This web page aims to provide a list of free Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology journals. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed).
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | Country of Publisher |
1 | Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции | 2500-0462, 2500-3259 | Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics, The Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders | Russian Federation |
2 | Journal of Experimental and Molecular Biology | , 2601-6974 | "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași | Romania |
3 | Avicenna Journal of Medical Biochemistry | , 2345-4113 | Hamadan University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
4 | Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics | 1110-8630, 2090-2441 | SpringerOpen | United Kingdom |
5 | Molecular Vision | , 1090-0535 | Molecular Vision | United States |
6 | BioEksakta | , 2714-8564 | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman | Indonesia |
7 | MCBS (Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Sciences) | 2527-4384, 2527-3442 | Cell and BioPharmaceutical Institute | Indonesia |
8 | Journal of Biomedical Science | 1021-7770, 1423-0127 | BMC | United Kingdom |
9 | Bioscientific Review | 2663-4198, 2663-4201 | University of Management and Technology | Pakistan |
10 | سلول و بافت | 2228-7035, 2345-3567 | Arak university | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
11 | REBIOL | , 2313-3171 | Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo | Peru |
12 | Highlights in BioScience | , 2682-4043 | International Library of Sciences | Egypt |
13 | Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции | 2227-8834, 2619-0982 | N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources | Russian Federation |
14 | Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica | 1335-258X, 1336-9245 | Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra | Slovakia |
15 | Sri Lankan Journal of Biology | 2513-2245, 2550-3340 | Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
16 | European Journal of Biology | 2602-2575, 2618-6144 | Istanbul University Press | Türkiye |
17 | Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya | , 2655-9927 | Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya | Indonesia |
18 | Scripta Biologica | , 2355-3138 | Jenderal Soedirman University | Indonesia |
19 | International Biological and Biomedical Journal | , 2423-4478 | 1001 Medical Association | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
20 | Filosofia e História da Biologia | 1983-053X, 2178-6224 | University of São Paulo (USP) / Brazilian Association of Philosophy and History of Biology (ABFHiB) | Brazil |
21 | Биотехнология и селекция растений | 2658-6266, 2658-6258 | N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources | Russian Federation |
22 | Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding | 2322-3332, 2322-5092 | Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute of Tabarestan | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
23 | Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія Біологія | 2075-5457, 2220-9697 | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University | Ukraine |
24 | International Journal of Medical Biochemistry | 2587-2362, 2618-642X | KARE Publishing | Türkiye |
25 | Actualidades Biológicas | 0304-3584, 2145-7166 | Universidad de Antioquia | Colombia |
26 | Біологічні студії | 1996-4536, 2311-0783 | Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка | Ukraine |
27 | Comptes Rendus Biologies | , 1768-3238 | Académie des sciences | France |
28 | Medicinski Podmladak | 0369-1527, 2466-5525 | University of Belgrade, Medical Faculty | Serbia |
29 | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | , 2352-4146 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
30 | Biomedical Research Journal | 2349-3666, 2349-3674 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
31 | Nepal Journal of Biotechnology | 2091-1130, 2467-9313 | Biotechnology Society of Nepal | Nepal |
32 | Baghdad Journal of Biochemistry and Applied Biological Sciences | , 2706-9915 | College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University | Iraq |
33 | The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal | 2409-4943, 2413-5003 | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry | Ukraine |
34 | Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Kỹ thuật và Công nghệ | 2734-9322, 2734-9594 | HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE | Viet Nam |
35 | Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science - Engineering and Technology | 2734-9330, 2734-9608 | HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE | Viet Nam |
36 | Journal of Cell and Molecular Research | 2008-9147, 2717-3364 | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
37 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology | 0019-5189, 0975-1009 | CSIR-NIScPR | India |
38 | Pigment International | 2349-5782, 2349-5847 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
39 | یافتههای نوین در علوم زیستی | 2423-6330, 2476-7115 | Kharazmi University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
40 | Molecular Biomedicine | , 2662-8651 | Springer | Switzerland |
41 | Интегративная физиология | , 2687-1270 | Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia | Russian Federation |
42 | Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Biologie - Biologie Lehren und Lernen | , 2627-7255 | Bielefeld University | Germany |
43 | Biotik: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi dan Kependidikan | 2337-9812, 2549-1768 | Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry | Indonesia |
44 | Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease | , 2633-0040 | SAGE Publishing | United Kingdom |
45 | تحقیقات تولیدات دامی | 2252-0872, 2538-6107 | University of Guilan | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
46 | بیولوژی کاربردی | , 2538-3434 | Qom Islamic Azad University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
