This web page aims to provide a list of English Literature journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 English Literature journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Criminology and Public Policy | 17459133, 15386473 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.737 |
2 | Men and Masculinities | 1097184X | SAGE Publications Inc. | 1.397 |
3 | Plant Phenomics | 26436515 | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 1.341 |
4 | Poetics | 0304422X | Elsevier | 1.173 |
5 | Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice | 0907676X, 17476623 | Routledge | 1.066 |
6 | Journal of Writing Research | 22943307, 20301006 | University of Antwerp | 1.059 |
7 | Written Communication | 7410883 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0.916 |
8 | Translation Spaces(Netherland) | 22113711, 2211372X | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.848 |
9 | South Atlantic Quarterly | 382876 | Duke University Press | 0.697 |
10 | Journal of Roman Studies | 754358 | Cambridge University Press | 0.607 |
11 | Acta Linguistica Academica | 25598201 | Akademiai Kiado | 0.592 |
12 | Empirical Studies of the Arts | 2762374 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0.575 |
13 | College Composition and Communication | 0010096X | National Council of Teachers of English | 0.568 |
14 | Latin American Research Review | 00238791, 15424278 | Cambridge University Press | 0.548 |
15 | American Journal of Philology | 10863168, 00029475 | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.519 |
16 | Anales Cervantinos | 05699878, 19888325 | CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | 0.484 |
17 | Translation and Interpreting | 18369324 | School of Humanities and Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney | 0.474 |
18 | Translation and Interpreting Studies | 19322798, 18762700 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.462 |
19 | Revista Tradumatica | 15787559 | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | 0.45 |
20 | English in Education | 17548845, 04250494 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.447 |
21 | Brumal | 20147910 | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | 0.445 |
22 | Narrative | 1538974X, 10633685 | Ohio State University Press | 0.406 |
23 | Journal of Biblical Literature | 19343876, 00219231 | Society of Biblical Literature | 0.394 |
24 | Journal of African Cultural Studies | 13696815 | Routledge | 0.39 |
25 | Narrative Inquiry | 13876740 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.363 |
26 | Speculum | 20408072, 00387134 | University of Chicago Press | 0.362 |
27 | Rhetoric Review | 07350198, 15327981 | Routledge | 0.361 |
28 | New Voices in Translation Studies | 18195644 | 0.359 | |
29 | L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature | 15731731, 15676617 | International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) | 0.356 |
30 | Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities | 0969725X, 14692899 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.355 |
31 | Vetus Testamentum | 15685330, 00424935 | Brill Academic Publishers | 0.352 |
32 | Journal of Germanic Linguistics | 14753014, 14705427 | Cambridge University Press | 0.346 |
33 | International Journal of English Studies | 15787044 | Universidad de Murcia | 0.34 |
34 | New Literary History | 00286087, 1080661X | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.34 |
35 | Studies in English Language and Education | 24610275, 23552794 | Syiah Kuala University | 0.34 |
36 | Poetics Today | 3335372 | Duke University Press | 0.323 |
37 | Journal for the Study of Judaism | 15700631, 00472212 | Brill Academic Publishers | 0.32 |
38 | Research in Drama Education | 1470112X, 13569783 | Routledge | 0.318 |
39 | Bulletin of the Comediantes | 75108 | Auburn University | 0.315 |
40 | Revista de Literatura | 19884192, 0034849X | CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | 0.313 |
41 | Performance Measurement and Metrics | 14678047 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.312 |
42 | GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies | 16758021 | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press | 0.309 |
43 | International Journal of Arabic-English Studies | 16800982 | Librairie du Liban Publishers | 0.309 |
44 | OCNOS | 1885446X | Universidad de Castilla la Mancha | 0.304 |
45 | a/b: Auto/Biography Studies | 21517290 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.302 |
46 | eTropic | 14482940 | James Cook University | 0.3 |
