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List of Q3 journals in Computer Science

100 Computer Science Q3 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Parallel Computing1678191ElsevierQ3
2International Journal of Software Innovation21667179, 21667160IGI Global PublishingQ3
3Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds1757191X, 17571928Intellect Ltd.Q3
4International Journal of Image and Graphics02194678, 17936756World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
5International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems2210142XUniversity of BahrainQ3
6Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience15320626, 15320634John Wiley and Sons LtdQ3
7International Journal of Computers and Applications1206212XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
8Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International10642307, 15556530Pleiades PublishingQ3
9Graphics and Visual Computing26666294Elsevier Ltd.Q3
10International Journal of Serious Games23848766Serious Games SocietyQ3
11Radioelectronic and Computer Systems26632012, 18144225National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation InstituteQ3
12Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers2544164Science PressQ3
13Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis15556212, 10546618Pleiades PublishingQ3
14International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering2181940World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
15Body, Space and Technology14709120Open Library of HumanitiesQ3
16Virtual Creativity23979712Intellect Ltd.Q3
17RAIRO - Operations Research12903868, 03990559EDP SciencesQ3
18Information and Computation10902651, 08905401Elsevier Inc.Q3
19Information Processing Letters200190ElsevierQ3
20Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science15710661ElsevierQ3
21International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications14690268World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
22Computer Systems Science and Engineering2676192Tech Science PressQ3
23Lecture Notes in Computer Science03029743, 16113349Springer VerlagQ3
24IETE Journal of Research0974780X, 03772063Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
25Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology20966652Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.Q3
26Journal of Universal Computer Science0948695X, 09486968Technische Universitat Graz from AustriaQ3
27Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality25758527Cornell UniversityQ3
28Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences23003405, 08676356Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ3
29CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing25244930, 25244922SpringerQ3
30International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control18419836, 18419844CCC Publications, R & D AgoraQ3
31Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering14768259, 10255842Informa HealthcareQ3
32International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies18657923International Association of Online EngineeringQ3
33New Generation Computing02883635, 18827055Springer JapanQ3
34Intelligent Data Analysis1088467X, 15714128IOS Press BVQ3
35Journal of Advances in Information Technology17982340Engineering and Technology PublishingQ3
36EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems24100218European Alliance for InnovationQ3
37Mobile Information Systems1875905X, 1574017XHindawi LimitedQ3
38Journal of Network Intelligence24148105Taiwan Ubiquitous InformationQ3
39Cognitive Computation and Systems25177567Institution of Engineering and TechnologyQ3
40Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations23138734, 24096008South Ural State UniversityQ3
41EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems20329407European Alliance for InnovationQ3
42International Journal of Sensor Networks17481287, 17481279Inderscience PublishersQ3
43Journal of Medical Robotics Research24249068World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
44Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa20707401, 24110280Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesQ3
45African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development20421338, 20421346Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
46Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems25780727John Wiley and Sons Inc.Q3
47Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics20893191, 23029285Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)Q3
48Advanced Biomedical Engineering21875219Japanese Society for Medical and Biological EngineeringQ3
49International Journal of e-Collaboration15483681, 15483673IGI PublishingQ3
50Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations15392937IGI PublishingQ3
51Vietnam Journal of Computer Science21968896Springer NatureQ3
52Journal of Interactive Learning Research1093023XAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in EducationQ3
53International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology9528091Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
54New Mathematics and Natural Computation17937027, 17930057World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
55Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science20645279, 20645260Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsQ3
56Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management14794411Academic Conferences and Publishing InternationalQ3
57International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security20749104, 20749090Modern Education and Computer Science PressQ3
58Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie16846427, 26191253New Technologies Publishing HouseQ3
59Journal of ICT Standardization2245800X, 22460853River PublishersQ3
60International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications23950455EverScience PublicationsQ3
61International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications1941627X, 19416288IGI Global PublishingQ3
62Journal of Information and Knowledge Management02196492, 17936926World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.Q3
63International Journal of Biometrics1755831X, 17558301Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
64SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy25721054, 25721046SAE InternationalQ3
65Journal of Cyber Security20961146Chinese Academy of SciencesQ3
66Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy22031693Telecommunications Association Inc.Q3
67International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing17538548, 17551706Edinburgh University PressQ3
68Journal of Visual Languages and Computing10958533, 1045926XElsevier Ltd.Q3
69Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies23674512, 23674520Springer International Publishing AGQ3
70Technoetic Arts1477965XIntellect Ltd.Q3
71Journal of Control and Decision23307714, 23307706Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
72Graphical Models15240703, 15240711Elsevier Inc.Q3
73Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds15464261John Wiley and Sons LtdQ3
74Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments15313263, 10547460MIT Press JournalsQ3
75International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics25483161, 24426571Universitas Ahmad DahlanQ3
76Advances in Computational Design23838477, 24660523Techno-PressQ3
77Computer-Aided Design and Applications16864360Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesQ3
78New Review of Information Networking13614576, 17407869Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
79International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering21476799Ismail SaritasQ3
80IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences9168508Maruzen Co., Ltd/Maruzen KabushikikaishaQ3
81ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications21867364Institute of Image Information and Television EngineersQ3
82Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design2217379X, 22179860University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Graphic Engineering and DesignQ3
83Temes de Disseny26049155, 26046032Elisava Barcelona School of Design and EngineeringQ3
84Artifact17493471, 17493463Intellect Ltd.Q3
85Journal of Enabling Technologies23986263Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q3
86Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management16798171, 22378960Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de ProducaoQ3
87Pollack Periodica17881994Akademiai KiadoQ3
88Scientia Iranica10263098Sharif University of TechnologyQ3
89Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies17293774, 17294061PC Technology CenterQ3
90International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics1741539X, 17415403Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q3
91eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government20759517Department for E-Governance and AdministrationQ3
92International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering2047685X, 20476841World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ3
93AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali03650359, 18251242Accademia Peloritana dei PericolantiQ3
94Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology1287680Universiti Putra MalaysiaQ3
95Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence13623079, 0952813XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q3
96Natural Computing15677818, 15729796Springer NetherlandsQ3
97International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications23665971, 2366598XSpringer SingaporeQ3
98ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation15581195, 10493301Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q3
99International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control13494198IJICIC Editorial OfficeQ3
100INFOR03155986, 19160615Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q3

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