List of Q1 journals in Pharmacy

11 Pharmacy Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis20951779Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityQ1
2Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy15517411Elsevier Inc.Q1
3American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education15536467, 00029459American Association of Colleges of PharmacyQ1
4Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy23761032, 23760540Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)Q1
5Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice20523211BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
6Pharmacy Practice1885642X, 18863655Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones FarmaceuticasQ1
7International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy22107711, 22107703Springer NetherlandsQ1
8American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy10792082, 15352900American Society of Health-Systems PharmacyQ1
9Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA15443191, 15443450American Pharmacists AssociationQ1
10Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning18771297Elsevier Inc.Q1
11JACCP Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy25749870Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1

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