47 | Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya: Istoriya, Filologiya | 18187919 | Novosibirsk State University | 0.289 |
48 | American literature; a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography | 15272117, 00029831 | Duke University Press | 0.287 |
49 | Neophilologus | 15728668, 00282677 | Springer Netherlands | 0.286 |
50 | 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature | 01285157, 25502247 | Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | 0.283 |
51 | Novel | 295132 | Duke University Press | 0.283 |
52 | FORUM (Netherlands) | 15987647, 2451909X | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.281 |
53 | Revista Signos | 00350451, 07180934 | Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaiso | 0.281 |
54 | Language and Literature | 09639470, 14617293 | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0.278 |
55 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature | 20090048, 00358991 | Royal Irish Academy | 0.278 |
56 | Children's Literature in Education | 456713 | Springer Netherlands | 0.277 |
57 | Journal of Cultural Analytics | 23714549 | Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, McGill University | 0.277 |
58 | Anuario Lope de Vega | 20148860 | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | 0.275 |
59 | Ikala | 1233432 | Publishing University of Antioquia | 0.273 |
60 | Signa | 22549307, 11333634 | Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED | 0.272 |
61 | Spanish in Context | 15710718, 15710726 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.27 |
62 | Irish Studies Review | 9670882 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.269 |
63 | Mongolian Studies | 25001523, 27128059 | Kalmyk Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences | 0.268 |
64 | Scripta Classica Israelica | 3344509 | Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies | 0.263 |
65 | Quaestio Rossica | 2311911X, 23136871 | Ural Federal University | 0.262 |
66 | Slavisticna Revija | 3506894 | Slavisticna Drustvo Slovenije | 0.262 |
67 | Small Axe | 15346714, 07990537 | Duke University Press | 0.261 |
68 | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Yazyk i Literatura | 25419366, 25419358 | Saint Petersburg State University | 0.261 |
69 | International Journal of Language Education | 25488457, 25488465 | Universitas Negeri Makassar- Faculty of Languages and Literature | 0.26 |
70 | Sartre Studies International | 13571559, 15585476 | Berghahn Journals | 0.258 |
71 | Semiotica | 00371998, 16133692 | De Gruyter Mouton | 0.258 |
72 | Language and Dialogue | 22104127, 22104119 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0.254 |
73 | Journal of Islamic Studies | 09552340, 14716917 | Oxford University Press | 0.252 |
74 | Keel ja Kirjandus | 1311441 | Foundation Kultuurileht | 0.252 |
75 | Boletin de Filologia | 07189303, 00679674 | Universidad de Chile | 0.25 |
76 | Asian Studies | 22325131, 23504226 | University of Ljubljana | 0.248 |
77 | Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion | 23404981, 16977750 | Universitat Jaume I | 0.246 |
78 | Anthropology and Humanism | 15481409, 15599167 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 0.245 |
79 | Studies in East European Thought | 15730948, 09259392 | Springer Netherlands | 0.245 |
80 | Victorian Studies | 15272052, 00425222 | Indiana University Press | 0.245 |
81 | Journal of Hellenic Studies | 754269 | Cambridge University Press | 0.242 |
82 | Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Filologiya | 19986645, 23105046 | Tomsk State University | 0.242 |
83 | Irish University Review | 00211427, 20472153 | Edinburgh University Press | 0.239 |
84 | Journal of Postcolonial Writing | 17449863, 17449855 | Routledge | 0.239 |
85 | Critique - Studies in Contemporary Fiction | 00111619, 19399138 | Routledge | 0.237 |
86 | Journal of World Literature | 24056472, 24056480 | Brill Academic Publishers | 0.237 |
87 | Style | 394238 | Northern Illinois University, Department of English | 0.236 |
88 | Renaissance Quarterly | 19350236, 00344338 | University of Chicago Press | 0.233 |
89 | Cambridge Classical Journal | 17502705, 2047993X | Cambridge University Press | 0.231 |
90 | Life Writing | 14484528, 17512964 | Routledge | 0.231 |
91 | Journal of Mekong Societies | 26976056, 16866541 | Khon Kaen University | 0.227 |
92 | Studies in the Age of Chaucer | 19490755, 01902407 | New Chaucer Society | 0.227 |
93 | American Literary History | 14684365, 08967148 | Oxford University Press | 0.226 |
94 | New Writing | 14790726, 19433107 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.226 |
