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List of Q1 journals in Decision Sciences

100 Decision Sciences Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1Journal of Enterprise Information Management17410398Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
2Group Decision and Negotiation09262644, 15729907Springer NetherlandsQ1
3Lancet Digital Health, The25897500Elsevier Ltd.Q1
4Organizational Research Methods15527425, 10944281SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
5Communications in Transportation Research27724247Tsinghua University PressQ1
6Structural Equation Modeling15328007, 10705511Psychology Press LtdQ1
7International Journal of Management Reviews14608545, 14682370Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
8International Journal of Operations and Production Management17586593, 01443577Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
9Journal of Environmental Informatics17262135, 16848799International Society for Environmental Information SciencesQ1
10Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering26200104, 25606018Q1
11Management Learning14617307, 13505076SAGE Publications LtdQ1
12Ecological Indicators1470160XElsevierQ1
13Journal of Management Science and Engineering20962320, 25895532KeAi Communications Co.Q1
14Patterns26663899Cell PressQ1
15Journal of Sport Management1543270X, 08884773Human Kinetics Publishers Inc.Q1
16Annals of Operations Research02545330, 15729338Springer NetherlandsQ1
17Judgment and Decision Making19302975Society for Judgment and Decision MakingQ1
18Research in Transportation Business and Management22105395Elsevier BVQ1
19Journal of Behavioral Decision Making08943257, 10990771John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
20TQM Journal17542731Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
21Journal of Futures Studies10276084Tamkang UniversityQ1
22Social Science Computer Review15528286, 08944393SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
23Geography Compass17498198Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
24Scientometrics15882861, 01389130Akademiai KiadoQ1
25Disasters03613666, 14677717Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
26Arctic Science23687460Canadian Science PublishingQ1
27Polar Geography19390513, 1088937XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
28Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis25098829Springer Nature Switzerland AGQ1
29ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information22209964MDPI AGQ1
30KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information25244957, 25244965Springer International Publishing AGQ1
31Modeling Earth Systems and Environment23636203, 23636211Springer International Publishing AGQ1
32One Ecosystem23678194Pensoft PublishersQ1
33Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management23833866, 23833572GJESM PublicationQ1
34Review of Economics and Statistics00346535, 15309142MIT Press JournalsQ1
35Nature Climate Change17586798, 1758678XNature Publishing GroupQ1
36Molecular Systems Biology17444292Wiley-BlackwellQ1
37Journal of Business and Economic Statistics07350015, 15372707Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
38Nature Geoscience17520908, 17520894Nature Publishing GroupQ1
39Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences846597Annual Reviews Inc.Q1
40Studies in Mycology1660616Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity InstituteQ1
41International Journal of Information Management2684012Elsevier Ltd.Q1
42Biological Reviews1469185X, 14647931Wiley-BlackwellQ1
43Radiocarbon338222Cambridge University PressQ1
44Earth System Science Data18663516, 18663508Copernicus PublicationsQ1
45Remote Sensing of Environment344257Elsevier Inc.Q1
46PLoS Biology15449173, 15457885Public Library of ScienceQ1
47Earth-Science Reviews128252ElsevierQ1
48Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems19422466Wiley-BlackwellQ1
49Biometrika14643510, 00063444Oxford University PressQ1
50Human Relations00187267, 1741282XSAGE Publications LtdQ1
51ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing9242716ElsevierQ1
52Information Systems Research15265536, 10477047INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management SciencesQ1
53Business and Society00076503, 15524205SAGE Publications LtdQ1
54Current Biology18790445, 09609822Cell PressQ1
55Sociological Science23306696Society for Sociological ScienceQ1
56One Earth25903330, 25903322Cell PressQ1
57IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine21686831IEEE Geosciene and Remote Sensing SocietyQ1
58Earth's Future23284277John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
59Journal of Applied Econometrics10991255, 08837252John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
60Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik214027Walter de Gruyter GmbHQ1
61European Journal of Information Systems0960085X, 14769344Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
62International Journal of Information Management Data Insights26670968Elsevier BVQ1
63Communications Earth and Environment26624435Springer NatureQ1
64Postdigital Science and Education2524485X, 25244868Springer International Publishing AGQ1
65BioScience15253244, 00063568Oxford University PressQ1
66Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions22104224Elsevier BVQ1
67Earth and Planetary Science Letters0012821XElsevier BVQ1
68Scientific data20524463Nature Publishing GroupQ1
69IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing15580644, 01962892Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
70Big Data and Society20539517SAGE Publications LtdQ1
71Journal of Marriage and Family17413737, 00222445Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
72BMC Biology17417007BioMed Central Ltd.Q1
73Government Information Quarterly0740624XElsevier Ltd.Q1
74Earth System Dynamics21904979, 21904987Copernicus Gesellschaft mbHQ1
75American Journal of Science29599Yale UniversityQ1
76Sociological Methods and Research00491241, 15528294SAGE Publications Inc.Q1
77Communications Biology23993642Springer NatureQ1
78Social Issues and Policy Review17512409, 17512395Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
79Geoscientific Model Development1991959X, 19919603Copernicus Gesellschaft mbHQ1
80Energy Research and Social Science22146296Elsevier Ltd.Q1
81Public Opinion Quarterly0033362X, 15375331Oxford University PressQ1
82Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies25781863John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
83Information Processing and Management18735371, 03064573Elsevier Ltd.Q1
84RSF23778253, 23778261Russell Sage FoundationQ1
85Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability18773435ElsevierQ1
86Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences09628436, 14712970The Royal SocietyQ1
87American Journal of Agricultural Economics14678276, 00029092John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
88Acta Geotechnica18611125, 18611133Springer VerlagQ1
89Quarterly Review of Biology15397718, 00335770University of ChicagoQ1
90Geotechnique17517656, 00168505ICE PublishingQ1
91Journal of Youth and Adolescence15736601, 00472891Springer New YorkQ1
92Information and Organization14717727Elsevier Ltd.Q1
93Sociological Methodology14679531, 00811750SAGE Publications LtdQ1
94Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets21699100, 21699097Wiley-Blackwell Publishing LtdQ1
95Ecosystem Services22120416Elsevier BVQ1
96Geoscience Frontiers16749871China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking UniversityQ1
97Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences9628452The Royal SocietyQ1
98IEEE Transactions on Information Theory00189448, 15579654Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
99Physics of Life Reviews18731457, 15710645ElsevierQ1
100Journal of Industrial Ecology10881980, 15309290Wiley-BlackwellQ1

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