List of Q1 journals in Social Sciences

100 Social Sciences Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Family Theory and Review17562589, 17562570Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
2Psychoanalytic Social Work15228878RoutledgeQ1
3Journal of Social Work14680173SAGE Publications LtdQ1
4British Journal of Social Work00453102, 1468263XOxford University PressQ1
5Qualitative Social Work14733250SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
6Journal of Social Work Practice14653885, 02650533RoutledgeQ1
7Journal of Marriage and Family17413737, 00222445Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
8Social Issues and Policy Review17512409, 17512395Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
9Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies25781863John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
10Journal of Youth and Adolescence15736601, 00472891Springer New YorkQ1
11Family Process15455300, 00147370Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
12International Journal of Behavioral Development01650254, 14640651SAGE Publications LtdQ1
13Sleep Health23527218Elsevier Inc.Q1
14American Behavioral Scientist15523381, 00027642SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
15Journal of Loss and Trauma15325024, 15325032RoutledgeQ1
16Health and Social Care in the Community09660410, 13652524Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
17Journal of Social Policy14697823, 00472794Cambridge University PressQ1
18Disability and Society13600508, 09687599RoutledgeQ1
19Family Relations01976664, 17413729Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
20International Journal of Bullying Prevention25233653, 25233661Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ1
21Asian Journal of Social Psychology1467839X, 13672223Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
22Symbolic Interaction15338665, 01956086Wiley-BlackwellQ1
23International Social Work00208728, 14617234SAGE Publications LtdQ1
24European Journal of Social Work13691457Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
25Affilia - Journal of Women and Social Work15523020, 08861099SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
26Social Work Education14701227, 02615479Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
27Journal of Marital and Family Therapy17520606, 0194472XWiley-BlackwellQ1
28Journal of Family Therapy14676427, 01634445Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
29Research on Social Work Practice10497315, 15527581SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
30Journal of Intergenerational Relationships15350770RoutledgeQ1
31Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health19349645, 19349637RoutledgeQ1
32Contemporary Family Therapy08922764, 15733335Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.Q1
33Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial24423084, 1907591XFaculty of Shariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri MaduraQ1
34Emotions and Society26316900, 26316897Policy PressQ1
35Mind and Society15937879Springer VerlagQ1
36Social Science Computer Review15528286, 08944393SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
37Geography Compass17498198Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
38Scientometrics15882861, 01389130Akademiai KiadoQ1
39Disasters03613666, 14677717Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
40Group Decision and Negotiation09262644, 15729907Springer NetherlandsQ1
41Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management23833866, 23833572GJESM PublicationQ1
42Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health21596778, 2159676XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
43Trauma, Violence, and Abuse15248380, 15528324SAGE Publications LtdQ1
44Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences10795014, 17585368Gerontological Society of AmericaQ1
45Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior27724204Wolters Kluwer Medknow PublicationsQ1
46Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology14339285, 09337954D. Steinkopff-VerlagQ1
47American Journal of Community Psychology00910562, 15732770Wiley-BlackwellQ1
48Mindfulness18688535, 18688527Springer VerlagQ1
49Psychology of Violence21520828, 2152081XAmerican Psychological AssociationQ1
50Research on Aging01640275, 15527573SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
51American Journal of Evaluation10982140SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
52Clinical Social Work Journal15733343, 00911674Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.Q1
53Ageing and Society0144686X, 14691779Cambridge University PressQ1
54Child Indicators Research18748988, 1874897XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
55Clinical Gerontologist15452301, 07317115RoutledgeQ1
56Journal of Community Psychology15206629, 00904392Wiley-Liss Inc.Q1
57Psychology and Sexuality19419902, 19419899RoutledgeQ1
58Body and Society1357034X, 14603632SAGE Publications LtdQ1
59Violence and Gender23267852, 23267836Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Q1
60Child and Family Social Work13652206, 13567500Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
61Health and Social Care Chaplaincy20515553, 20515561Equinox Publishing LtdQ1
62Partner Abuse19466560, 19466579Springer Publishing CompanyQ1
63Journal of Psychedelic Studies25599283Akademiai KiadoQ1
64Adoption & Fostering1740469X, 03085759SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
65Fat Studies2160486X, 21604851Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
66Review of Economics and Statistics00346535, 15309142MIT Press JournalsQ1
67Nature Climate Change17586798, 1758678XNature Publishing GroupQ1
68Journal of Business and Economic Statistics07350015, 15372707Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
69Human Relations00187267, 1741282XSAGE Publications LtdQ1
70Business and Society00076503, 15524205SAGE Publications LtdQ1
71Sociological Science23306696Society for Sociological ScienceQ1
72Journal of Applied Econometrics10991255, 08837252John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
73Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik214027Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ1
74Postdigital Science and Education2524485X, 25244868Springer International Publishing AGQ1
75Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions22104224Elsevier BVQ1
76Sociological Methods and Research00491241, 15528294SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
77Energy Research and Social Science22146296Elsevier Ltd.Q1
78Public Opinion Quarterly0033362X, 15375331Oxford University PressQ1
79RSF23778253, 23778261Russell Sage FoundationQ1
80Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability18773435ElsevierQ1
81Sociological Methodology14679531, 00811750SAGE Publications LtdQ1
82Journal of Industrial Ecology10881980, 15309290Wiley-BlackwellQ1
83Mathematical Finance09601627, 14679965Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
84Review of Economics of the Household15737152, 15695239Kluwer Academic PublishersQ1
85Regional Studies13600591, 00343404RoutledgeQ1
86Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics03059049, 14680084Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
87Journal of Mixed Methods Research15586898, 15586901SAGE Publications LtdQ1
88Economy and Society03085147, 14695766RoutledgeQ1
89Research in Social Stratification and Mobility2765624JAI PressQ1
90Sociology of Religion10694404Association for the Sociology of ReligionQ1
91Econometric Theory02664666, 14694360Cambridge University PressQ1
92Language Testing02655322, 14770946SAGE Publications LtdQ1
93Socius23780231SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
94Journal of Happiness Studies13894978Springer NetherlandsQ1
95Journal of Research on Adolescence10508392, 15327795Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
96Qualitative Research14687941SAGE Publications LtdQ1
97Adolescent Research Review23638354, 23638346Springer International Publishing AGQ1
98Journal of Social Issues00224537, 15404560Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
99Sociology of Race and Ethnicity23326506, 23326492SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
100International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice14645300, 13645579Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1

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