95 | Studia Litterarum | 25004247, 25418564 | Russian Academy of Sciences-A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature | 0.226 |
96 | International Journal of Education and the Arts | 15298094 | Pennsylvania State University Libraries | 0.224 |
97 | Revista de Poetica Medieval | 2660891X, 11378905 | Alcala University | 0.224 |
98 | Studien zur Deutschen Sprache und Literatur | 26199890, 13039407 | Istanbul University Faculty of Letters | 0.224 |
99 | Atlantic Studies : Global Currents | 14788810, 17404649 | Routledge | 0.223 |
100 | Slavia Centralis | 23858753, 18556302 | Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor | 0.223 |
101 | Kritika i Semiotika | 23071737, 23071753 | Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | 0.219 |
102 | Perinola | 11386363 | Universidad de Navarra | 0.218 |
103 | RILCE | 2132370 | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad De Navarra | 0.218 |
104 | Theatre Journal | 01922882, 1086332X | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.218 |
105 | Literature Compass | 17414113 | Wiley-Blackwell | 0.217 |
106 | Text and Performance Quarterly | 10462937 | Routledge | 0.217 |
107 | | 19896425 | Instituto Universitario La Corte en Europa"" | 0.216 |
108 | Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies | 20030924 | Lund University, Centre for Languages and Literature | 0.216 |
109 | Estudos Historicos | 01032186, 21781494 | Fundacao Getulio Vargas | 0.211 |
110 | Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics | 21504857, 21504865 | Routledge | 0.211 |
111 | American Imago | 10857931, 0065860X | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.21 |
112 | Hipogrifo | 23281308 | Universidad de Navarra | 0.21 |
113 | Studia Aurea | 24626813, 19881088 | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | 0.21 |
114 | Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics | 23138912 | Belgorod State National Research University | 0.209 |
115 | Transactions of the American Philological Association | 03605949, 15330699 | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.209 |
116 | Boletin de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua | 27082644, 05676002 | Academia Peruana de La Lengua | 0.208 |
117 | Byzantinische Zeitschrift | 00077704, 18689027 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 0.207 |
118 | Revista de Literatura Medieval | 11303611 | Universidad de Alcala de Henares, Departamento de Filologia | 0.207 |
119 | Literator | 2582279 | AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0.206 |
120 | Modern Drama | 00267694, 17125286 | University of Toronto Press | 0.206 |
121 | Modern Language Quarterly | 267929 | Duke University Press | 0.206 |
122 | Studies in American Humor | 23339934, 0095280X | Penn State University Press | 0.205 |
123 | Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures | 19946953, 23048069 | Yarmouk University | 0.204 |
124 | PMLA | 308129 | Cambridge University Press | 0.204 |
125 | Islamic Africa | 2333262X, 21540993 | Brill Academic Publishers | 0.203 |
126 | Logos: Revista de Linguistica, Filosofia y Literatura | 07167520, 07193262 | Universidad de la Serena,Departamento de Artes y Letras | 0.203 |
127 | Jezik in Slovstvo | 00216933, 15813754 | Slavisticno drustvo v Ljubljani | 0.202 |
128 | English Language Notes | 138282 | University of Colorado | 0.201 |
129 | Victorian Literature and Culture | 10601503, 14701553 | Cambridge University Press | 0.2 |
130 | Revista Transilvania | 2550539 | Complexul National Muzeal Astra Sibiu | 0.199 |
131 | ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries | 15818918, 23860316 | Ljubljana University Press | 0.198 |
132 | International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies | 23060646, 23069910 | Asian Economic and Social Society | 0.198 |
133 | World Literature Studies | 13379275, 13379690 | Ustav svetovej literatury SAV | 0.198 |
134 | Letonica | 14073110 | Latvian University | 0.196 |
135 | Deleuze and Guattari Studies | 23989777, 23989785 | Edinburgh University Press | 0.195 |
136 | Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies | 3070131 | Cambridge University Press | 0.194 |
137 | Classical Quarterly | 00098388, 14716844 | Cambridge University Press | 0.194 |
138 | ELH - English Literary History | 10806547, 00138304 | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0.193 |
139 | ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment | 10760962, 17591090 | The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) | 0.192 |
140 | De Medio Aevo | 22555889 | Universidad Complutense Madrid | 0.19 |