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List of Q2 journals in Agricultural and Biological Sciences

100 Agricultural and Biological Sciences Q2 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Nature Conservation Research2500008XFund for Support and Development of Protected AreasQ2
2Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science10286276Springer International Publishing AGQ2
3South African Journal of Science03708462, 00382353Academy of Science of South AfricaQ2
4Acta Palaeobotanica16594W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of SciencesQ2
5Agraris25279238, 2407814XDepartment of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah YogyakartaQ2
6Rendiconti Lincei11206349, 17200776Springer-Verlag Italia SrlQ2
7Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa0035919X, 21540098Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
8Agricultural Finance Review00021466, 20416326Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
9New Medit15945685Bononia University PressQ2
10Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics18041930Faculty of Economics and Management CULS PragueQ2
11Journal of Applied Biomedicine12140287, 1214021XUniversity of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Faculty of Health and Social SciencesQ2
12Biodiversity Data Journal13142828Pensoft PublishersQ2
13Comptes Rendus - Biologies17683238, 16310691Academie des sciencesQ2
14Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education19357877, 19357885American Society for MicrobiologyQ2
15International Agrophysics2368722Polish Academy of SciencesQ2
16Life Sciences in Space Research22145532, 22145524Elsevier BVQ2
17Advances in Agriculture23147539, 2356654XHindawiQ2
18Journal of the Textile Institute17542340, 00405000Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
19Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection24689270, 24689289Elsevier BVQ2
20Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE07339437, 19434774American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q2
21Open Life Sciences23915412Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ2
22BioRisk13132644, 13132652Pensoft PublishersQ2
23Journal of Water and Land Development14297426, 20834535Polish Academy of SciencesQ2
24Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A22502157, 22502149Springer IndiaQ2
25Journal of Biological Research1790045X, 22415793Aristotle University of ThessalonikiQ2
26Mathematical Population Studies08898480, 1547724XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
27Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic)0139570X, 18059295Czech Academy of Agricultural SciencesQ2
28Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics10740708Cambridge University PressQ2
29Journal of Cotton Research20965044, 25233254BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
30PhytoKeys13142003, 13142011Pensoft PublishersQ2
31Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences25765299Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
32Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension1389224X, 17508622Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
33Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering15471063, 15510018Arizona State UniversityQ2
34Phycological Research13220829, 14401835John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q2
35Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental14154366, 18071929Departamento de Engenharia Agricola - UFCG/CnpqQ2
36ACS Agricultural Science and Technology26921952American Chemical SocietyQ2
37Biologia Futura26768607, 26768615Akademiai KiadoQ2
38International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering17277841, 17272394Chaoyang University of TechnologyQ2
39Vegetation Classification and Survey26830671Pensoft PublishersQ2
40Smart Agriculture20968094Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesQ2
41Tropical Natural History15139700Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn UniversityQ2
42CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources17498848CAB InternationalQ2
43Journal of the History of Biology15730387, 00225010Springer NetherlandsQ2
44Tropical Life Sciences Research19853718, 19858345, 21804249Universiti Sains MalaysiaQ2
45Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences17353033, 17353866University of GuilanQ2
46Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology23078553Asian Journal of Agriculture and BiologyQ2
47Acta Biotheoretica00015342, 15728358Springer NetherlandsQ2
48Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences00750530, 24100862University of Baghdad, College of AgricultureQ2
493 Biotech2190572X, 21905738Springer International Publishing AGQ2
50Cogent Food and Agriculture23311932Informa HealthcareQ2
51Animal Science Journal13443941, 17400929Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
52Scientifica2090908XHindawi LimitedQ2
53Gesunde Pflanzen03674223, 14390345Springer VerlagQ2
54Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery10001298Chinese Society of Agricultural MachineryQ2
55Organic Agriculture18794238, 18794246Springer Science + Business MediaQ2
56Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment26396696John Wiley and Sons LtdQ2
57Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering10026819Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringQ2
58International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering19346352, 19346344Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringQ2
59Turkish Journal of Biology13000152TUBITAKQ2
60Communicative and Integrative Biology19420889Landes BioscienceQ2
61Biological Bulletin19398697, 00063185University of Chicago PressQ2
62Journal of Biological Systems17936470, 02183390World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ2
63Journal of Forestry Engineering20961359Nanjing Forestry UniversityQ2
64Open Agriculture23919531De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q2
65Folia Oecologica13365266Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of SciencesQ2
66Revista Chilena de Historia Natural0716078X, 07176317Sociedad de Biologia de ChileQ2
67Applied Environmental Biotechnology23826436, 24249092Urban Development Scientific Publishing Pte. Ltd.Q2
68Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences23148543, 23148535Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHQ2
69AIMS Agriculture and Food24712086AIMS PressQ2
70Reviews in Agricultural Science2187090XGifu University - United Graduate School of Agricultural ScienceQ2
71Boreal Environment Research12396095Finnish Environment InstituteQ2
72Brazilian Journal of Biology15196984, 16784375Instituto Internacional de EcologiaQ2
73Revista Caatinga0100316X, 19832125Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-AridQ2
74Journal of Biological Education00219266, 21576009Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
75Bragantia68705Instituto AgronomicoQ2
76Agri Gene23522151Elsevier Inc.Q2
77Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences03698211, 22501746Springer IndiaQ2
78Acta Tabacaria Sinica10045708zhong guo yan cao xue bao bian ji buQ2
79Caryologia00087114, 21655391Firenze University PressQ2
80Journal of Biosystems Engineering22341862, 17381266Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ2
81Tobacco Science and Technology10020861yan cao ke ji bian ji buQ2
82Revista de Biologia Tropical347744Universidad de Costa RicaQ2
83Archives of Natural History17556260, 02609541Edinburgh University PressQ2
84Frontiers in Human Neuroscience16625161Frontiers Media S.A.Q2
85Neuropsychobiology0302282X, 14230224S. Karger AGQ2
86Early Intervention in Psychiatry17517885, 17517893Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
87Acta Neuropsychiatrica16015215, 09242708Cambridge University PressQ2
88Journal of Neural Transmission03009564, 14351463Springer VerlagQ2
89Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment11782021Dove Medical Press Ltd.Q2
90Psychiatry Investigation17383684Korean Neuropsychiatric AssociationQ2
91Psychiatric Genetics14735873, 09558829Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.Q2
92BioPsychoSocial Medicine17510759BioMed Central Ltd.Q2
93Journal of Individual Differences21512299, 16140001Hogrefe PublishingQ2
94Theory and Decision15737187, 00405833Springer NetherlandsQ2
95Survey Review17522706, 00396265Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q2
96Arktika: Ekologia i Ekonomika22234594Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesQ2
97Social Science Information05390184, 14617412SAGE Publications LtdQ2
98Photogrammetric Record14779730, 0031868XWiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ2
99Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian01639269, 15444546RoutledgeQ2
100Die Erde139998Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu BerlinQ2

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