S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology | 24115142 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Q2 |
2 | Anatomical Record | 19328486, 19328494 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q2 |
3 | Cells Tissues Organs | 14226421, 14226405 | S. Karger AG | Q2 |
4 | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy | 09301038, 12798517 | Springer Paris | Q2 |
5 | Physical Activity and Health | 25152270 | Ubiquity Press | Q2 |
6 | Anatomy and Cell Biology | 20933673, 20933665 | Korean Association of Anatomists | Q2 |
7 | Anatomical Science International | 1447073X, 14476959 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
8 | International Journal of Surgical Pathology | 10668969, 19402465 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q2 |
9 | Translational Research in Anatomy | 2214854X | Elsevier GmbH | Q2 |
10 | Somatechnics | 20440146, 20440138 | Edinburgh University Press | Q2 |
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