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List of Q2 journals in Mechanical Engineering

100 Mechanical Engineering Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters20950349Elsevier BVQ2
2Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)16735005Q2
3Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines15397742, 15397734Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
4IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications21871108, 21871094The Institute of Electrical Engineers of JapanQ2
5Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering16785878, 18063691Springer VerlagQ2
6Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom)23144912, 23144904Hindawi LimitedQ2
7Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures16797825, 16797817Marc??lio AlvesQ2
8Chaos Theory and Applications26874539Akif AKGULQ2
9Optimization and Engineering13894420Springer NetherlandsQ2
10Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration16713664, 1993503XScience PressQ2
11Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power15288919, 07424795The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
12HardwareX24680672Elsevier Ltd.Q2
13Machines20751702MDPI AGQ2
14International Journal of Dynamics and Control2195268X, 21952698Springer International Publishing AGQ2
15Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration25243462, 25243470Springer International Publishing AGQ2
16Mechanical Sciences2191916X, 21919151Copernicus GmbHQ2
17Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences23034521International University of SarajevoQ2
18Fusion Engineering and Design9203796Elsevier BVQ2
19Propulsion and Power Research2212540XElsevier BVQ2
20JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control10775463, 17412986SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
21Advances in Aerodynamics25246992Springer NatureQ2
22Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering16726030American Institute of PhysicsQ2
23Micromachines2072666XMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
24Journal of Ship Research224502Society of Naval Architects and Marine EngineersQ2
25Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica4121961Chinese Academy of SciencesQ2
26International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics10618562, 10290257Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
27International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing22347593, 12298557, 20054602Korean Society of Precision EngineeringQ2
28Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics18676944, 18676936Springer VerlagQ2
29Fusion Science and Technology15361055Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
30Journal of Aerospace Engineering8931321American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
31Designs24119660MDPI AGQ2
32Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials13852000, 15732738Springer NetherlandsQ2
33International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management21532648Q2
34Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering3037800Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsQ2
35Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D22502130, 22502122Springer IndiaQ2
36Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME15288994, 01950738The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
37Experimental Mechanics00144851, 17412765Springer New YorkQ2
38Journal of Hydraulic Engineering07339429, 19437900American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
39Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures15376532, 15210596, 15376494Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
40Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems10577157, 19410158Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
41Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture20412975, 09544054SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
42Transportation Research Record3611981US National Research CouncilQ2
43SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH23802170, 23802162SAE InternationalQ2
44Diamond and Related Materials9259635Elsevier BVQ2
45Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering1528896X, 08927219The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
46Scientific Drilling18163459, 18168957IODP-MIQ2
47SPE Drilling and Completion10646671Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q2
48Mechanics Research Communications936413Elsevier Ltd.Q2
49IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine19427808, 19324510Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
50Journal of Advanced Transportation01976729, 20423195Hindawi LimitedQ2
51Journal of Propulsion and Power15333876, 07484658American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)Q2
52Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME220434The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
53Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport10017372Xi'an Highway UniversityQ2
54Production Engineering09446524, 18637353Springer VerlagQ2
55Machining Science and Technology10910344, 15322483Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
56Material Design and Processing Communications25776576John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
57Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance24705322, 24705314Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
58IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems26877813Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
59Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering09544070, 20412991SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
60International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering18230334, 21982791Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
61Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering13616439, 09601317IOP Publishing Ltd.Q2
62Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice19491190, 19491204ASCEQ2
63Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics15551423The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
64Applications in Engineering Science26664968Elsevier Ltd.Q2
65Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems23294221, 23294124SPIEQ2
66Brodogradnja18455859, 0007215XUniversity of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval ArchitectureQ2
67International Journal of Automation Technology18838022, 18817629Fuji Technology PressQ2
68Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment14750902SAGE Publications LtdQ2
69Advanced Steel Construction1816112XHong Kong Institute of Steel ConstructionQ2
70Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management22238379, 22216529Engineering Project and Production ManagementQ2
71Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale19718993Gruppo Italiano FratturaQ2
72Structural Engineering and Mechanics12254568, 15986217Techno PressQ2
73Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage23816910, 23816872The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
74Australian Journal of Structural Engineering13287982Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
75Polish Maritime Research12332585, 20837429De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q2
76Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering9544100SAGE Publications LtdQ2
77International Journal of Structural Integrity17579872, 17579864Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
78Journal of Marine Science and Application19935048, 16719433Harbin Engineering UniversityQ2
79Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering22973079Frontiers Media S.A.Q2
80Marine Systems and Ocean Technology1679396X, 21994749Springer International Publishing AGQ2
81Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy20412967, 09576509SAGE Publications LtdQ2
82Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer15336808, 08878722American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)Q2
83Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering09596518, 20413041SAGE Publications LtdQ2
84Sports Engineering14602687, 13697072Springer NatureQ2
85China Ocean Engineering8905487Springer Publishing CompanyQ2
86International Journal of Crashworthiness15738965, 13588265Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
87Transport16484142, 16483480Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityQ2
88International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems20496427, 20496435Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
89Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures1028365X, 19969015Int. Association for Shell and Spatial StructuresQ2
90International Journal of Vehicle Performance17453194, 17453208Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
91Journal of Biosystems Engineering22341862, 17381266Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
92Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A22502157, 22502149Springer IndiaQ2
93Innovative Infrastructure Solutions23644176, 23644184Springer International Publishing AGQ2
94Nanocomposites20550332, 20550324Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
95International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping3080161Elsevier BVQ2
96Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures15308138, 1045389XSAGE Publications LtdQ2
97Shock Waves14322153, 09381287Springer New YorkQ2
98Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation15734862, 01959298Springer New YorkQ2
99Materials Letters0167577XElsevierQ2
100Advanced Composite Materials09243046, 15685519Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2

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