19479662, 19479654IGI Global PublishingQ4
27Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde21966184Zentralausschus fur Deutsche LandeskundeQ4
28Journal of Natural Disasters10044574Science PressQ4
29Archives of Health Science and Research26874644AvesQ4
30Czasopismo Geographiczne459453University of WroclawQ4
31Comunicacoes Geologicas0873948X, 1647581XInstituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia IndustrialQ4
32Caribbean Geography2529939University of the West IndiesQ4
33BSGLg07707576, 05838622Societe Geographique de LiegeQ4
34Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology16641884Ver. Schweizerischer Petroleum Geol. und Ing.Q4
35Geosfernye Issledovaniya25419943, 25421379Faculty of Geology and Geography, Tomsk State UniversityQ4
36Earth1943345XAmerican Geological InstituteQ4
37Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon7313292Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaQ4
38Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics3678393Council of Scientific and Industrial ResearchQ4
39Revista Geografica de Chile Terra Australis07199562, 03788482Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins - Instituto Geogr??fico MilitarQ4
40Pennsylvania Geographer5535980Pennsylvania Geographical SocietyQ4
41Agri Centuriati18251277, 1724904XFabrizio Serra Editore srlQ4
42Mediterranee00258296, 17608538Presses Universitaires de ProvenceQ4
43Revista Brasileira de Geografia Fisica19842295Universidade Federal de PernambucoQ4
44Turk Deprem Arastirma Dergisi2687301XAfet ve Acil Durum Yonetimi Baskanligi (AFAD)Q4
45Geodezia es Kartografia167118Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote sensingQ4
46Geociencias1980900X, 01019082Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Q4
47GPS World10485104Advanstar Communications Inc.Q4
48Boletin de Geologia21458553, 01200283Universidad Industrial de SantanderQ4
49Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Geologicae12118796, 25714686Moravian MuseumQ4
50Jokull4490576Joklarannsoknafelag Islands/Glaciological and Geological Societies of IcelandQ4
51Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography15984850Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and CartographyQ4
52Geodetski List0016710XCroatian Geodetic SocietyQ4
53Irish Journal of Earth Sciences07901763, 20090064Royal Irish AcademyQ4
54Geologica Macedonica18578586, 03521206Goce Delchev University of ShtipQ4
55Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences23056959, 19943237National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of PeshawarQ4
56Eos00963941, 23249250Wiley-BlackwellQ4
57Hrvatske Vode13301144, 18490506Hrvatske VodeQ4
58Indian Journal of Geosciences22293574, 25823485Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines, Government of IndiaQ4
59Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe2134497Seminario de Estudio GalegosQ4
60Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias0067964XUniversidade Federal do ParanaQ4
61International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering22502459Q4
62Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences19956681Hashemite UniversityQ4
63Kartografija i Geoinformacije1333896XCroatian Cartographic SocietyQ4
64Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series1871756X, 13884360Springer NetherlandsQ4
65Jeoloji Muhendisligi Dergisi10169172TMMOB - Jeoloji Muhendisleri OdasiQ4
66Imago Mundi14797801, 03085694RoutledgeQ4
67Englera1704818Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-DahlemQ4
69Mappemonde17697298Maison de la GeologyQ4
70Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terre11146834Universite Mohammed V de Rabat, Institut ScientifiqueQ4
71Antarctic Record857289National Institute of Polar ResearchQ4
72gis.Business18699286ABC VerlagQ4
73Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan2185517X, 00380830Geodetic Society of JapanQ4
74GEO: connexion14768941GEO: connexion LtdQ4
75Revista de Geomorfologie22856773, 14535068Romanian Association of GeomorphologistsQ4
76Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences21766142Associacao Brasileira de Estudos do QuaternarioQ4
77Geophysical Research18183735, 23119543Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of SciencesQ4
78AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik2509713X, 23649283VDE Verlag GmbHQ4
79Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment18031447, 18052266CAAG - Czech Association of GeophysicistsQ4
80Official Publication - EuroSDR2570505Institut fur Angewandte GeodaesieQ4
81Quaderni di Geofisica15902595Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaQ4
82World Agriculture20567979, 20437234Script Media Group LtdQ4
83Prometheus08109028, 14701030Pluto JournalsQ4
84Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy24157007, 10279636Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of UkraineQ4
85Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management21858322IDRiM SocietyQ4
86Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences25437496, 17329353Warsaw University of Life Sciences PressQ4
87Silva Gabreta12117420Sprava Narodniho parku sumavaQ4
88Handbook of Environmental Chemistry1867979XSpringer Science + Business MediaQ4
89Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation2556073Chinese Soil and Water Conservation SocietyQ4
90Geography and Natural Resources1875371X, 18753728Pleiades PublishingQ4
91Studies in Systems, Decision and Control21984182, 21984190Springer International Publishing AGQ4
92Observatory297704Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryQ4
93Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies19348401, 08845913Allerton Press Inc.Q4
94Journal of Deep Space Exploration20969287Beijing Institute of Technology PressQ4
95Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics2751062Elsevier Ltd.Q4
96Glasnik - Srpskog Geografskog Drustva3503593Geografsko DrustvoQ4
97Journal of Aridland Agriculture24559377TathQeef Scientific PublishingQ4
98Romanian Astronomical Journal22853758, 12205168Editura Academiei RomaneQ4
99Sustainable Humanosphere18806503Research Institute for Sustainable HumanosphereQ4
100Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union17439221, 17439213Cambridge University PressQ4

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