List of Q2 journals in Automotive Engineering

100 Automotive Engineering Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines15397742, 15397734Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
2IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications21871108, 21871094The Institute of Electrical Engineers of JapanQ2
3Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering16785878, 18063691Springer VerlagQ2
4Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures16797825, 16797817Marc??lio AlvesQ2
5Global Energy Interconnection25900358, 20965117KeAi Communications Co.Q2
6Drone Systems and Applications25644939Canadian Science PublishingQ2
7Propulsion and Power Research2212540XElsevier BVQ2
8JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control10775463, 17412986SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
9Urban Rail Transit21996679, 21996687Springer VerlagQ2
10International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research18688659Springer VerlagQ2
11Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering3037800Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsQ2
12SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH23802170, 23802162SAE InternationalQ2
13International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment2150363X, 21503621Begell House Inc.Q2
14Journal of Advanced Transportation01976729, 20423195Hindawi LimitedQ2
15Computer Aided Geometric Design1678396ElsevierQ2
16IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems26877813Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q2
17Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering16711637Chang'an UniversityQ2
18International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics17568277, 17568285SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
19Transport16484142, 16483480Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityQ2
20International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems20496427, 20496435Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
21International Review of Electrical Engineering25332244, 18276660Praise Worthy PrizeQ2
22International Journal of Vehicle Performance17453194, 17453208Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
23Transactions on Maritime Science18483305, 18483313Faculty of Maritime StudiesQ2
24WIT Transactions on the Built Environment17433509WITPressQ2
25Emission Control Science and Technology21993629, 21993637Springer International Publishing AGQ2
26World Electric Vehicle Journal20326653MDPI AGQ2
27International Journal of Automotive Technology12299138Korean Society of Automotive EngineersQ2
28International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management14709511, 17415012Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Q2
29SAE International Journal of Engines19463944, 19463936SAE InternationalQ2
30Automotive Experiences26156636, 26156202Q2
31Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters20950349Elsevier BVQ2
32Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)16735005Q2
33Innovative Infrastructure Solutions23644176, 23644184Springer International Publishing AGQ2
34Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom)23144912, 23144904Hindawi LimitedQ2
35Chaos Theory and Applications26874539Akif AKGULQ2
36Optimization and Engineering13894420Springer NetherlandsQ2
37Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration16713664, 1993503XScience PressQ2
38Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste21535493, 21535515American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
39Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power15288919, 07424795The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q2
40HardwareX24680672Elsevier Ltd.Q2
41Machines20751702MDPI AGQ2
42International Journal of Dynamics and Control2195268X, 21952698Springer International Publishing AGQ2
43Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology21967202, 21967210Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
44Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration25243462, 25243470Springer International Publishing AGQ2
45Mechanical Sciences2191916X, 21919151Copernicus GmbHQ2
46Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences23034521International University of SarajevoQ2
47Petroleum24055816, 24056561KeAi Communications Co.Q2
48Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering10006915Academia SinicaQ2
49Fusion Engineering and Design9203796Elsevier BVQ2
50Geomechanics and Engineering20926219, 2005307XTechno PressQ2
51Eurasian Mining20720823Ore & Metals Publishing HouseQ2
52Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipment10066047Electric Power Automation Equipment PressQ2
53International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering19386362, 19397879Maney PublishingQ2
54Journal of Hydroinformatics14647141, 14651734IWA PublishingQ2
55Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering11749857New Zealand Society for Earthquake EngineeringQ2
56Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics10007598Academia SinicaQ2
57Advances in Aerodynamics25246992Springer NatureQ2
58Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering16726030American Institute of PhysicsQ2
59Journal of Cold Regions Engineering - ASCE0887381X, 19435495American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
60Micromachines2072666XMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
61IEEE Power Electronics Magazine23299215, 23299207Q2
62Journal of Ship Research224502Society of Naval Architects and Marine EngineersQ2
63Infrastructures24123811Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
64Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE7339402American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
65Mining Science and Technology(Russian Federation)25000632National University of Science and Technology MISISQ2
66Natural Gas Industry B23528559, 23528540Elsevier BVQ2
67Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica4121961Chinese Academy of SciencesQ2
68Journal of Sustainable Mining23003960, 25434950Central Mining InstituteQ2
69Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics10831363Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS)Q2
70International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics10618562, 10290257Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
71International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing22347593, 12298557, 20054602Korean Society of Precision EngineeringQ2
72Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics18676944, 18676936Springer VerlagQ2
73Mining of Mineral Deposits24153443, 24153435Dnipro University of TechnologyQ2
74Fusion Science and Technology15361055Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
75International Journal of Modelling and Simulation2286203Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
76Journal of Aerospace Engineering8931321American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
77International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences20932480, 2093274XThe Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space SciencesQ2
78Kybernetes0368492XEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
79Environmental Geotechnics2051803XICE PublishingQ2
80Designs24119660MDPI AGQ2
81Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin2361493Publishing house Mining book""Q2
82Shiyou Diqiu Wuli Kantan/Oil Geophysical Prospecting10007210Science PressQ2
83Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems21953880, 21953899Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
84Xinan Shiyou Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Southwestern Petroleum Institute16745086, 10002634Southwestern Petroleum InstituteQ2
85Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials13852000, 15732738Springer NetherlandsQ2
86International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management21532648Q2
87Upstream Oil and Gas Technology26662604Elsevier Inc.Q2
88Promet - Traffic - Traffico3535320Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of ZagrebQ2
89Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology23116986, 22265260Saint Petersburg State UniversityQ2
90Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D22502130, 22502122Springer IndiaQ2
91Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering16732049Q2
92International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics20426550, 1346213XICE PublishingQ2
93Smart Structures and Systems17381584, 17381991Techno PressQ2
94Batteries23130105Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
95Geotechnical Testing Journal1496115American Society for Testing and MaterialsQ2
96Biochip Journal20927843, 19760280Springer-Verlag GmbH and Co. KGQ2
97Biochemical Engineering Journal1369703XElsevierQ2
98Progress in Nuclear Energy1491970Elsevier Ltd.Q2
99Asian Journal of Control19346093, 15618625Wiley-BlackwellQ2
100Nano Futures23991984Institute of Physics PublishingQ2

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