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List of Q2 journals in Anatomy

10 Anatomy Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology24115142Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Q2
2Anatomical Record19328486, 19328494John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
3Cells Tissues Organs14226421, 14226405S. Karger AGQ2
4Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy09301038, 12798517Springer ParisQ2
5Physical Activity and Health25152270Ubiquity PressQ2
6Anatomy and Cell Biology20933673, 20933665Korean Association of AnatomistsQ2
7Anatomical Science International1447073X, 14476959Springer NatureQ2
8International Journal of Surgical Pathology10668969, 19402465SAGE Publications Inc.Q2
9Translational Research in Anatomy2214854XElsevier GmbHQ2
10Somatechnics20440146, 20440138Edinburgh University PressQ2

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