List of Q1 journals in Geology

100 Geology Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Petroleum Exploration and Development18763804ElsevierQ1
2Petroleum Science16725107, 19958226China University of Petroleum BeijingQ1
3Journal of Mining Institute25419404, 24113336Saint-Petersburg Mining UniversityQ1
4China Geology20965192KeAi Communications Co.Q1
5Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development10000747Science PressQ1
6China Petroleum Exploration16727703Petroleum Industry PressQ1
7Engineering Geology137952ElsevierQ1
8Economic Geology3610128Society of Economic Geologists, IncQ1
9Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering7232632Springer-Verlag WienQ1
10International Journal of Coal Geology1665162ElsevierQ1
11Earth Systems and Environment25099426, 25099434Springer International Publishing AGQ1
12Marine and Petroleum Geology02648172, 18734073Elsevier BVQ1
13Georisk17499518, 17499526Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
14Ore Geology Reviews1691368Elsevier BVQ1
15International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction22124209Elsevier Ltd.Q1
16Elementa23251026University of California PressQ1
17Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment14359537, 14359529Springer VerlagQ1
18Geothermal Energy21959706Springer Science + Business MediaQ1
19Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review08827508, 15477401Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
20Geothermics3756505Elsevier Ltd.Q1
21Petroleum Geoscience13540793Geological Society of LondonQ1
22Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources23638427, 23638419Springer International Publishing AGQ1
23Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology10001964China University of Mining and TechnologyQ1
24Geotechnical and Geological Engineering09603182, 15731529Springer NetherlandsQ1
25Remote Sensing of Environment344257Elsevier Inc.Q1
26Geology00917613, 19432682Geological Society of AmericaQ1
27Gondwana Research1342937XElsevier Inc.Q1
28Bulletin of the Geological Society of America00167606, 19432674Geological Society of AmericaQ1
29Geochemical Perspectives Letters2410339X, 24103403European Association of GeochemistryQ1
30Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology8867798Elsevier Ltd.Q1
31Geochronology26283735Copernicus GmbHQ1
32Acta Geotechnica18611125, 18611133Springer VerlagQ1
33Geotechnique17517656, 00168505ICE PublishingQ1
34Mineralium Deposita00264598, 14321866Springer VerlagQ1
35International Journal of Mining Science and Technology20952686ElsevierQ1
36Journal of Metamorphic Geology15251314, 02634929Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
37International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences13651609Elsevier BVQ1
38Landslides16125118, 1612510XSpringer VerlagQ1
39Geotextiles and Geomembranes2661144Elsevier BVQ1
40Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE19435606, 10900241American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q1
41Computers and Geotechnics0266352X, 18737633Elsevier BVQ1
42Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering16747755Chinese Academy of SciencesQ1
43Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics10969845, 00988847John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
44Quaternary Science Reviews2773791Elsevier Ltd.Q1
45Precambrian Research3019268ElsevierQ1
47AAPG Bulletin1491423American Association of Petroleum GeologistsQ1
48Canadian Geotechnical Journal12086010, 00083674National Research Council of CanadaQ1
49Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598XQ1
50Earthquake Spectra87552930Earthquake Engineering Research InstituteQ1
51Oil and Gas Geology2539985shi you yu tian ran qi di zhi bian ji buQ1
52Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas Industry10000976Natural Gas Industry Journal AgencyQ1
53Chemical Geology92541ElsevierQ1
54International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics03639061, 10969853John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
55Sedimentology00370746, 13653091Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
56Geosphere1553040XGeological Society of AmericaQ1
57Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment23523808Elsevier BVQ1
58Solid Earth18699510, 18699529Copernicus Gesellschaft mbHQ1
59Basin Research0950091X, 13652117Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
60Geosynthetics International10726349, 17517613ICE PublishingQ1
61Terra Nova13653121, 09544879Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
62IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters1545598XInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
63Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering2677261Elsevier BVQ1
64Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering1570761XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
65Transportation Geotechnics22143912Elsevier BVQ1
66Soils and Foundations380806Japanese Geotechnical SocietyQ1
67Journal of Structural Geology1918141Elsevier Ltd.Q1
68Geoenvironmental Disasters21978670SpringerOpenQ1
69Progress in Oceanography796611Elsevier Ltd.Q1
70Underground Space (China)20962754, 24679674Tongji University PressQ1
71Quaternary Geochronology18711014ElsevierQ1
72Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology25278045, 25281410Universitas Pendidikan IndonesiaQ1
73International Journal of Coal Science and Technology21987823, 20958293Springer International Publishing AGQ1
74International Journal of Geomechanics15323641, 19435622American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)Q1
75SPE Journal1086055XSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q1
76Cold Regions Science and Technology18727441, 0165232XElsevierQ1
77Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research16394488Wiley-BlackwellQ1
78Journal of the Geological Society2041479X, 00167649Geological Society of LondonQ1
79Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering18755100ElsevierQ1
80Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering9204105ElsevierQ1
81Ocean Modelling14635003, 14635011Elsevier BVQ1
82GSA Today10525173Geological Society of AmericaQ1
83International Geology Review00206814, 19382839Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
84Structure and Infrastructure Engineering17448980, 15732479Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
85Journal of Asian Earth Sciences18785786, 13679120Elsevier Ltd.Q1
86Minerals Engineering8926875Elsevier Ltd.Q1
87Boreas03009483, 15023885Wiley-BlackwellQ1
88Marine Geology253227ElsevierQ1
89Applied Clay Science1691317Elsevier BVQ1
90Quaternary Science Advances26660334Elsevier Ltd.Q1
91Sedimentary Geology370738ElsevierQ1
92Geotechnique Letters20452543ICE PublishingQ1
93Extractive Industries and Society2214790XElsevier BVQ1
94Geological Magazine14695081, 00167568Cambridge University PressQ1
95Newsletters on Stratigraphy780421Schweizerbart Science PublishersQ1
96Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering20967187Editorial Office of Journal of Mining and Strata Control EngineeringQ1
97Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society2539993China Coal SocietyQ1
98Environmental Research Communications25157620IOP Publishing Ltd.Q1
99Swiss Journal of Geosciences16618734, 16618726Birkhauser Verlag BaselQ1
100Bulletin - Societe Geologique de France379409Societe Geologique de FranceQ1

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