List of Q2 journals in Pathology

49 Pathology Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Acta Cytologica00015547, 19382650S. Karger AGQ2
2Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology22132945Elsevier BVQ2
3APMIS09034641, 16000463Blackwell MunksgaardQ2
4Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology19301111, 07402570W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
5Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine16000714, 09042512Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
6Analytical Cellular Pathology22107185, 22107177Hindawi LimitedQ2
7Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine23837845, 23837837Korean Society of PathologistsQ2
8Diagnostic Pathology17461596BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
9Science and Justice - Journal of the Forensic Science Society13550306Forensic Science SocietyQ2
10Neuropathology09196544, 14401789Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
11Pathology Research and Practice16180631, 03440338Urban und Fischer Verlag GmbH und Co. KGQ2
12Head and Neck Pathology1936055X, 19360568Humana PressQ2
13Journal of Pathology Informatics22295089, 21533539Elsevier BVQ2
14CytoJournal09745963, 17426413Scientific Scholar LLCQ2
15Pathology and Oncology Research15322807, 12194956Frontiers Media S.A.Q2
16Journal of Forensic Sciences221198Wiley-BlackwellQ2
17Annals of Diagnostic Pathology15328198, 10929134W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
18Pathologica00312983, 1591951XPacini Editore s.r.l.Q2
19International Journal of Biological Markers17246008, 03936155Wichtig Publishing SrlQ2
20International Journal of Experimental Pathology09599673, 13652613Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
21Journal of Cutaneous Pathology16000560, 03036987Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
22Journal of Tissue Viability0965206XTissue Viability SocietyQ2
23Folia Neuropathologica16414640, 1509572XTermedia Publishing House Ltd.Q2
24Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica13475800, 00445991Japan Society of Histochemistry and CytochemistryQ2
25Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology22124403, 22124411Elsevier USAQ2
26Current Pathobiology Reports2167485XSpringer USQ2
27Pathology International13205463, 14401827Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
28Legal and Criminological Psychology13553259, 20448333Wiley-BlackwellQ2
29Medical Molecular Morphology18601480, 18601499Springer JapanQ2
30Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology15334058, 15412016Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
31Toxicologic Pathology15331601, 01926233SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
32Journal of Child Sexual Abuse10538712, 15470679RoutledgeQ2
33Pediatric and Developmental Pathology10935266, 16155742SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
34Legal Medicine18734162, 13446223ElsevierQ2
35Forensic Toxicology18608965, 18608973Springer JapanQ2
36Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology1547769X, 15562891Humana PressQ2
37Histology and Histopathology16995848, 02133911Histology and HistopathologyQ2
38Journal of Microscopy00222720, 13652818Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
39Cytopathology13652303, 09565507Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
40Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law19433662, 10936793American Academy of Psychiatry and the LawQ2
41Diagnostic Cytopathology10970339, 87551039Wiley-Liss Inc.Q2
42Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy09301038, 12798517Springer ParisQ2
43Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences20905939, 2090536XSpringer International Publishing AGQ2
44International Journal of Surgical Pathology10668969, 19402465SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
45Crime, Law and Social Change15730751, 09254994Springer NetherlandsQ2
46Journal of Comparative Pathology00219975, 15323129W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
47Federal Probation149128Administrative Office of the United States CourtsQ2
48Molecular and Cellular Toxicology20928467, 1738642XSpringer VerlagQ2
49Anuario de Psicologia Juridica11330740, 21740542Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de MadridQ2

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