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List of Q3 journals in Law

100 Law Q3 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1State Crime Journal20466056Pluto JournalsQ3
2Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy15481476, 13880292Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
3Revista de Derecho Ambiental(Chile)07180101, 07194633Universidad de Chile. Centro de Derecho AmbientalQ3
4European Energy and Environmental Law Review18793886, 25890387Kluwer Law InternationalQ3
5Environmental and Planning Law Journal0813300XLawbook Co.Q3
6Journal of World Energy Law and Business17549965, 17549957Oxford University PressQ3
7Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental2014038XUniversitat Rovira i VirgiliQ3
8Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum23289686, 10643958Duke University School of LawQ3
9Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita22397221, 22391959FrancoAngeli EdizioniQ3
10Bestuur27224708, 23023783Sebelas Maret University Faculty of LawQ3
11Center for Oceans Law and Policy18727158Brill Academic PublishersQ3
12Legal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharing2213493XBrill Academic PublishersQ3
13Water S.A.18167950, 03784738South African Water Research CommissionQ3
14Evergreen21890420Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia StrategyQ3
15Polityka Energetyczna14296675Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of SciencesQ3
16Contemporary Management Research18135498Academy of Taiwan Information Systems ResearchQ3
17Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management15394077, 14634988Michigan State University PressQ3
18Environmental Claims Journal1547657X, 10406026Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
19Water Economics and Policy2382624X, 23826258World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
20International Journal of Rural Management09730680, 09730052Sage Publications India Pvt. LtdQ3
21Applied Biosafety15356760, 24701246Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q3
22Journal of Threatened Taxa09747907, 09747893Wildlife Information & Liaison Development SocietyQ3
23Environmental Economics19986041, 1998605XLLC CPC Business PerspectivesQ3
24Environmental Quality Management15206483, 10881913John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q3
25International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning1743761X, 17437601International Information and Engineering Technology AssociationQ3
26Human Ecology Review10744827Society for Human EcologyQ3
27Transactions on Transport Sciences18029876Palacky University in OlomoucQ3
28Journal of Rangeland Science2423642X, 20089996Islamic Azad UniversityQ3
29Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management18224199, 16486897Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityQ3
30All Earth27669645Informa UK LimitedQ3
31Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology22885471, 17381894Korean Radioactive Waste SocietyQ3
32Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering24131830, 25001019Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityQ3
33Journal of Marine Sciences26334666, 26334674Hindawi LimitedQ3
34Journal of Transport Economics and Policy17545951, 00225258University of BathQ3
35Clean Air Journal2410972X, 10171703National Association of Clean AirQ3
36International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development14787466, 14746778Inderscience Enterprises LtdQ3
37Journal of Landscape Ecology(Czech Republic)18054196, 18032427de GruyterQ3
38Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology13115065Scibulcom Ltd.Q3
39Environmental Research, Engineering and Management20292139, 13921649Kaunas University of TechnologyQ3
40Journal of Transnational Management15475778, 15475786Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
41Changjiang Liuyu Ziyuan Yu Huanjing/Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Valley10048227Kexue Chubaneshe/Science PressQ3
42Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs23336498, 18366503Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
43AACL Bioflux18449166, 18448143Bioflux Publishing HouseQ3
44Environmental Engineering and Management Journal15829596Gh. Asachi Technical University of IasiQ3
45International Journal of Global Warming17582091, 17582083Inderscience PublishersQ3
46Conservation Evidence17582067University of CambridgeQ3
47Environmental Practice14660474, 14660466Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
48Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management23256206, 23256192L & H Scientific Publishing, LLCQ3
49WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development17905079, 22243496World Scientific and Engineering Academy and SocietyQ3
50Ecology and Industry of Russia24136042, 18160395Q3
51Journal of Fisheries of China10000615Shanghai Ocean UniversityQ3
52Problemy Ekorozwoju18956912, 20801971Politechnika LubelskaQ3
53Sustainability and climate change26922924, 26922932Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q3
54Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies2345752X, 23457481World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
55Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management25022458, 2339076XBrawijaya UniversityQ3
56Journal of Sustainability Science and Management26727226, 18238556Universiti Malaysia TerengganuQ3
57International Journal of Sustainable Society17562546, 17562538Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
58Journal of Agro-Environment Science16722043Editorial Board of Journal of Agro-Environment ScienceQ3
59Standort1743635Springer VerlagQ3
60International Journal of Water17415322, 14656620Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
61Austrian Journal of Forest Science3795292Osterreichischer Agrarverlag GmbHQ3
62International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development14742748, 20400551Intellect Ltd.Q3
63Aestimum15926117, 17242118Firenze University PressQ3
64Sustentabilidade em Debate21777675, 21799067Universidade de BrasiliaQ3
65Global Jurist19342640Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
66International Journal for Court Administration21567964International Association for Court AdministrationQ3
67International Journal of Global Environmental Issues14666650, 17415136Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
68Forensic Science and Technology10083650Editorial Office of Forensic Science and TechnologyQ3
69Interactive Entertainment Law Review25153870, 25153889Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.Q3
70Journal of Forensic Practice20508808, 20508794Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
71Boletin de la Asociacion Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo1134993XAsociacion Internacional de Derecho CooperativoQ3
72Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law7329113Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
73Chinese Journal of Comparative Law20504802, 20504810Oxford University PressQ3
74European Papers- A Journal on Law and Integration24998249European PaperQ3
75Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal17273781North-West UniversityQ3
76Law and Economics Yearly Review20509014Queen Mary University of LondonQ3
77Revista de Derecho07180950, 07169132Universidad Austral de ChileQ3
78International Journal of Management and Sustainability23069856, 23060662Conscientia BeamQ3
79Indiana Law Journal196665Indiana UniversityQ3
80Journal of Strategic Security19440472, 19440464Henley-Putnam University PressQ3
81American Journal of Jurisprudence20496494, 00658995University of Notre Dame, Law SchoolQ3
82Ratio Juris14679337, 09521917Basil BlackwellQ3
83Journal of Intellectual Property Rights09717544, 09751076National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)Q3
84Revista Derecho del Estado23462051, 01229893Universidad Externado de ColombiaQ3
85European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice15718174, 09289569Martinus Nijhoff PublishersQ3
86UUM Journal of Legal Studies01279483, 2229984XUniversiti Utara Malaysia PressQ3
87Cambridge Law Journal14692139, 00081973Cambridge University PressQ3
88Recht und Psychiatrie7242247Psychiatrie-Verlag GmbHQ3
89International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family13609939Oxford University PressQ3
90Journal of Conflict and Security Law14677954Oxford University PressQ3
91Journal of Criminal Law00220183, 17405580SAGE Publications Inc.Q3
92Law and Development Review19433867Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
93Revista Juridica2316753XCentro Universitario Curitiba - UNICURITIBAQ3
94BRICS Law Journal24122343, 24099058University of TyumenQ3
95Revista Opiniao Juridica24476641, 18060420Christus University CenterQ3
96Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu3502058University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum EngineeringQ3
97International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation19478585, 19478593IGI Global PublishingQ3
98Journal of Property Tax Assessment and Administration15483606, 13571419International Association of Assessing OfficersQ3
99Jusletter IT1664848XWeblaw AGQ3
100Lavoro e Diritto1120947XIl Mulino publishing houseQ3

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