List of Q2 journals in Marketing

42 Marketing Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Marketing Intelligence and Planning2634503Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
2Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising10641734, 21647313Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
3International Journal of Bank Marketing2652323Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
4Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice10696679Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
5Journal of Relationship Marketing15332675, 15332667RoutledgeQ2
6Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC24449709, 24449695Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
7Journal of High Technology Management Research10478310Elsevier BVQ2
8Journal of Macromarketing2761467SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
9Social Marketing Quarterly15394093, 15245004SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
10Journal of Promotion Management10496491Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
11International Journal of Market Research25152173, 14707853Market Research SocietyQ2
12International Journal of Integrated Supply Management14775360, 17418097Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
13International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research09593969, 14664402RoutledgeQ2
14Baltic Journal of Management17465265Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
15Journal of Islamic Marketing17590833, 17590841Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
16Journal of Social Marketing20426763, 20426771Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
17International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship14646668Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
18Journal of Marketing for Higher Education15407144, 08841241RoutledgeQ2
19Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences19364490, 08250383Wiley-BlackwellQ2
20Qualitative Market Research13522752Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
21Cogent Business and Management23311975Cogent OAQ2
22Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing15470628, 1051712XRoutledgeQ2
23Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal20426798, 2042678XEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
24Journal of Place Management and Development17538343, 17538335Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
25Place Branding and Public Diplomacy17518040, 17518059Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.Q2
26Journal of Food Products Marketing15404102, 10454446RoutledgeQ2
27Journal of Financial Services Marketing14791846, 13630539Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.Q2
28Foreign Trade Review00157325, 09717633Sage Publications India Pvt. LtdQ2
29Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Services Marketing25291947International Hellenic UniversityQ2
30Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship14715201Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
31International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology1546542X, 17447402Wiley-BlackwellQ2
32Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing08974438, 15286983RoutledgeQ2
33Revista de Gestao18092276, 21778736Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
34Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology15480585, 10835601John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
35Organizacija13185454Fakulteta za Organizacijske Vede, Univerza v MariboruQ2
36Transformations in Business and Economics16484460Vilnius University PressQ2
37Publishing Research Quarterly19364792, 10538801Springer USQ2
38Asian Journal of Business Research24634522, 17788933Q2
39Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship15470644, 08963568RoutledgeQ2
40Communication Today1338130XUniversity of SS. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mass Media CommunicationQ2
41Banks and Bank Systems19917074, 18167403Business PerspectivesQ2
42Fashion, Style and Popular Culture20500734, 20500726Intellect Ltd.Q2

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