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List of Q2 journals in Computational Mechanics

100 Computational Mechanics Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Computational Dynamics21582505American Institute of Mathematical SciencesQ2
2Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science2008949XQ2
3International Journal of Fracture15732673, 03769429Springer NetherlandsQ2
4Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters20950349Elsevier BVQ2
5Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica08949166, 18602134Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyQ2
6International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics10618562, 10290257Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
7Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics10290419, 03091929Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
8Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Mechanical Engineering22286187Springer International Publishing AGQ2
9International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation15651339, 21910294Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
10Metallurgical Research and Technology22713654, 22713646EDP SciencesQ2
11International Review of Civil Engineering20369913, 2533168XPraise Worthy Prize S.r.lQ2
12Computing (Vienna/New York)14365057, 0010485XSpringer-Verlag WienQ2
13Complex Analysis and Operator Theory16618262, 16618254Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ2
14Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications9257721ElsevierQ2
15Dynamic Games and Applications21530785, 21530793Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
16Journal of Computational Biology15578666, 10665277Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q2
17Algorithms19994893MDPI AGQ2
18International Journal of Applied Cryptography17530571, 17530563Inderscience PublishersQ2
19SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH23802170, 23802162SAE InternationalQ2
20Acta Mechanica16196937, 00015970Springer-Verlag WienQ2
21Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics23834536Shahid Chamran University of AhvazQ2
22Applications in Engineering Science26664968Elsevier Ltd.Q2
23Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing16879724, 16879732Hindawi LimitedQ2
24Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN26584786, 01344889Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of SciencesQ2
25ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik00442267, 15214001Wiley-VCH VerlagQ2
26International Journal of Mechanics and Control15908844Levrotto and BellaQ2
27Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization21681163, 21681171Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
28Cyber-Physical Systems23335785Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
29International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering15431649Begell House Inc.Q2
30International Journal of Fuzzy Systems15622479, 21993211Springer International Publishing AGQ2
31Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science15593940, 21575452Mathematical Sciences PublishersQ2
32Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering10692509, 18758835IOS Press BVQ2
33Advances in Computational Mathematics10197168, 15729044Springer NetherlandsQ2
34Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics3770427ElsevierQ2
35BIT Numerical Mathematics15729125, 00063835Springer NetherlandsQ2
36Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal10954333, 10512004Elsevier Inc.Q2
37Journal of Automated Reasoning15730670, 01687433Springer NetherlandsQ2
38Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics16094840, 16099389Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
39Journal of Computer and System Sciences10902724, 00220000Academic Press Inc.Q2
40Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce15327744, 10919392Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
41Queueing Systems15729443, 02570130Springer NetherlandsQ2
42Discrete and Computational Geometry14320444, 01795376Springer New YorkQ2
43Journal of Financial Data Science26403951, 26403943With intelligenceQ2
44Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation20966385, 26618893SpringerQ2
45Operational Research11092858, 18661505Springer VerlagQ2
464OR16142411, 16194500Springer VerlagQ2
47Water Waves25233688, 2523367XBirkhauser Verlag BaselQ2
48IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques23798793Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
49Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics25909770University of PrimorskaQ2
50Computational Statistics9434062Springer VerlagQ2
51Expert Systems14680394, 02664720Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
52Computational Intelligence08247935, 14678640Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
53SN Computer Science2662995X, 26618907SpringerQ2
54Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory1381298XKluwer Academic PublishersQ2
55International Journal of Data Science and Analytics2364415X, 23644168Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
56Cryptography2410387XMDPI AGQ2
57Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing15985865, 18652085Springer VerlagQ2
58Research in Mathematical Sciences21979847, 25220144SpringerOpenQ2
59Journal of Mathematical Cryptology18622984, 18622976Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
60Wave Motion1652125ElsevierQ2
61Algorithms for Molecular Biology17487188BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
62Computational and Applied Mathematics18070302, 22383603Birkhauser BostonQ2
63Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing23356936Q2
64Journal of Computer Science and Technology18604749, 10009000Springer New YorkQ2
65Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization25625535, 25625527Biemdas Academic PublishersQ2
66International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems18756891, 18756883Springer International Publishing AGQ2
67International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering20407947, 20407939Wiley-BlackwellQ2
68Theory of Computing Systems14330490, 14324350Springer New YorkQ2
69Computational Methods and Function Theory16179447Springer VerlagQ2
70International Journal of Computer Mathematics00207160, 10290265Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
71Science of Computer Programming1676423ElsevierQ2
72Discrete Optimization15725286ElsevierQ2
73Journal of Combinatorial Optimization13826905, 15732886Springer NetherlandsQ2
74Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics15556662, 09655425Pleiades PublishingQ2
75Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications23455861, 23455853Shahid Beheshti UniversityQ2
76Minimax Theory and its Applications21991413, 21991421Heldermann VerlagQ2
77Journal of Complex Networks20511310, 20511329Oxford University PressQ2
78Partial Differential Equations and Applications26622963, 26622971Springer International Publishing AGQ2
79IET Cyber-systems and Robotics26316315John Wiley and Sons Inc.Q2
80ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing23294957, 23294949Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Q2
81Fixed Point Theory15835022, 20669208House of the Book of ScienceQ2
82Computational Biology and Chemistry14769271Elsevier Ltd.Q2
83Computational and Mathematical Biophysics25447297Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
84Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy15729478, 09232958Springer NetherlandsQ2
85Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations17476933, 17476941Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
86Numerical Mathematics20797338, 10048979Cambridge University PressQ2
87Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering15471063, 15510018Arizona State UniversityQ2
88Computing and Visualization in Science14329360, 14330369Springer VerlagQ2
89International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore)25112104, 25112112Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
90Journal of Symbolic Computation07477171, 1095855XAcademic Press Inc.Q2
91Differential Geometry and its Applications18726984, 09262245ElsevierQ2
92Quantum Information and Computation15337146Rinton Press Inc.Q2
93Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems25248510, 25248529Springer BerlinQ2
94Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications15261719Brown UniversityQ2
95International Journal of Computational Methods2198762World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ2
96Mendel18033814Brno University of TechnologyQ2
97Engineering Computations2644401Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
98Digital Creativity17443806, 14626268Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
99Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering15567265, 15567273Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
100Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials17516161Elsevier BVQ2

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