List of Q2 journals in Anesthesiology

36 Anesthesiology Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Anesthesia14388359, 09138668Springer JapanQ2
2Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia10530770, 15328422W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
3Pain and Therapy2193651X, 21938237Springer HealthcareQ2
4Minerva Anestesiologica18271596, 03759393Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A.Q2
5Journal of Pain Research11787090Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
6British Journal of Pain20494645, 20494637SAGE Publications LtdQ2
7Pain Practice15332500, 15307085Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
8Canadian Journal of Pain24740527Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
9Korean Journal of Pain20930569, 20059159The Korean Pain SocietyQ2
10BMC Anesthesiology14712253BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
11Local and Regional Anesthesia11787112Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
12Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing15732614, 13871307Springer NetherlandsQ2
13Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine22287531, 22287523BrieflandsQ2
14Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache23330384, 23330376Quintessence Publishing CompanyQ2
15Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology14736500, 09527907Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
16Pain Research and Management19181523, 12036765Hindawi LimitedQ2
17Paediatric Anaesthesia11555645, 14609592Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
18Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia1658354X, 09753125Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ2
19Scandinavian Journal of Pain18778879, 18778860ElsevierQ2
20Anesthesiology Clinics19322275W.B. Saunders LtdQ2
21Anaesthesia and Intensive Care0310057X, 14480271Australian Society of AnaesthetistsQ2
22Medical Gas Research20459912Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ2
23Pain Management17581877, 17581869Future Medicine Ltd.Q2
24BJA Education20585357, 20585349Elsevier Ltd.Q2
25Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy16425758, 17312531Termedia Publishing House Ltd.Q2
26Anesthesiology Research and Practice16876962, 16876970Hindawi LimitedQ2
27Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management21537933, 21537658Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q2
28Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology09709185, 22312730Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ2
29Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia09745181, 09719784Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ2
30Annals of palliative medicine22245839, 22245820AME Publishing CompanyQ2
31Current Anesthesiology Reports15233855, 21676275Springer USQ2
32Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care23927518, 25020307Atlas- ClusiumQ2
33Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care22108440, 22108467Elsevier BVQ2
34Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi1306696XTurkish Association of Trauma and Emergency SurgeryQ2
35Journal of perioperative practice17504589, 25157949Association for Perioperative PracticeQ2
36AANA Journal00946354, 21625239AANA Publishing Inc.Q2

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