List of Q1 journals in Aerospace Engineering

100 Aerospace Engineering Q1 journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherQuartile
1International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control10498923, 10991239John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
2International Journal of Impact Engineering0734743XElsevier Ltd.Q1
3Nonlinear Dynamics0924090X, 1573269XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
4Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics02668920, 18784275Elsevier Ltd.Q1
5Engineering Failure Analysis13506307Elsevier BVQ1
6Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing08883270, 10961216Academic Press Inc.Q1
7International Journal of Mechanical Sciences207403Elsevier Ltd.Q1
8International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing0951192X, 13623052Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
9Transportation Engineering2666691XElsevier Ltd.Q1
10Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science8941777Elsevier Inc.Q1
11International Journal of Engine Research14680874, 20413149SAGE Publications LtdQ1
12International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics2194554World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ1
13IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology00189545, 19399359Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
14Unmanned Systems23013850, 23013869World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte LtdQ1
15Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics15333884, 07315090American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)Q1
16Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations15472450, 15472442Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
17Progress in Aerospace Sciences3760421Elsevier Ltd.Q1
18Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice9658564Elsevier Ltd.Q1
19International Journal of Industrial Organization1677187Elsevier Inc.Q1
20IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems189251Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
21Chinese Journal of Aeronautics10009361Chinese Journal of AeronauticsQ1
22European Accounting Review09638180, 14684497RoutledgeQ1
23IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine8858985Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
24Drones2504446XMDPI AGQ1
25Multibody System Dynamics13845640, 1573272XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
26Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation00281522, 21614296The Institute of Navigation IncQ1
27International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation21650357, 21650349Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
28Curved and Layered Structures23537396De Gruyter Open Ltd.Q1
29Aerospace Science and Technology12709638Elsevier Masson s.r.l.Q1
30Astrodynamics25220098Tsinghua University PressQ1
31Acta Astronautica945765Elsevier Ltd.Q1
32AIAA Journal1533385X, 00011452American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)Q1
33Journal of Aircraft218669American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA)Q1
34Scandinavian Economic History Review03585522, 17502837Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
35Journal of International Trade and Economic Development09638199, 14699559RoutledgeQ1
36Structure and Infrastructure Engineering17448980, 15732479Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
37Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society2539993China Coal SocietyQ1
38Energy18736785, 03605442Elsevier Ltd.Q1
39Engineering20958099Elsevier Ltd.Q1
40Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology25278045, 25281410Universitas Pendidikan IndonesiaQ1
41Minerals Engineering8926875Elsevier Ltd.Q1
42Molecular Systems Design and Engineering20589689Royal Society of ChemistryQ1
43Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering20967187Editorial Office of Journal of Mining and Strata Control EngineeringQ1
44Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications15730409, 09210296Springer NetherlandsQ1
45Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)26766957, 24763055Salehan Institute of Higher EducationQ1
46Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences10183639King Saud UniversityQ1
47Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology10001964China University of Mining and TechnologyQ1
48Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries9504230Elsevier BVQ1
49Biofuel Research Journal22928782Green Wave Publishing of CanadaQ1
50Additive Manufacturing22148604Elsevier BVQ1
51Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development10000747Science PressQ1
52eTransportation25901168Elsevier BVQ1
53China Petroleum Exploration16727703Petroleum Industry PressQ1
54IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification23327782Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
55International Journal of Mining Science and Technology20952686ElsevierQ1
56Geotextiles and Geomembranes2661144Elsevier BVQ1
57Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering7232632Springer-Verlag WienQ1
58IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications00939994, 19399367Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
59Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics10969845, 00988847John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
60Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering20961529Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
61Energy and Buildings3787788Elsevier BVQ1
62Canadian Geotechnical Journal12086010, 00083674National Research Council of CanadaQ1
63Advances in Geo-Energy Research22079963, 2208598XQ1
64ACS Applied Energy Materials25740962American Chemical SocietyQ1
65Applied Thermal Engineering13594311Elsevier Ltd.Q1
66IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society26441284Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
67Systems and Control Letters1676911ElsevierQ1
68Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas Industry10000976Natural Gas Industry Journal AgencyQ1
69Petroleum Exploration and Development18763804ElsevierQ1
70IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering15581691, 03649059Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
71Geosynthetics International10726349, 17517613ICE PublishingQ1
72IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters1545598XInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
73Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering26660164Elsevier Ltd.Q1
74Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering2677261Elsevier BVQ1
75Extreme Mechanics Letters23524316Elsevier Ltd.Q1
76Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering1570761XSpringer NetherlandsQ1
77Transportation Geotechnics22143912Elsevier BVQ1
78Soils and Foundations380806Japanese Geotechnical SocietyQ1
79Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks23524677Elsevier Ltd.Q1
80Georisk17499518, 17499526Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
81Underground Space (China)20962754, 24679674Tongji University PressQ1
82International Journal of Coal Science and Technology21987823, 20958293Springer International Publishing AGQ1
83International Journal of Sustainable Transportation15568334, 15568318Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
84SPE Journal1086055XSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)Q1
85Journal of the Energy Institute17460220, 17439671Elsevier BVQ1
86Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering18755100ElsevierQ1
87IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering26891808Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Q1
88Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles23999802Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q1
89Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering10871357, 15288935The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)Q1
90Elementa23251026University of California PressQ1
91Petroleum Science16725107, 19958226China University of Petroleum BeijingQ1
92IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution17518687, 17518695John Wiley & Sons Inc.Q1
93Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems10001026Automation of Electric Power Systems PressQ1
94Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review08827508, 15477401Taylor and Francis Ltd.Q1
95Mechatronics9574158Elsevier Ltd.Q1
96Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering23350164, 03542025University of NisQ1
97Journal of Advanced Joining Processes26663309Elsevier BVQ1
98Power System Technology10003673Power System Technology PressQ1
99IET Energy Systems Integration25168401John Wiley and Sons LtdQ1
100Journal of Earthquake Engineering13632469, 1559808XTaylor and Francis Ltd.Q1

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