This web page aims to provide a list of free Immunology and Microbiology journals. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed).
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Country of Publisher |
1 | AIMS Allergy and Immunology | , 2575-615X | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | United States |
2 | Exploration of Immunology | , 2768-6655 | Open Exploration Publishing Inc. | China |
3 | Muthanna Medical Journal | 2226-146X, 2410-4590 | Al Muthanna University | Iraq |
4 | ImmunoAnalysis | , 2783-2589 | Tabriz University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
5 | Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy | , 2789-4274 | Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco | Peru |
6 | Journal of Biomedical Science | 1021-7770, 1423-0127 | BMC | United Kingdom |
7 | Mìkrobìologìâ ì Bìotehnologìâ | 2076-0558, 2307-4663 | Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University | Ukraine |
8 | Biotecnología Aplicada | 0864-4551, 1027-2852 | Elfos Scientiae | Cuba |
9 | Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии | 0372-9311, 2686-7613 | Central Research Institute for Epidemiology | Russian Federation |
10 | Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | 0074-0276, 1678-8060 | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) | Brazil |
11 | Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | 0204-9155, 2815-2808 | National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | Bulgaria |
12 | Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist | 2597-3681, 2614-2805 | Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya | Indonesia |
13 | Journal of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 2345-5349, 2345-5330 | Pasteur Institute of Iran | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
14 | Kasmera | 0075-5222, 2477-9628 | Universidad del Zulia,Facultad de Medicina,Departamento de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
15 | Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции | 2227-8834, 2619-0982 | N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources | Russian Federation |
16 | RUDN Journal of Medicine | 2313-0245, 2313-0261 | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | Russian Federation |
17 | Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Біологія | 2075-5457, 2220-9697 | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University | Ukraine |
18 | Revista Venezolana de Salud Pública | 2343-5526, 2343-5534 | Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
19 | Indian Journal of Animal Sciences | 0367-8318, 2394-3327 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | India |
20 | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 2305-0500, 2305-0519 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
21 | Mimbar Pendidikan: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan | , 2503-457X | UPI Press | Indonesia |
22 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) | 0125-3395, | Prince of Songkla University | Thailand |
23 | علوم و فناوری رنگ | 1735-8779, 2383-2169 | Institute for Color Science and Technology | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
24 | Jurnal Biota | 2528-262X, 2460-7746 | Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang | Indonesia |
25 | Zemljište i biljka | 0514-6658, 2560-4279 | Serbian Soil Science Society, Belgrade | Serbia |
26 | VacciMonitor | 1025-028X, 1025-0298 | Finlay Ediciones | Cuba |
27 | Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium | 2338-5634, 2580-0191 | Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta | Indonesia |
28 | Revista Cubana de Reumatología | 1606-5581, 1817-5996 | Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas | Cuba |
29 | Revista Cubana de Endocrinología | 0864-4462, 1561-2953 | Editorial Ciencias Médicas | Cuba |
30 | Аллергология и Иммунология в Педиатрии | 2500-1175, 2712-7958 | Association of Paediatric Allergists and Immunologists of Russia (APAIR) | Russian Federation |
31 | Saintika Medika | 0216-759X, 2614-476X | Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang | Indonesia |
32 | Lung India | 0970-2113, 0974-598X | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
33 | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | , 2352-4146 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
34 | Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia | , 1561-2996 | Editorial Ciencias Médicas | Cuba |
35 | Journal of Cancer and Allied Specialties | , 2411-989X | Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust | Pakistan |
36 | ISCC (Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention) | 2088-0197, 2355-8989 | Indonesian Society for Cancer Chemoprevention | Indonesia |
37 | International Biological and Biomedical Journal | , 2423-4478 | 1001 Medical Association | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
38 | Journal of Dental Biomaterial | 2383-3971, 2383-398X | Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
39 | Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal | , 2468-1245 | Elsevier | India |
40 | Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine | 2468-8398, 2455-8893 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
41 | European Medical Journal Allergy & Immunology | , 2398-9130 | European Medical Journal | United Kingdom |
42 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology | 0019-5189, 0975-1009 | CSIR-NIScPR | India |
43 | Indian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology | 0972-6691, 2320-4745 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
44 | Pathogens and Immunity | , 2469-2964 | Case Western Reserve University | United States |
45 | Comptes Rendus Biologies | , 1768-3238 | Académie des sciences | France |
46 | Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University | 1110-0931, 2090-9101 | Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University | Egypt |
47 | Archives of Advances in Biosciences | , 2783-1264 | SBMU Journals | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
48 | Журнал медико-биологических исследований | 2542-1298, 2687-1491 | Northern (Arctic) Federal University | Russian Federation |
49 | Український Журнал Нефрології та Діалізу | 2304-0238, 2616-7352 | State Institution «Institute of Nephrology NAMS of Ukraine" | Ukraine |