47 | Journal of Oasis Agriculture and Sustainable Development | 2724-699X, 2724-7007 | Arid regions institute | Tunisia |
48 | Juvenis Scientia | 2414-3782, 2414-3790 | Scientia Publishing House | Russian Federation |
49 | Advances in Human Biology | 2321-8568, 2348-4691 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
50 | Письма в Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции | , 2686-8482 | Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Федеральный исследовательский центр Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук» | Russian Federation |
51 | Историко-биологические исследования | 2076-8176, 2500-1221 | Russian Academy of Sciences, S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology | Russian Federation |
52 | Journal of Clinical and Basic Research | , 2538-3736 | Golestan University Of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
53 | Journal of Sport and Health Science | 2095-2546, | Elsevier | China |
54 | Acta Biologica | 2450-8330, 2353-3013 | Szczecin University Press | Poland |
55 | Plant Diversity | , 2468-2659 | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | China |
56 | Revista Colombiana de Endocrinología, Diabetes y Metabolismo | 2389-9786, 2805-5853 | Asociación Colombiana de Endocrinología | Colombia |
57 | AIMS Genetics | , 2377-1143 | AIMS Press | United States |
58 | Genetics & Applications | 2566-2937, 2566-431X | University of Sarajevo, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
59 | Global Medical Genetics | , 2699-9404 | Georg Thieme Verlag KG | Germany |
60 | Biotecnología Aplicada | 0864-4551, 1027-2852 | Elfos Scientiae | Cuba |
61 | Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences | , 1658-077X | Elsevier | Saudi Arabia |
62 | Journal of Medical Science | 2353-9798, 2353-9801 | Poznan University of Medical Sciences | Poland |
63 | Media Kedokteran Hewan | 0215-8930, 2775-975X | Universitas Airlangga | Indonesia |
64 | Acta Agriculturae Slovenica | 1581-9175, 1854-1941 | University of Ljubljana Press (Založba Univerze v Ljubljani) | Slovenia |
65 | Тваринництво Степу України | 2786-6750, 2786-6769 | Черчель Владислав Юрійович | Ukraine |
66 | Silva Balcanica | 1311-8706, 2815-2549 | Pensoft Publishers | Bulgaria |
67 | Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología | 0329-8922, 1851-7587 | Universidad Nacional de Misiones | Argentina |
68 | Biologica Nyssana | 2217-4478, 2217-4605 | University of Niš | Serbia |
69 | Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society | 2072-9294, 2072-9308 | Selva Andina Research Society | Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
70 | Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Medico-Biologiche | , 1828-6550 | Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti | Italy |
71 | 운동과학 | 1226-1726, 2384-0544 | The Korean Society of Exercise Physiology | Korea, Republic of |
72 | Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids | 2272-6977, 2257-6614 | EDP Sciences | France |
73 | Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides | 1258-8210, 1950-697X | EDP Sciences | France |
74 | Journal of Taibah University for Science | , 1658-3655 | Taylor & Francis Group | United Kingdom |
75 | Endocrine Regulations | , 1336-0329 | Sciendo | Poland |
76 | German Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials | 2750-624X, 2750-6258 | German Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials | Germany |
77 | BAG. Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics | , 1852-6233 | Sociedad Argentina de Genética | Argentina |
78 | Journal of Cotton Research | 2096-5044, 2523-3254 | BMC | United Kingdom |
79 | Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | , 2717-0071 | Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
80 | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology | , 2538-4635 | West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
81 | Biolinguistics | , 1450-3417 | PsychOpen GOLD/ Leibniz Institute for Psychology | Germany |
82 | Вестник хирургии имени И.И. Грекова | 0042-4625, | Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University | Russian Federation |
83 | VacciMonitor | 1025-028X, 1025-0298 | Finlay Ediciones | Cuba |
84 | International Aquatic Research | 2008-4935, 2008-6970 | Islamic Azad University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
85 | Research in Molecular Medicine | 2322-1348, 2322-133X | Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
86 | Al-Hayat | 2654-3702, 2622-0725 | Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang | Indonesia |
87 | Журнал инфектологии | 2072-6732, | Journal Infectology | Russian Federation |
88 | Molecular Biology & Nanomedicine | , 2707-4692 | Techland Publishing Group Limited | Hong Kong |
89 | Archives of Razi Institute | 0365-3439, 2008-9872 | Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
90 | Folia Veterinaria | , 2453-7837 | Sciendo | Poland |
91 | Iranian Biomedical Journal | 1028-852X, 2008-823X | Pasteur Institute of Iran | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
92 | Annals of Pediatric Cardiology | 0974-2069, 0974-5149 | Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications | India |
93 | Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica | 1338-6905, 1339-004X | SciCell s.r.o. | Slovakia |
94 | Blood Science | , 2543-6368 | Wolters Kluwer Health | United States |
95 | Plant and Fungal Systematics | 2544-7459, 2657-5000 | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland |
96 | Laimburg Journal | , 2612-2693 | Laimburg Research Centre | Italy |
97 | Journal of Wildlife and Parks | 0127-8126, | Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia | Malaysia |
98 | Poultry Science Journal | 2345-6604, 2345-6566 | Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
99 | Mimbar Pendidikan: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan | , 2503-457X | UPI Press | Indonesia |
100 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) | 0125-3395, | Prince of Songkla University | Thailand |
Thanks for visting our website. We hope that the List of free publishing Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology journals will help you to choose reputed journals.