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Journal of agromedicine -Impact Score, Ranking

Journal of agromedicine ranking
Journal Rank9218
Impact Score1.93

About Journal of agromedicine

Journal of agromedicine is a reputed research journal publish the research in the field/area related to Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2). It is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. The journal has an h-index of 37. The overall rank of this journal is 9218. The more details like ISSN, Journal Quartile, SJR Score, ISSN, and other important details are provided in the following section.

Important Metrics

Journal TitleJournal of Agromedicine
PublisherTaylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN1059924X, 15450813
CountryUnited States
Online Submission Submit

Journal of agromedicine Impact Score 2024

The latest impact score of Journal of agromedicine is 1.93.

Credit & Source: Scopus.

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