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List of Q3 journals in Engineering

100 Engineering Q3 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization19392699, 19392702RoutledgeQ3
2World Journal of Engineering17085284Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
3Ugol24128333, 00415790Ugol'Q3
4Shock and Vibration10709622, 18759203Hindawi LimitedQ3
5Gornaya Promyshlennost16099192, 25879138Q3
6Petroleum Science and Technology15322459, 10916466Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
7Scientia Iranica10263098Sharif University of TechnologyQ3
8Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies17293774, 17294061PC Technology CenterQ3
9Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C22500545, 22500553Springer IndiaQ3
10IEEE Industry Applications Magazine10772618Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q3
11Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina13354205, 25857878University of ZilinaQ3
12MM Science Journal18050476, 18031269Q3
13Defence Science Journal0011748X, 0976464XDefense Scientific Information and Documentation CentreQ3
14Shenyang Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shenyang University of Technology10001646Shenyang University of TechnologyQ3
15International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering02185393, 17936446World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
16International Journal of Integrated Engineering2229838XPenerbit UTHMQ3
17Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu20712227, 22232362National Mining University of UkraineQ3
18Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering05536626, 15873773Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsQ3
19Electric Power Components and Systems15325016, 15325008Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
20International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering10535381International Society of Offshore and Polar EngineersQ3
21International Review of Aerospace Engineering19737459, 25332279Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
22International Journal of Ventilation14733315Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
23Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering22286160Springer International Publishing AGQ3
24Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society25153080Global Power and Propulsion SocietyQ3
25Oil Shale0208189X, 17367492Estonian Academy PublishersQ3
26Lithologic Reservoirs16738926China National Petroleum Corporation and PetroChina Company LimitedQ3
27Meitiandizhi Yu Kantan/Coal Geology and Exploration10011986China Coal Research InstituteQ3
28Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics21946426, 21946418Springer Science + Business MediaQ3
29CIGRE Science and Engineering24261335CIGREQ3
30International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power2504186XMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q3
31Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering24234567, 23224576Q3
32International Journal of GEOMATE21862990, 21862982GEOMATE International SocietyQ3
33Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS10065911Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsQ3
34Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering00380741, 15739279Springer New YorkQ3
35Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater1828454X, 22806458PagePress PublicationsQ3
36SOCAR Proceedings22186867, 22188622OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)"Q3
37Environmental and Engineering Geoscience10787275Geological Society of AmericaQ3
38Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions16743822Science PressQ3
39International Journal on Energy Conversion22815295, 25332910Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
40Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control1007449XHarbin University of Science and Technology, Editorial department of Electric Machines and ControlQ3
41Aerospace Systems25233955Springer Science + Business MediaQ3
42International Journal of Robotics and Automation19257090, 08268185ACTA PressQ3
43Zhendong Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering10044523Nanjing University of Aeronautics an AstronauticsQ3
44Diagnostyka24495220, 16416414Polish Society of Technical DiagnosticsQ3
45International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems17531039, 17531047Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
46Metal Powder Report18734065, 00260657MA Healthcare LtdQ3
47Geomechanik und Tunnelbau18657362, 18657389Ernst & SohnQ3
48Ocean Systems Engineering20936702, 2093677XTechno PressQ3
49International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation2226809X, 22235329Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology InnovationQ3
50International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering1754890X, 17548918Inderscience PublishersQ3
51Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises21167087, 12696935International Information and Engineering Technology AssociationQ3
52International Review on Modelling and Simulations19749821, 25331701Praise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ3
53Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment24237469, 24235547Materials and Energy Research CenterQ3
54Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment18256635, 20355688La Sapienza Publishing HouseQ3
55Journal of Applied Engineering Science18213197, 14514117Institute for Educational ResearchQ3
56Larhyss Journal11123680, 25219782Research Laboratory in Subterranean and Surface Hydraulics, University of BiskraQ3
57Journal of the Korean Society for Railway17386225, 22882235Korean Society for RailwayQ3
58Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica1376365Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki WroclawskiejQ3
59Membrane Technology9582118MA Healthcare LtdQ3
60Pulp and Paper Canada3164004Business Information GroupQ3
61Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences1786335XAkademiai KiadoQ3
62Applied Computer Science18953735, 23536977Polish Association for Knowledge PromotionQ3
63International Journal of Renewable Energy Development22524940Diponegoro university Indonesia - Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy (CBIORE)Q3
64Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy25726668, 25726676Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
65Geotechnik01726145, 21906653Wiley-BlackwellQ3
66Indian Geotechnical Journal09719555, 22773347Springer IndiaQ3
67Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition)16715888Jilin University PressQ3
68Journal of GeoEngineering19908326Taiwan Geotechnical SocietyQ3
69Control Theory and Technology20956983, 21980942Springer Science + Business MediaQ3
70Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement17550750, 17550769Thomas Telford Services Ltd.Q3
71Journal of Sensors1687725X, 16877268Hindawi Publishing CorporationQ3
72Annual Review of Heat Transfer10490787, 23750294Begell House Inc.Q3
73Brain-Computer Interfaces23262621, 2326263XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
74Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves15738345, 00105082Pleiades PublishingQ3
75Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET)28047699Editions TechnipQ3
76International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems20888694Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)Q3
77Acta Montanistica Slovaca13351788Technical University of KosiceQ3
78Journal of Engineering Thermophysics18102328, 19905432Pleiades PublishingQ3
79Automation and Remote Control16083032, 00051179Pleiades PublishingQ3
80International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems18829554Turbomachinery Society of JapanQ3
81Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy2572665X, 25726641Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
82Journal of the American Helicopter Society28711American Helicopter SocietyQ3
83IET Circuits, Devices and Systems1751858X, 17518598John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q3
84International Shipbuilding Progress15662829, 0020868XIOS Press BVQ3
85International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials17485711, 1748572XInderscience Enterprises LtdQ3
86Civil and Environmental Engineering13365835, 21996512SciendoQ3
87Journal of Power Electronics15982092Korean Institute of Power ElectronicsQ3
88Information Technology and Control1392124XKauno Technologijos UniversitetasQ3
89Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami17937116, 17934311World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
90Automatisierungstechnik01782312, 2196677XWalter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
91Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik03534529, 18490409University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum EngineeringQ3
92Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food18818366Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering AssociationQ3
93Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering20413009, 09544089SAGE Publications Inc.Q3
94Combustion Theory and Modelling13647830, 17413559Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
95Acta IMEKO2221870X, 0237028XInternational Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)Q3
96Archives of Mining Sciences08607001, 16890469Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of MiningQ3
97Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control20484046, 14613484SAGE Publications Inc.Q3
98Water Conservation and Management25235664, 25235672Zibeline International Publishing Sdn. Bhd.Q3
99International Journal of Sensor Networks17481287, 17481279Inderscience PublishersQ3
100Russian Engineering Research19348088, 1068798XPleiades PublishingQ3

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