S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 17410398 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
2 | Group Decision and Negotiation | 09262644, 15729907 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
3 | Lancet Digital Health, The | 25897500 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
4 | Organizational Research Methods | 15527425, 10944281 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
5 | Communications in Transportation Research | 27724247 | Tsinghua University Press | Q1 |
6 | Structural Equation Modeling | 15328007, 10705511 | Psychology Press Ltd | Q1 |
7 | International Journal of Management Reviews | 14608545, 14682370 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
8 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management | 17586593, 01443577 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
9 | Journal of Environmental Informatics | 17262135, 16848799 | International Society for Environmental Information Sciences | Q1 |
10 | Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering | 26200104, 25606018 | Q1 | |
11 | Management Learning | 14617307, 13505076 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
12 | Ecological Indicators | 1470160X | Elsevier | Q1 |
13 | Journal of Management Science and Engineering | 20962320, 25895532 | KeAi Communications Co. | Q1 |
14 | Patterns | 26663899 | Cell Press | Q1 |
15 | Journal of Sport Management | 1543270X, 08884773 | Human Kinetics Publishers Inc. | Q1 |
16 | Annals of Operations Research | 02545330, 15729338 | Springer Netherlands | Q1 |
17 | Judgment and Decision Making | 19302975 | Society for Judgment and Decision Making | Q1 |
18 | Research in Transportation Business and Management | 22105395 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
19 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | 08943257, 10990771 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Q1 |
20 | TQM Journal | 17542731 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | Q1 |
21 | Journal of Futures Studies | 10276084 | Tamkang University | Q1 |
22 | Social Science Computer Review | 15528286, 08944393 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
23 | Geography Compass | 17498198 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
24 | Scientometrics | 15882861, 01389130 | Akademiai Kiado | Q1 |
25 | Disasters | 03613666, 14677717 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
26 | Arctic Science | 23687460 | Canadian Science Publishing | Q1 |
27 | Polar Geography | 19390513, 1088937X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
28 | Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis | 25098829 | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | Q1 |
29 | ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information | 22209964 | MDPI AG | Q1 |
30 | KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information | 25244957, 25244965 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q1 |
31 | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment | 23636203, 23636211 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q1 |
32 | One Ecosystem | 23678194 | Pensoft Publishers | Q1 |
33 | Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management | 23833866, 23833572 | GJESM Publication | Q1 |
34 | Review of Economics and Statistics | 00346535, 15309142 | MIT Press Journals | Q1 |
35 | Nature Climate Change | 17586798, 1758678X | Nature Publishing Group | Q1 |
36 | Molecular Systems Biology | 17444292 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
37 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | 07350015, 15372707 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
38 | Nature Geoscience | 17520908, 17520894 | Nature Publishing Group | Q1 |
39 | Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 846597 | Annual Reviews Inc. | Q1 |
40 | Studies in Mycology | 1660616 | Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute | Q1 |
41 | International Journal of Information Management | 2684012 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
42 | Biological Reviews | 1469185X, 14647931 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
43 | Radiocarbon | 338222 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
44 | Earth System Science Data | 18663516, 18663508 | Copernicus Publications | Q1 |
45 | Remote Sensing of Environment | 344257 | Elsevier Inc. | Q1 |
46 | PLoS Biology | 15449173, 15457885 | Public Library of Science | Q1 |
47 | Earth-Science Reviews | 128252 | Elsevier | Q1 |
48 | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | 19422466 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
49 | Biometrika | 14643510, 00063444 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
50 | Human Relations | 00187267, 1741282X | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
51 | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 9242716 | Elsevier | Q1 |
52 | Information Systems Research | 15265536, 10477047 | INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | Q1 |
53 | Business and Society | 00076503, 15524205 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
54 | Current Biology | 18790445, 09609822 | Cell Press | Q1 |
55 | Sociological Science | 23306696 | Society for Sociological Science | Q1 |
56 | One Earth | 25903330, 25903322 | Cell Press | Q1 |
57 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine | 21686831 | IEEE Geosciene and Remote Sensing Society | Q1 |
58 | Earth's Future | 23284277 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
59 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | 10991255, 08837252 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Q1 |
60 | Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik | 214027 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | Q1 |
61 | European Journal of Information Systems | 0960085X, 14769344 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Q1 |
62 | International Journal of Information Management Data Insights | 26670968 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
63 | Communications Earth and Environment | 26624435 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
64 | Postdigital Science and Education | 2524485X, 25244868 | Springer International Publishing AG | Q1 |
65 | BioScience | 15253244, 00063568 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
66 | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions | 22104224 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
67 | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 0012821X | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
68 | Scientific data | 20524463 | Nature Publishing Group | Q1 |
69 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 15580644, 01962892 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Q1 |
70 | Big Data and Society | 20539517 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
71 | Journal of Marriage and Family | 17413737, 00222445 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
72 | BMC Biology | 17417007 | BioMed Central Ltd. | Q1 |
73 | Government Information Quarterly | 0740624X | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
74 | Earth System Dynamics | 21904979, 21904987 | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | Q1 |
75 | American Journal of Science | 29599 | Yale University | Q1 |
76 | Sociological Methods and Research | 00491241, 15528294 | SAGE Publications Inc. | Q1 |
77 | Communications Biology | 23993642 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
78 | Social Issues and Policy Review | 17512409, 17512395 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
79 | Geoscientific Model Development | 1991959X, 19919603 | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | Q1 |
80 | Energy Research and Social Science | 22146296 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
81 | Public Opinion Quarterly | 0033362X, 15375331 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
82 | Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies | 25781863 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
83 | Information Processing and Management | 18735371, 03064573 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
84 | RSF | 23778253, 23778261 | Russell Sage Foundation | Q1 |
85 | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | 18773435 | Elsevier | Q1 |
86 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 09628436, 14712970 | The Royal Society | Q1 |
87 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 14678276, 00029092 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Q1 |
88 | Acta Geotechnica | 18611125, 18611133 | Springer Verlag | Q1 |
89 | Quarterly Review of Biology | 15397718, 00335770 | University of Chicago | Q1 |
90 | Geotechnique | 17517656, 00168505 | ICE Publishing | Q1 |
91 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | 15736601, 00472891 | Springer New York | Q1 |
92 | Information and Organization | 14717727 | Elsevier Ltd. | Q1 |
93 | Sociological Methodology | 14679531, 00811750 | SAGE Publications Ltd | Q1 |
94 | Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets | 21699100, 21699097 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Q1 |
95 | Ecosystem Services | 22120416 | Elsevier BV | Q1 |
96 | Geoscience Frontiers | 16749871 | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University | Q1 |
97 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 9628452 | The Royal Society | Q1 |
98 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 00189448, 15579654 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Q1 |
99 | Physics of Life Reviews | 18731457, 15710645 | Elsevier | Q1 |
100 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 10881980, 15309290 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
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