50 | Надежность и качество сложных систем | 2307-4205, | Penza State University Publishing House | Russian Federation |
51 | European Papers | , 2499-8249 | European Papers ( | Italy |
52 | Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2423-1398, 2408-3755 | Center for Policy, Research and Development Studies | Philippines |
53 | Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health | , 2345-4792 | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
54 | Amorti | , 2962-9209 | Yayasan Azhar Amanaa Yogyakarta | Indonesia |
55 | Journal of Management Science and Engineering | 2096-2320, 2589-5532 | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | China |
56 | Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki | 2226-1494, 2500-0373 | Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) | Russian Federation |
57 | Apuntes de Bioética | , 2663-4910 | Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Instituto de Bioética | Peru |
58 | تحقیقات تولیدات دامی | 2252-0872, 2538-6107 | University of Guilan | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
59 | Egyptian Journal of Petroleum | 1110-0621, | Elsevier | Egypt |
60 | Revista Cuestiones Económicas | 2477-9059, 2697-3367 | Banco Central del Ecuador | Ecuador |
61 | Margalla Papers | 1999-2297, 2789-7028 | National Defence University, Islamabad | Pakistan |
62 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | 1985-3157, | Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | Malaysia |
63 | Human-Centric Intelligent Systems | , 2667-1336 | Springer Nature | Netherlands |
64 | RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics | 2313-2299, 2411-1236 | Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | Russian Federation |
65 | Jurnal Sains Teknologi Transportasi Maritim | 2684-9135, 2722-1679 | LPPM AKMI SUAKA BAHARI CIREBON | Indonesia |
66 | Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi | 1300-932X, | Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi | Türkiye |
67 | Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial | 1692-3561, 1909-9959 | Universidad del Cauca | Colombia |
68 | Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials | , 2147-673X | Galenos Yayinevi | Türkiye |
69 | Virus Reviews & Research | 1519-2563, 2357-9323 | Sociedade Brasileira de Virologia | Brazil |
70 | Biopropal Industri | 2089-0877, 2502-2962 | Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak | Indonesia |
71 | Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2012-8169, 2448-9654 | Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology | Sri Lanka |
72 | Acta Scientiarum: Biological Sciences | 1679-9283, 1807-863X | Universidade Estadual de Maringá | Brazil |
73 | Tropical Life Sciences Research | 1985-3718, 2180-4249 | Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia | Malaysia |
74 | EMJ Microbiology & Infectious Diseases | , 2732-5326 | European Medical Journal | United Kingdom |
75 | NOVA | 1794-2470, | Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca | Colombia |
76 | Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society | 2072-9294, 2072-9308 | Selva Andina Research Society | Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
77 | Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology | 1735-8612, 2345-4342 | Farname | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
78 | Al-Hayat | 2654-3702, 2622-0725 | Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang | Indonesia |
79 | Проблемы особо опасных инфекций | 0370-1069, 2658-719X | Federal Government Health Institution, Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe” | Russian Federation |
80 | Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress | 0854-6177, 2597-9388 | Indonesian Association of Food Technologists | Indonesia |
81 | Microbiologia Medica | , 2280-6423 | PAGEPress Publications | Italy |
82 | Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research | , 2755-1652 | Hindawi - Hangzhou Aimeida BioTech | United Kingdom |
83 | Revista Española de Quimioterapia | 0214-3429, 1988-9518 | Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia | Spain |
84 | Food ScienTech Journal | 2685-4279, 2715-422X | Department of Food Technology | Indonesia |
85 | Журнал инфектологии | 2072-6732, | Journal Infectology | Russian Federation |
86 | Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri | 2354-7936, 2685-2861 | Universitas Brawijaya, Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Agricultural Technology Faculty | Indonesia |
87 | Advances in Food Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Agroindustrial Engineering | , 2622-5921 | Universitas Brawijaya, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian | Indonesia |
88 | Ciencia & Salud | , 2215-4949 | University of Medical Sciences of Central America | Costa Rica |
89 | Medical Laboratory Journal | , 2538-4449 | Golestan University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
90 | Advances in Human Biology | 2321-8568, 2348-4691 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
91 | Borneo Journal of Pharmacy | , 2621-4814 | Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya | Indonesia |
92 | Biotik: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi dan Kependidikan | 2337-9812, 2549-1768 | Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry | Indonesia |
93 | یافتههای نوین در علوم زیستی | 2423-6330, 2476-7115 | Kharazmi University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
94 | Revista CENIC. Ciencias Biológicas | 0253-5688, 2221-2450 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas | Cuba |
95 | ICIDCA Sobre los Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar | 1727-0286, 2410-8529 | Icidca | Cuba |
96 | Journal of Pathology of Nepal | 2091-0797, 2091-0908 | Association of Clinical Pathologists of Nepal | Nepal |
97 | Stress Biology | , 2731-0450 | Springer | Singapore |
98 | Revista Biomédica | 0188-493X, 2007-8447 | Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán | Mexico |
99 | Iranian Biomedical Journal | 1028-852X, 2008-823X | Pasteur Institute of Iran | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
100 | Jurnal Teknologi Pangan | 1978-4163, 2654-5292 | Department of Food Technology | Indonesia |
Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of free publishing Immunology and Microbiology journals will help you to choose reputed journals.