List of Environmental Science Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of Environmental Science journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.

100 Environmental Science journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

List of Environmental Science journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherSJR
1Environmental Geochemistry and Health15732983, 02694042Springer Netherlands0.925
2Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment14363259, 14363240Springer New York0.814
3Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy19447450, 19447442John Wiley & Sons Inc.0.507
4Journal of Environmental Sciences10010742, 18787320Chinese Academy of Sciences1.392
5Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering26660164Elsevier Ltd.1.256
6Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE07339372, 19437870American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)0.498
7Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment15987132, 23835346Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment0.264
8WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development17905079, 22243496World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society0.23
9Huanjing Kexue Xuebao / Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae2532468Science Press0.191
10Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science1496256X, 14962551ICE Publishing0.179
11Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering24234583, 24236292Hamadan University of Medical Sciences0.143
12Chemosphere456535Elsevier Ltd.1.727
13Global Biogeochemical Cycles08866236, 19449224Wiley-Blackwell2.19
14Land Degradation and Development1099145X, 10853278John Wiley and Sons Ltd1.145
15Journal of Aerosol Science18791964, 00218502Elsevier Ltd.0.966
16ACS Environmental Au26942518American Chemical Society0.858
17River Research and Applications15351459, 15351467John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.704
18Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE19435584, 10840699American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)0.569
19International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry10290397, 03067319Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.353
20Climate Research16161572, 0936577XInter-Research0.35
21Journal of Ecological Engineering22998993, 2081139XPolskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej0.32
22Revista Ambiente e Agua1980993XInstituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrograficas (IPABHi)0.229
23Earozoru Kenkyu1881543X, 09122834Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology0.146
24Global Change Biology13652486, 13541013Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd4.069
25Resources, Environment and Sustainability26669161Elsevier BV2.306
26Environmental Science and Ecotechnology26664984Elsevier BV2.247
27Environmental Research Letters17489326IOP Publishing Ltd.2.119
28Groundwater for Sustainable Development2352801XElsevier BV1.08
29Cleaner Environmental Systems26667894Elsevier Ltd.0.97
30Environmental Advances26667657Elsevier BV0.9
31Cleaner and Responsible Consumption26667843Elsevier BV0.719
32Coastal Management08920753, 15210421Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.69
33Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2052336XSpringer International Publishing AG0.641
34Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences19438168, 1943815XTaylor and Francis Ltd.0.621
35Wetlands19436246, 02775212Springer Netherlands0.586
36Journal of Hydro-Environment Research15706443Elsevier0.565
37Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management23833866, 23833572GJESM Publication0.555
38Water, Air, and Soil Pollution00496979, 15732932Springer Netherlands0.545
39Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste21535493, 21535515American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)0.54
40Water Resources Protection10046933Hohai University0.54
41Geomicrobiology Journal01490451, 15210529Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.531
42Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics11877863Springer Netherlands0.522
43Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies10256016, 14772639Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.484
44Polar Research17518369, 08000395Norwegian Polar Institute0.483
45Cogent Environmental Science23311843Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.478
46Environmental Geotechnics2051803XICE Publishing0.435
47Mountain Research and Development2764741International Mountain Society0.42
48Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health19338244Heldref Publications0.409
49Polish Journal of Environmental Studies12301485HARD0.362
50Environmental Health Engineering and Management24233765, 24234311Kerman University of Medical Sciences0.312
51Journal of Green Building19434618, 15526100College Publishing0.312
52Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater1828454X, 22806458PagePress Publications0.282
53Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions16743822Science Press0.273
54Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology27197050Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii Ekologicznej0.22
55Advances in Environmental Technology24764779, 24766674Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology0.172
56International Journal of Environment and Health17434963, 17434955Inderscience Enterprises Ltd0.148
57Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering16739108Science Press0.143
58Journal of Hazardous Materials3043894Elsevier2.57
59Sustainable Production and Consumption23525509Elsevier BV2.029
60Science of the Total Environment00489697, 18791026Elsevier1.946
61Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health24685844Elsevier BV1.508
62Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters26669110Elsevier BV1.35
63Process Safety and Environmental Protection17443598, 09575820Institution of Chemical Engineers1.338
64Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts20507887, 20507895Royal Society of Chemistry1.299
65Indoor Air09056947, 16000668Blackwell Munksgaard1.211
66Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy1618954XSpringer Verlag0.862
67Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering23656387, 23656379Springer International Publishing AG0.687
68Biodegradation09239820, 15729729Springer Netherlands0.677
69International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology17351472CEERS0.6
70Ozone: Science and Engineering01919512, 15476545Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.486
71Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology21523878John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.483
72Detritus26114127, 26114135Cisa Publisher - Eurowaste Srl0.411
73Applied Environmental Biotechnology23826436, 24249092Urban Development Scientific Publishing Pte. Ltd.0.406
74Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S18986196De Gruyter Open Ltd.0.355
75Journal of Chemical Health Risks22516719, 22516727Islamic Azad University0.164
76Chemistry, Didactics, Ecology, Metrology16409019, 20844506Sciendo0.162
77Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders25085948Korean Association of Speech-Language Pathologists0.156
78Waste Forum18040195Czech Environment Management Center0.148
79Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development24767433, 24766267Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences0.139
80Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A18986188, 265777980.103
81Journal of the IEST10984321Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology0.102
82Eurasian Journal of Soil Science21474249Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies0.315
83Bio-based and Applied Economics22806180, 22806172Firenze University Press0.313
84BioRisk13132644, 13132652Pensoft Publishers0.297
85Agrociencia14053195, 25219766Colegio de Postgraduados0.16
86Energy and Environmental Materials25750348, 25750356John Wiley & Sons Inc.4.338
87Environmental Technology and Innovation23521864Elsevier BV1.157
88Frontiers in Marine Science22967745Frontiers Media S.A.1.122
89Environmental Research Communications25157620IOP Publishing Ltd.0.894
90Human Ecology15729915, 03007839Springer Science + Business Media0.63
91Global Governance10752846, 19426720Brill Academic Publishers0.448
92Journal of Aging and Environment26892618, 26892626Routledge0.438
93Arid Zone Research10014675Springer Science + Business Media0.279
94Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences00750530, 24100862University of Baghdad, College of Agriculture0.279
95Journal of Irrigation and Drainage16723317Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences0.255
96International Journal on Food System Dynamics18696945CENTMA Research0.251
97Membrane Technology9582118MA Healthcare Ltd0.201
98Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal22998624Politechnika Lubelska0.185
99Nativa23187670Federal University of Mato Grosso0.169
100Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences19951302, 24150584University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore0.108

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